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January 31, 2008  |  I wonder what's on tonight?  |  2098 hit(s)

At one point in my commute I have to do a tricky maneuver that takes me from I-90 to I-405 across a couple of lanes and crossing with people trying to exit 405. It's sort of a mess, and you have to, you know, pay attention.

I was negotiating this left merge tonight and was frustrated by a guy in my left rear blind spot who wouldn't speed up, slow down, or change lanes. Just kinda hangin' there. He did finally get a move on and let me move over. As he passed, I glanced over at him, as one does.

Cell phone, right? Good guess, but no. The guy was watching TV. He had a tiny little monitor mounted on his driver-side dash -- about the size of one of those little GPS monitors -- angled toward him, with a little movie-looking thing going on it.

I passed him shortly thereafter, and got another glance, and no doubt about it -- he was watching a show (probably off his iPod). And of course he had a earpiece hanging down to get the audio. And he was laughing.

Dunno, this is a new one to me. Do people -- drivers -- now watch TV when they drive? Coz it's, like, so boring to commute. At least, until you plow into someone.

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Eric Lippert   31 Jan 08 - 10:06 PM

You should have taken a picture with your camera phone.

mike   31 Jan 08 - 10:10 PM
