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June 02, 2011  |  Blog feed fixed, oops  |  96720 hit(s)

Ok, I think the feed works now. (Well, feeds, including the comments feed.) Sheesh. There's all this stuff to re-set up when you move to a new IIS server, and one of those is the custom mapping for file name extensions. My feeds end in .rss, which is "elegant", but requires that IIS know what to do with that extension. I configured that on my own server over 5 years ago, and I do this about twice per decade, so I tend to forget that it needs to be done. Anyway, I remembered, finally, and was able to do some remote tweakage of IIS on the hosting site, so I think it's working.

Reminders. You can subscribe to the entire blog feed this way:


You can either get a truncated (2K/entry max) or full feed. The default is truncated. To get the full feed, do this:


If you want to subscribe to only a specific category, you can do this:


Examples of the latter:


The truncated/full thing works here too. For example:


I must note that the reason I started to suspect a problem was that I wasn't seeing accustomed levels of traffic. I pondered this problem off and on for a while and while I was doing something completely unrelated (isn't it always this way?), I had that aha! moment of realizing that it must be because the feeds were busted.

Anyway, hopefully the number of issues with the blog is gradually going down, dang.