Wednesday, 17 October 2007
03:48 PM
During vacation I ended up using the Web interface to Comcast's email system, which really highlighted (to me) that their idea of login security is a little off.[1]
When you log into email, you enter your credentials and there is, as usual, the "Remember me" option:

(Incidentally, the rounded corners on the box tell you that Comcast is hip and with it.)
Now, what does "Remember me" mean to you? Perhaps I have overly ambitious expectations for this, because I think it means that Comcast will, you know, remember my creds on this computer that I am already authenticated. That's what it means on Gmail. For example.
But no. Click yon [?] link for to find out what Comcast means by this:If you select the checkbox that says "Remember me on this computer," your account will remain accessible each time you visit the site; however, due to additional security, we will still ask you to confirm your password to access your account after you have closed your browser or after a period of inactivity. IOW, your login is good for this session. So Comcast is providing a convenient feature by which you don't have to log in again each and every time you look at your Inbox. Oh. Unless your session ends or times out, of course. Which essentially means that you log in every flippin' time you check your email. Am I the only one who thinks that this is aggravating? (Not even the Remember me setting is persisted, sheesh.)
Coming up soon, a rant on how it takes multiple clicks and four -- count 'em, four -- screens to get to your Inbox. (Comcast home, login, "message center", and then, finally, the stupid Inbox.)
Ok, then. That's off my chest.