Sunday, 6 March 2005
10:44 PM
Because my domain is about to expire (oops), I thought it was time to transfer it from to another registrar. Perhaps one that's not so expensive, for example. So I now have a pending transfer to They're, like, way cheaper than For the price of a basic one-year registration at, I get:- Two years' registration.
- Secured registration information -- WHOIS won't report my intimate personal details.
- A domain email address. So I can be
I'm assuming that GoDaddy is not some fly-by-night operation and that their low prices don't reflect a correspondingly low level of domain availability or whatever. At work, we have some sort of arrangement with them to host some WinISP accounts, which suggests at least a modicum of credibility. I hope. Besides, they're an ASP site.
Anyway, because I'm cutting it so close in renewing the domain name, it's feasible that the transfer will take long enough that it goes past the renewal date. I'm not sure what happens then. Grace period? My domain goes dark? Someone snatches the domain name?
If the blog vanishes later this week, that would be one possible explanation. I would say "I'll blog about the experience," but that would be kind of pointless, wouldn't it?
blog, technology