Preface Arrangement and Contractions Variations of Spelling Inflections Entries About
 A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  Þ  |  U  |  W   | Y 



ā , ō , always, ever; at all. ne … a never; not at all, not. ā on ecnesse, ā būton ende for ever and ever || , continuously: ā oþ all the way to … [āwa]. ^ā$

~brēmende ever-celebrating. ^ābrēmende$

~libbende everlasting. ^ālibbende$

~wunigende continual. ^āwunigende$

a-, ā- = æ̂-, on-. ^a-prefix$

aæþan = āīeþan. ^aæþan$

ab = ōwębb woof. ^ab$

abacan (a·bacan) 2 bake. ^abacan$

abǣdan (a·bǣdan) force out, extract (oil by pressure); force away, ward off (death); obtain by force, exact. ^abǣdan$

ābæligan = ābięlgan. ^ābæligan$

ābǣran (ā·bǣran) disclose, reveal. ^ābǣran$

abære = æ̂bæ̂re. ^abære$

abærnan burn = on-. ^abærnan$

abal = afol. ^abal$

abannan (a·bannan) I summon, command — ~ ūt call out (the militia); proclaim. ^abannan$

abarian (a·barian), ābor-, disclose, make public [bær]. ^abarian$

abbod abbot [ abbatem]. ^abbod$

~dom , ~had , ~rīce dignity rule of an abbot, abbacy. ^abboddom$

~isse abbess. ^abbodisse$

ābēatan (ā·bēatan) I beat to pieces; beat; beat down, make to fall. ^ābēatan$

ābēcēdē () alphabet. ^ābēcēdē$

ābedecian (ā·bedecian)*, ābeþ- get by begging asking. ^ābedecian$

ābelgan (ā·belgan) 3 anger, irritate, offend, injure — ābolgen wesan weorþan || be angry offended (with). ^ābelgan$

ābēodan (ā·bēodan) 7 announce, state | offer | command; summon — ūt~ call out (militia). | appoint (festival) | — hǣelo ~ wish good luck, greet, take leave of. ^ābēodan$

ābēowan (ā·bēowan) = ābīewan. ^ābēowan$

āberan (ā·ber|an) 4 carry with effort; endure, suffer; restrain oneself, (not) know what to do; take upon oneself, put up with | take away, remove | ūp~ raise, lift up | reveal, make known. ^āberan$

~endlic endurable. ^āberendlic$

ābęred (ā·bęred), -rd, cunning. ^ābęred$

āberstan (ā·berstan) 3 force one's way out; burst out, appear, ūt; escape fram. ^āberstan$

abeþecian = abed-. ^abeþecian$

ābīdan (ā·bīd|an) 6 remain; remain alive, be spared; remain behind | wait, wait patiently; wait for, await, expect; experience. ^ābīdan$

~ung waiting. ^ābidung$

ābiddan (ā·biddan) 5 æt (him) request, pray for | obtain (by prayer or request). ^ābiddan$

ābiegan (ā·bieg|an) bend ; subdue; convert. ^ābiegan$

~endlic flexible. ^ābiegendlic$

ābięlgan (ā·bięlgan)*, y, abæligan make angry, offend [belgan]. ^ābięlgan$

ābiernan (ā·biernan) 3 burn . ^ābiernan$

ābiewan (ā·biewan)*, ȳ, ēo rub, polish; purify; adorn. ^ābiewan$

ābifian (ā·bifian), eo tremble. ^ābifian$

ābītan (ā·bītan) 6 bite (to death) ; devour, eat ; taste, partake of. ^ābītan$

ābiterian (ā·biterian) become bitter. ^ābiterian$

āblācian (ā·blācian), ~od bēon become pale pallid. ^āblācian$

āblǣcan (ā·blǣc|an) make pale, whiten. ^āblǣcan$

~nes paleness, gloom = æ̂-. ^āblǣcnes$

~ung paleness, pallor. ^āblǣcung$

āblæ̂st (ā·blæ̂st) with strong blast ( flame). ^āblæst$

āblāwan (ā·blāwan) I blow (trumpet); breathe: God him on-ābleow gast. ^āblāwan$

āblęndan (ā·blęndan) blind; delude, deceive. ^āblęndan$

āblēred (ā·blēred) bare, uncovered (neck) [blēre]. ^āblēred$

āblīcan (ā·blīcan) 6 shine (forth), appear, be bright — ic bēo āblicen dealbabor. ^āblīcan$

āblinnan (a·blinn|an) 3 cease ; desist (from) fram. ^āblinnan$

~ednes, ~endnes cessation, interruption. ^ablinnednes$

āblissian (ā·blissian) make glad, please. ^āblissian$

āblycgan (ā·blycg|an) grow pale || strike with consternation, amaze, ~ed. ^āblycgan$

āblysian (ā·blys|ian) blush, be ashamed. ^āblysian$

~ung blushing, shame. ^āblysung$

ābolgennes (ā·bolgennes) irritation [ābelgan]. ^ābolgennes$

āborian = ābarian disclose. ^āborian$

āborgian (ā·borgian) be security for .; borrow æt. ^āborgian$

ābracian (ā·brac|ian) ~od engraved in relief. ^ābracian$

ābrǣdan (ā·brǣdan) dilate, stretch out. ^ābrǣdan$

ābraslian (ā·braslian) (re)sound. ^ābraslian$

ābrecan (ā·brecan) 4 break through down (wall); take (fortress); break (command) || force one's way (into), break away (from). ^ābrecan$

ābredwian (ā·bredwian) destroy, kill. ^ābredwian$

ābrēgan (ā·brēgan) terrify. ^ābrēgan$

ābregdan (ā·bregdan), -edan 3 move quickly, snatch, draw sword, ūp~ raise; ~ of, fram remove, take away || start up, awake. ^ābregdan$

ābrēmende, under ā. ^ābrēmende$

ābrēotan (ā·brēot|an) 7, -ēat, -ēot, -ēotte destroy. ^ābrēotan$

~nes extermination. ^ābrēotnes$

ābrēoþan (ā·brēoþan) 7, -uþon deteriorate ; prove untrustworthy, fail; hit ābrēaþ, hē ābrēaþ æt þære þearfe; perish, come to an end. -oþen degenerate, worthless || , -ēodde, destroy . ^ābrēoþan$

abrerdan = onbryrdan. ^abrerdan$

ābrīetan (ā·brīetan)*, ȳ, ēo destroy. ābrēotan. ^ābrīetan$

ābroþen (ā·broþen) ābrēoþan. ^ābroþen$

~nes degeneracy, cowardice. ^ābroþennes$

ābufan (ā·bufan) above . [ = onbufan]. ^ābufan$

ābūgan (ā·būgan) 7 bend, be bent ; bow down ; incline | turn (to from), withdraw | submit (to), do homage. ^ābūgan$

ābūtan = onbūtan. ^ābūtan$

ābycgan (ā·bycgan) buy ; requite ; redeem | perform (oath). ^ābycgan$

ābyffan (ā·byffan) mutter. ^ābyffan$

ābylg-, æ̂bylg-. ^ābylg$

ābysgian (ā·bysg|ian), i occupy, trouble, engross (the mind) : ~od on, mid || ~ on engage in, undertake. ^ābysgian$^ābisgian$

~ung occupation. ^ābysgung$

ac, ā, ah I. but ; and. II. numquid — ah-ne nonne. ^ac$

āc , , ǣc, āce, āc oak; † ship of oak || a. ^āc$

~bēam oak-tree. ^ācbēam$

~cynn kind of oak. ^āccynn$

~dręnc vi. drink made from acorns (?). ^ācdręnc$

~lēaf oak-leaf. ^āclēaf$

~melo acorn-meal. ^ācmelo$

~mistel oak mistletoe. ^ācmistel$

~rind oak-bark. ^ācrind$

~treow oak-tree. ^āctreow$

aclæc (ac-læc) = āg-lāc. ^aclæc$

acan 2 ache. ^acan$

ācǣglian (ā·cǣgl|ian) — ~od serrated (back). ^ācǣglian$

ācalan (ā·calan) 2 become cold. ^ācalan$

accent accent [ accentus]. ^accent$

ācealdian (ā·cealdian) become cold. ^ācealdian$

ācēlan (ā·cēlan) cool ; quiet. ^ācēlan$

ācelma, æ̂c-. ^ācelma$

ācen = ǣcen. ^ācen$

ācęnnan (ā·cęnn|an) bear (child) : hē wæs ~ed of hire; produce (result). ^ācęnnan$

~ed born, (his) own (child). ^ācęnned$

~edlic native Gl. ^ācęnnedlic$

~ednes, ācęnnes birth. ^ācęnnednes$

āceocian (ā·ceoc|ian), -coc- choke (to death) || burn itself out ( fire). ^āceocian$

~ung 'choking up,' ruminating. ^āceocung$

āceorfan (ā·ceorfan) 3 cut (off head, down tree). ^āceorfan$

ācēosan (ā·cēosan) 7 choose, pick out — acoren Gode chosen in the sight of (by) God. ^ācēosan$

ācīegan (ā·cīegan) call forth, summon. ^ācīegan$

ācięrran (ā·cięrr|an) turn ; turn aside || turn, go; return. ^ācięrran$

~ednes turning away, apostasy, revolt. ^ācięrrednes$

āclian terrify [ācol]. ^āclian$

āclǣnsian (ā·clǣnsian) purify fram. ^āclǣnsian$

āclēofan (ā·clēofan) 7 split. ^āclēofan$

āclingan (ā·clingan) 3 — aclungen contracted. ^āclingan$

āclipian (ā·clipian), eo call forth, summon. ^āclipian$

ācofrian (ā·cofrian) recover (from illness). ^ācofrian$

ācol, ā †, ~mōd terrified, excited. ^ācol$

ge~mōdian terrify, dispirit. ^geācolmōdian$

ācōlian (ā·cōlian) become cool cold. ^ācōlian$

acolitus light-bearer (in church) [. acolythus]. ^acolitus$

ācoren (ā·coren) ācēosan, chosen. ^ācoren$

~lic eligible, estimable. ^ācorenlic$

ācostnian (ā·costnian) try, test. ^ācostnian$

ācræftan (ā·cræftan) devise (plan). ^ācræftan$

ācrammian (ā·crammian) cram. ^ācrammian$

ācrēopian (ā·crēop|ian) creep, crawl — wyrmum ~ed swarming with worms. ^ācrēopian$

ācrimman (ā·crimman) 3 cram, stuff. ^ācrimman$

ācsian = āscian. ^ācsian$

ācuman (ā·cum|an) 4 come ; descend (from ancestor) : eal mancyn þe him of-ācōm || endure, withstand (temptation). ^ācuman$

~endlic endurable. ^ācumendlic$

~endlicnes possibility Gl. ^ācumendlicnes$

ācumba (ā-cumba) -e æ̂-, ācuma oakum, tow ; ashes of the same clippings, prunings [cęmban]. ^ācumba$

ācunnian (ā·cunnian) test, try, find out; experience: ~ on me selfum. ^ācunnian$

acustan accuse . ^acustan$

ācwacian (ā·cwacian) tremble. ^ācwacian$

ācwęccan (ā·cwęccan) shake . ^ācwęccan$

ācwęlan (ā·cwęlan) 4 die, perish. ^ācwęlan$

ācwęllan (ā·cwęllan) kill, destroy. ^ācwęllan$

ācwęncan (ā·cwęncan) extinguish (fire, light). ^ācwęncan$

ācweorna, ācwern squirrel. ^ācweorna$

ācweorran (ā·cweorran) 3 — ācworren surfeited, crapulatus. mętecweorra. ^ācweorran$

ācweþan (ā·cweþan) 5 say: ~ hine fram reject. ^ācweþan$

ācwician (ā·cwician), āc(w)ucian revive ., come to life again ( the dead). ^ācwician$^ācwucian$^ācucian$

ācwięlman (ā·cwięlman) kill. ^ācwięlman$

ācwīnan (ā·cwīnan) 6 dwindle, become extinct ( fire). ^ācwīnan$

ācwincan (ā·cwincan) 3 be extinguished ( fire, light); be eclipsed ( moon); vanish. ^ācwincan$

ācȳþan (ā·cȳþan) make known, show, reveal; proclaim, announce; prove, confirm. ^ācȳþan$

ād heap; funeral pile | fire, flame. ^ād$

~faru funeral procession. ^ādfaru$

~fȳr, -līeg pile-fire. ^ādfȳr$

~lama one crippled by fire, demon. ^ādlama$

ādǣlan (ā·dǣlan) separate, part. ^ādǣlan$

ādēadian (ā·dēadian) become dead torpid, decay. ^ādēadian$

ādēafian (ā·dēaf|ian) become deaf. ^ādēafian$

~ung becoming deaf. ^ādēafung$

adela (adel|a) putrid mud, filth. ^adela$

~iht muddy, filthy. ^adeliht$

~seaþ cesspool, sewer. ^adelseaþ$

ādelfan (ā·delfan) 3 dig (pit, grave). ^ādelfan$

ādēman (ā·dēman) decree: ~ hine fram deprive of || try, afflict. ^ādēman$

ādeorcian (ā·deorc|ian), ~od wesan become dim tarnished; be eclipsed ( moon). ^ādeorcian$

ades (ades|a) , ~e , ads- adze. ^ades$

ādīedan (ā·dīedan) put to death, destroy — ādīedd dead. ^ādīedan$

ādīefan (ā·dīefan) deafen, surpass in sound [dēaf]. ^ādīefan$

ādihtan (ā·dihtan) compose, write. ^ādihtan$

ādihtian (ā·dihtian) arrange, decree. ^ādihtian$

ādīlgian (ā·dīl(e)gian), ȳ destroy, do away with, annihilate, || erase. ^ādīlgian$^ādīlegian$

ādimmian (ā·dimm|ian), ~od wesan become dim; lose clearness of sight ( eyes). ^ādimmian$

ādl, āld disease. ^ādl$

~ig diseased, ill. ^ādlig$

~þracu † virulence of disease. ^ādlþracu$

~wērig † weary with illness. ^ādlwērig$

ādlian (ādl|ian) be sick, be ill, become infirm weak. geādlod sick (person). ^ādlian$

~ung illness. ^ādlung$

ādōn (ā·dōn) take away, send away || destroy || put : þanon ~ remove, ~ of expel, deliver. ^ādōn$

adrædan = ondræ̂dan. ^adrædan$

ādrǣfan (ā·drǣfan) drive away, expel. ^ādrǣfan$

ādragan (ā·dragan) 2 draw (sword). ^ādragan$

adreminte feverfew. ^adreminte$

ādręncan (ā·dręncan) drown, immerse. ^ādręncan$

ādrēogan (ā·drēog|an) 7 perform, practice ; pass (life, the night) | endure, suffer | tolerate, put up with. ^ādrēogan$

~endlic endurable. ^ādrēogendlic$

ādrēopan (ā·drēopan) 7 drip, drop. ^ādrēopan$

ādrēosan (ā·drēosan) 7 fall || be diminished, fail. ^ādrēosan$

ādrīegan (ā·drīegan) endure [drēogan]. ^ādrīegan$

ādrifan (ā·drifan) 6 drive away out, drive, — pursue ~ spor follow track ; ~ ford mid pilum stake ford with piles. ādrifen engraved, embossed. ^ādrifan$

ādrincan (ā·drincan) 3 be drowned ; be quenched by water ( fire). ^ādrincan$

ādrugian (ā·drugian), -ūwian dry up . ^ādrugian$

ādrȳgan (ā·drȳgan) cause to dry up (well, sea); wipe dry. ^ādrȳgan$

ādumbian (ā·dumbian) become silent, dumb. ^ādumbian$

adun- = ofdūn-. ^adun$

adustrigan = andūstrigan. ^adustrigan$

ādwǣscan (ā·dwǣscan) extinguish (fire, light) ; destroy (enemies). ^ādwǣscan$

ādwęllan (ā·dwęllan), -ęlian, -ealde lead into error, seduce (from God). ^ādwęllan$

ādwīnan (ā·dwīnan) 6 dwindle, waste away, disappear. ^ādwīnan$

ādysgian (ā·dysg|ian), ~od wesan become foolish. ^ādysgian$

ǣ, ǣw ǣ(we) divine law; scripture, book of the Bible ; religion ; rite, religious ceremony | human law — buton ǣ outlaw ; custom | marriage | wife | life † ǣw 'marriage.' ^ǣ$

~bebod commandment. ^ǣbebod$

~bōc book of the law. ^ǣbōc$

~boda preacher. ^ǣboda$

~bræ̂ce law-breaking ; adulterous. ^ǣbræce$

~breca, -y- adulterer. ^ǣbreca$

~brucol sacrilegious. ^ǣbrucol$

~bryce adultery. ^ǣbryce$

~cræft skill in law. ^ǣcræft$

~cræftig skilled in law. ^ǣcræftig$

~fæst pious | married. ^ǣfæst$

~fæstlīce piously. ^ǣfæstlīce$

~fæsten legal public fast. ^ǣfæsten$

~fæstnes piety ; religious creed, religion. ^ǣfæstnes$

~fręmmende pious. ^ǣfręmmende$

~fyllende pious. ^ǣfyllende$

~glēaw learned in the law. ^ǣglēaw$

~lǣdend lawgiver (!). ^ǣlǣdend$

~lǣrend teacher of the law. ^ǣlǣrend$

~lagol law-giving. ^ǣlagol$

~lic of the law, lawful. ^ǣlic$

~līce lawfully. ^ǣlīce$

~riht code of law. ^ǣriht$

~sęllend lawgiver. ^ǣsęllend$

~swice violation of God's law ; adultery (?). ^ǣswice$

~we-weard priest. ^ǣweweard$

~wita lawyer, councillor. ^ǣwita$

~wrītere law-giver. ^ǣwrītere$

āeargian (ā·eargian) become cowardly. ^āeargian$

æ̂bæ̂re (æ̂-bæ̂re), ā-, -ere notorious, openly known [āberan]. ^æbære$

āębbian (ā·ębbian) ebb away, recede from. ^āębbian$

æ̂blǣce (æ̂-blǣc|e) pale. ^æblǣce$

~nes, ā- pallor. ^æblǣcnes$

æbs, æps [ æps = æspe aspen] () fir-tree [ abies]. ^æbs$

æ̂bylgan, æ̂byligan (æ̂-byl(i)g|an), ā-, -il- make angry indignant ; offend. ^æbylgan$^æbyligan$^ābyligan$

~nes anger. ^æbylgnes$^æbylignes$

, ~þu, æ̂bylþ, abul(i)gþ anger ; offence, injury : Cristes ~ offence against C., þæt him tō ~e gedōn wæs that which had offended him. ^æbylgþ$^æbylþ$^æbulgþ$

ǣc see āc oak. ^ǣc$

æclæca (æc-læca) ag-. ^æclæca$

æ̂cambe (æ̂-cambe) oakum. ācumba, camb. ^æcambe$

æ̂celma (æ̂-celm|a), āc-, ecilma chilblain [ācalan]. ^æcelma$

~eht with chilblains. ^æcelmeht$

ǣcen, a- of oak [āc]. ^ǣcen$

æcer (cultivated) field | acre. ^æcer$

~ceorl farmer. ^æcerceorl$

~hęge field-hedge. ^æcerhęge$

~mann farmer. ^æcermann$

~sæ̂d seed for an acre (?). ^æcersæd$

~splott small field (?). ^æcersplott$

~spranca æcern. ^æcerspranca$

~teoþung tithe of the produce of the soil. ^æcerteoþung$

~tȳning fencing. ^æcertȳning$

æcern, -irn, æcren acorn. ^æcern$

~spranca*, æcer- ilex, oak sapling (?) Gl. ^æcernspranca$

æ̂cnōsle (æ̂-cnōsl|e) degenerate, not noble Gl. ^æcnōsle$

ge~iende degenerating Gl. ^geæcnōsliende$

æcumba = ācumba. ^æcumba$

æ̂cyrf (æ̂-cyrf) clippings, what is cut off [āceorfan]. ^æcyrf$

æ̂dre, æ̂ddre æ̂dran, æ̂dra, hēþir, ēþre vein — ǣdrum hrīnan, ǣdran hręþian feel the pulse ; nerve, sinew ; kidneys | spring (of water). ^ædre$

~seax, ǣdderseax lancet. ^ædreseax$

~weg artery, vein. ^ædreweg$

æ̂dre at once, forthwith | (know) fully, clearly †. ^ædre$^edre$

æ̂fen, æ̂fenn, . ēfern evening. ^æfen$

~gebed evening prayer service. ^æfengebed$^æfenbed$

~drēam even-song. ^æfendrēam$

~giefl supper. ^æfengiefl$

~glōm, ~glōma twilight. ^æfenglōm$

~gram † fierce in the evening. ^æfengram$

~lāc evening sacrifice. ^æfenlāc$

~lǣcan become evening. ^æfenlǣcan$

~leoht evening light. ^æfenleoht$

~leoþ evening song. ^æfenleoþ$

~līc of the evening. ^æfenlīc$

~lof lauds. ^æfenlof$

~męte supper. ^æfenmęte$

~ræding evening reading. ^æfenræding$

~gereord -u supper. ^æfengereord$^æfenreord$

~gereordian sup. ^æfengereordian$^æfenreordian$

~repsung nightfall. ^æfenrepsung$

~ręst † evening rest. ^æfenręst$

~sang evening song. ^æfensang$

~scima evening light. ^æfenscima$

~scop evening bard. ^æfenscop$

~spræ̂c speech of the evening before. ^æfenspræc$

~steorra evening star. ^æfensteorra$

~tīd ~tīma evening time. ^æfentīd$

~þegnung, ~þēn- (divine) evening service ; supper. ^æfenþegnung$

~þēowdōm (divine) evening service. ^æfenþēowdōm$

geæ̂fnian, geæ̂fenian become evening. ^geæfnian$

æ̂fnung evening. ^æfnung$

æfesn, ~e special pasturage (of swine) ; charge for pasturage | luxury, wantonness (?). ^æfesn$

æfest (æf(e)|st), æ †, envy, malice; zeal, rivalry [ēst]. ^æfest$^æfst$

~full envious. ^æfefull$^æffull$

~ian be envious. ^æfeian$^æfian$

~ig envious, jealous. ^æfeig$^æfig$

æfgielþ (æf-gielþ), -ælþ () superstition Gl. ^æfgielþ$

æfgrynde (æf-grynde) abyss. ^æfgrynde$

æ̂fielle (æ̂-fielle)*, æfelle peeled [fell]. ^æfielle$

æ̂fiermþa (æ̂-fiermþa)*, y sweepings, rubbish. ^æfiermþa$

æflast (æf-last) † swerving (?) . ^æflast$

æfnan, ę, perform, do, make (ready), carry out (commands) | cause, excite (anger) | endure, suffer. ^æfnan$^geæfnan$

ǣfre always : ne … ~ never | at any time || ever : eall þæt ~ betst wæs whatever was best; ~ 483;lc each. ^ǣfre$

æftan ~weard from behind, behind. ^æftan$

æftemest hindmost, last . ^æftemest$

æfter, y- I. behind, after | along, through, during | (dig a. gold, ask a.) | according to | in consequence of || ~ þǣm, ~ þon afterwards. ~ þǣm þe after. II. after(wards). III. ~ra, æft(e)ra following, next, second. ^æfter$

~boren posthumous. ^æfterboren$

~cweþan 5 speak afterwards ; repeat (what is said dictated). ^æftercweþan$

~cweþend posterity. ^æftercweþend$

~ealo small beer. ^æfterealo$

~folgere successor. ^æfterfolgere$

~folgian, ~fyl(i)gan succeed; pursue. ^æfterfolgian$^æfterfylgan$^æfterfyligan$

~fylgend successor. ^æfterfylgend$

~fylgung pursuit. ^æfterfylgung$

~gang succession. ^æftergang$

~genga successor; posthumous child. ^æftergenga$

~gęngel successor. ^æftergęngel$

~gengnes succession, extremity. ^æftergengnes$

~giėld additional payment. ^æftergiėld$

~hǣþe after-heat. ^æfterhǣþe$

~hyrgan, ~hyrigan (~hyr(i)gan)imitate. ^æfterhyrgan$^æfterhyrigan$

~ięld, ~ięldo (~ięld(o)) old age † ; future period. ^æfterięld$

~lēan reward ; retribution. ^æfterlēan$

~lic second GI. ^æfterlic$

~rāp, ~rǣpe crupper. ^æfterrāp$

~ryne encountering (!). ^æfterryne$

~sang matins. ^æftersang$

~singend succentor. ^æftersingend$

~sōna again ; afterwards. ^æftersōna$

~spræ̂c after-claim. ^æfterspræc$

~sprecan 5 claim. ^æftersprecan$

~spyrian follow ; inquire. ^æfterspyrian$

~weard following. ^æfterweard$

~weardnes posterity. ^æfterweardnes$

æfþanc (æf-þanc) (a) grudge, displeasure; insult. ^æfþanc$

æfweard (æf-weard) absent. ^æfweard$

~nes absence. ^æfweardnes$

æfwięrdelsa (æf-więrdelsa), æ̂wy- injury, loss. ^æfwięrdelsa$

æfwięrdla (æf-więrdla) injury, loss; fine for injury loss. ^æfwięrdla$

ǣg, ǣ ~ru, egg. ^ǣg$

~erfelma (~er-felma) film of an egg. ^ǣgerfelma$

~ergeolu (~er-geolu) yolk of egg. ^ǣgergeolu$

~līm white of egg. ^ǣglīm$

~(ge)mang egg-mixture. ^ǣggemang$^ǣgmang$

~scięll egg-shell. ^ǣgscięll$

~wyrt dandelion. ^ǣgwyrt$

ǣgflota (ǣg-flota) = īeg-. ^ǣgflota$

ǣglæca (ǣg-læca) &c., ag-. ^ǣglæca$

ǣgen = āgen. ^ǣgen$

ǣghwā (ǣg-hwā) each one, every one ; any one || -hwæt everything ; something or other, anything. -hwæs in every way, entirely. ^ǣghwā$

ǣghwǣr (ǣg-hwǣr), -ar, ǣgwern everywhere, in every direction; any where in every respect, in every way. ^ǣghwǣr$

ǣghwæþer, ǣgþer (ǣg-(hwæ)þer) each (of two or more), both : heora ǣg(hwær)þer ; on ǣþere healfe on both sides, ǣgþer … and, ǣgþer … ge … (ge) both … and … (and). ^ǣghwæþer$^ǣgþer$

ǣghwanon (ǣg-hwanon(e)) from all sides ; on all sides, everywhere. ^ǣghwanon$

ǣghwelc (ǣg-hwelc), i, y each (one), every (one); who-, what-soever. ~ ānra each. ~es in every way. ^ǣghwelc$

ǣghwider (ǣg-hwider) in every direction ; everywhere. ^ǣghwider$

æ̂gift (æ̂-gift) repayment. ^ægift$

æ̂gilde (æ̂-gilde), y without compensation, unatoned for ( man killed). ^ægilde$

ægfnan chaff. ^ægfnan$

ǣgþer = ǣghwǣr. ^ǣgþer$

æ̂gylt (æ̂-gylt) trespass, offence. ^ægylt$

æ̂gype (æ̂-gype) worthless, nugatory. ^ægype$

æhher = ēar ear of corn. ^æhher$

æ̂hīw (æ̂-hīw) ~nes want of colour, paleness. ^æhīw$

æ̂hīwe (æ̂-hīwe) pallid. ^æhīwe$

æ̂hliep (æ̂-hliep) violence, breach of peace LL. æthlīep. ^æhliep$

æht † hostility, strife. ^æht$

æhte pursuit, persecution. ^æhte$

æht = eaht. ^æht$

ǣht power, possession ; property. ^ǣht$

~boren born in serfdom. ^ǣhtboren$

~eland territory. ^ǣhteland$

~emann serf, farmer. ^ǣhtemann$

~eswān unfree herdsman. ^ǣhteswān$

~spēdig wealthy. ^ǣhtspēdig$

~gesteald possession. ^ǣhtgesteald$

~gestrēon possessions, riches. ^ǣhtgestrēon$

~geweald power, possession, ^ǣhtgeweald$

~wela wealth. ^ǣhtwela$

~welig wealthy. ^ǣhtwelig$

geǣhtan*, -ehte subdue. ^geǣhtan$

geæhtle esteem (?) [eahtian]. ^geæhtle$

æ̂l eel. ^æl$

~fisc eel. ^ælfisc$

~hyde eel-receptacle (?). ^ælhyde$

~nętt eel-net. ^ælnętt$

~epūta eel-pout, burbot. ^ælepūta$

ǣl = āwel awl. ^ǣl$

æl- 'all-' eall-. ^æl$

æl- = ęl-. ^æl$

ǣlan (ǣl|an), ǣ †, burn, burn up; kindle, light (lamp). ^ǣlan$

~ing burning ; ardour. ^ǣling$

æ̂læ̂te (æ̂-læ̂te) I. divorced woman. II. desert place [ālæ̂tan]. ^ælæte$

ælbeorht (æl-beorht) †, eall- all-bright, very bright. ^ælbeorht$

æ̂lc each, every, all ; any, būton : on anum bāte būton ǣlcum gereþrum. ~ …oþer the one … the other. ^ælc$

ælceald (æl-ceald) † very cold. ^ælceald$

ælcraftig (æl-craftig) † all-powerful. ^ælcraftig$

ǣlcuht, ǣlcwuht (ǣlc(w)uht) everything [ǣlc wiht]. ^ǣlcuht$^ǣlcwuht$

ǣled †, ǣldes, fire, firebrand. ^ǣled$

~lēoma gleam of fire, firebrand. ^ǣledlēoma$

æ̂lęnge (æ̂-lęng|e) tedious, tiresome [lang]. ^ælęnge$

~nes tediousness. ^ælęngnes$

ælf ięlfe fairy, elf, incubus. ^ælf$

~adl nightmare. ^ælfadl$

~cynn race of elves. ^ælfcynn$

~scīene † elf-sheen, beautiful as a fairy. ^ælfscīene$

~siden, ~sidenn nightmare. ^ælfsiden$

~sogoþa hiccup. ^ælfsogoþa$

~þone [o = a ō?] nightshade (plant). ^ælfþone$

ælfæle (æl-fæle) †, eal-felo dire (poison). ^ælfæle$

ælfaru (æl-faru) † host. ^ælfaru$

ælfen = ięlfen fairy. ^ælfen$

ælfremde (æl-frem(e)de), el- foreign ; free (from). ^ælfremde$^ælfremede$

ælfylce (æl-fylce) † foreign (hostile) army; foreign land. ^ælfylce$

ælgrēne (æl-grēne) † eall- all-green. ^ælgrēne$

ællyfta = endlyfta. ^ællyfta$

ælmesse (ælmes|se), -ysse alms [ eleemosyna]. ^ælmesse$

~bæþ gratuitous bath. ^ælmesbæþ$

~dæ̂d almsdeed. ^ælmesdæd$

~gedāl distribution of alms. ^ælmesgedāl$

~feoh, alms. ^ælmesfeoh$

~full charitable. ^ælmesfull$

~georn charitable. ^ælmesgeorn$

~giėfa giver of alms. ^ælmesgiėfa$

~giėfu almsgiving. ^ælmesgiėfu$

~hlāf dole of bread. ^ælmeshlāf$

~land land granted in frankalmoigne. ^ælmesland$

~leoht candle light given to church by layman. ^ælmesleoht$

~lic, -estlic charitable. ^ælmeslic$

~līce charitably. ^ælmeslīce$

~mann beggar. ^ælmesmann$

~pęning alms-penny. ^ælmespęning$

~riht right of receiving alms. ^ælmesriht$

~sęlena, ~sylena almsgiving. ^ælmessęlena$

~weorc almsgiving. ^ælmesweorc$

ælmidde (æl-midde) exact middle. ^ælmidde$

ælmierca (æl-mierca)*, y† Ethiopian. ^ælmierca$

ælmihtig (æl·mihtig), æll-, eal(l)-, al(l)-, -e(a)htig, -ahtig, -æhtig almighty ( God). ^ælmihtig$^ællmihtig$^almihtig$^allmihtig$^ealmihtig$^ælmahtig$^ealmahtig$

~nes omnipotence. ^ælmihtignes$

ælpig = ān-līepig. ^ælpig$

ælren of alder [alor]. ^ælren$

æltǣwe (æl-tǣwe), -tēowe, -towe, perfect; in sound health ; excellent, good; true ; famous. ^æltǣwe$

æ̂melle (æ̂-mel|le) insipid. ^æmelle$

~nes tedium, weariness, sloth. ^æmelnes$

æ̂męn (æ̂-męn(ne)) depopulated, desert [mann]. ^æmęn$^æmęnne$

æ̂merge, ǣmyrie embers, ashes. ^æmerge$^æmyrie$

æmette (æmet|te), ~e ant. ^æmette$

~hyll ant-hill. ^æmethyll$

æ̂mette (æ̂met|te), æ̂m(e)te, ēmōte æ̂mta leisure, want of occupation [mōt, gemōt]. ^æmette$^æmtte$^ēmōte$

~hwīl. leisure time. ^æmethwīl$

~tig, æ̂m(e)tig at leisure, free from (occupation) fram; deprived of, without; empty. ^æmettig$^æmetig$^æmtig$

æ̂mettigian, æ̂m(e)t(ig)ian, -gan be at leisure fram keep oneself free : hū hīe hīe ge~ scoldon oþerra weorca ; ǣmtigaþ ēow tō rǣdinge! ^æmettigian$

æ̂mōd (æ̂-mōd) out of heart, dismayed. ^æmōd$

æmte = æ̂mette. ^æmte$

æ̂mynde (æ̂-mynde)*, -i- forgetfulness. ^æmynde$

æn- = ān-. ^æn$

ǣne, āne once ; one time, once (in multiplication) : ~ seofon beoþ seofon || ~siþa once. ^ǣne$

ænet = ān-. ^ænet$

ænetre = enitre, ān-wintre. ^ænetre$

ǣnig, -iht any(one) — ~e þinga somehow, anyhow. ^ǣnig$

æniht = āwiht. ^æniht$

ǣnlic (ǣn|lic) single, only (son) ; unique, incomparable, excellent ; beautiful ; of high rank. ^ǣnlic$

~līce splendidly. ^ǣnlīce$

ænne, an. ^ænne$

æ̂note (æ̂-note) useless. ^ænote$

æppel, a-, -p(p)la(s), apple, fruit ; ball ; eye-ball. ^æppel$

~bæ̂re apple-bearing. ^æppelbære$

~bearo orchard. ^æppelbearo$

~cyrnel pip; pomegranate (!). ^æppelcyrnel$

~fæt apple-vessel Gl. ^æppelfæt$

~fealo reddish yellow. ^æppelfealo$

~hūs apple-storehouse. ^æppelhūs$

~lēaf violet. ^æppellēaf$

~scala core of apple. ^æppelscala$

~scrēada apple-parings. ^æppelscrēada$

~trēow apple-tree. ^æppeltrēow$

~tūn orchard. ^æppeltūn$

~þorn crab-apple. ^æppelþorn$

~wīn cider. ^æppelwīn$

æpplede † hall-shaped, embossed. ^æpplede$

æps = æsp. ^æps$

æps = æbs fir-tree. ^æps$

ǣr = ār brass. ^ǣr$

ǣr ǣrra, ǣrest, (on) ǣrne-morgen ( ǣr-morgen). ^ǣr$

ǣr formerly; previously, before; already — ǣr oþþe æfter sooner or later ; ǣr and sīþ always ; ne ǣr ne siþþan never ; swā wē ǣr (above) cwǣdon; on ǣr before-hand, previously ; : ǣr brohte had brought. || ǣr, ār soon : tō ǣr too soon ; swā ǣr swā as soon as ; sǣles bīdeþ hwonne ǣr hēo … cȳþan mōte how soon, when. ^ǣr$

ǣror (ǣr|or) formerly; previously, beforehand. ^ǣror$

~est, ǣst, ārest first (in time order), for the first time, at first. ^ǣrest$

ǣr before : cwǣdon þæt Crīst nǣre ǣr hē ācenned wæs of Marian ; ǣr, ǣrest () … ǣr () : hine hæfde ǣr Offa afliemed … ǣr hē cyning wǣre ; þū meaht ǣlcne unþēaw on þǣm menn ǣrest be sumum tācnum ongietan … ǣr hē hit mid wordum cȳþe. ^ǣr$

ǣr before (in time). ~ þǣm ( ~ þām) , þon ( þan) before that (time) formerly; before. ~ þǣm þe &c before. ^ǣr$

~adl early disease. ^ǣradl$

~æ̂t feasting early. ^ǣræt$

~boren † first-born. ^ǣrboren$

~cwide † in. prophecy. ^ǣrcwide$

~dæ̂d former deed. ^ǣrdæd$

~dæg early part of day ; former days, ancient times. ^ǣrdæg$

~dēaþ early death. ^ǣrdēaþ$

~gedōn done before. ^ǣrgedōn$^ǣrdōn$

~fæder forefather. ^ǣrfæder$

~gōd † good of old (?). ^ǣrgōd$

~ięldo former age. ^ǣrięldo$

~līce early. ^ǣrlīce$

~morgen ~nemorgen, -me-, -ma- early morning [ ǣr ] ^ǣrmorgen$

~morgenlic ~nemorgenlic matutinal. ^ǣrmorgenlic$

~genęmned above-mentioned. ^ǣrgenęmned$

~gesǣd above-mentioned. ^ǣrgesǣd$

~sceaft piece of antiquity. ^ǣrsceaft$

~gestrēon ancient treasure. ^ǣrgestrēon$

~wacol early awake. ^ǣrwacol$

~wela ancient wealth. ^ǣrwela$

~geweorc ancient work (sword). ^ǣrgeweorc$

~gewinn former war trouble. ^ǣrgewinn$

~woruld primeval world. ^ǣrworuld$

~gewyrht former deserts. ^ǣrgewyrht$

ǣra scraper, strigil [ār]. ^ǣra$

ærce, a-, ę- archiepiscopal pallium [ archi-]. ^ærce$

~biscop archbishop. ^ærcebiscop$

~biscopdōm, ~biscop-dōm ~rīce archbishopric. ^ærcebiscopdōm$

~biscopstōl, ~biscop-stōl archiepiscopal see. ^ærcebiscopstōl$

~diacon, archi- archdeacon. ^ærcediacon$

~hād episcopal dignity. ^ærcehād$

~rīce archbishopric. ^ærcerīce$

~stōl archbishopric. ^ærcestōl$

ǣren of brass [ār]. ^ǣren$

ǣrende (ǣrend|e) errand, message, tidings. ^ǣrende$

~bōc written message, letter. ^ǣrendbōc$

~fæst bound on errand. ^ǣrendfæst$

~gāst angel. ^ǣrendgāst$

~raca, ~draca, ~wraca, ~wre(o)ca messenger, ambassador, (angel, apostle). ^ǣrendraca$

~scip ship, boat Gl. ^ǣrendscip$

~sęcg messenger. ^ǣrendsęcg$

~spræ̂c message. ^ǣrendspræc$

~wreca, ~raca. ^ǣrendwreca$

~gewrit letter. ^ǣrendgewrit$

ǣrendian (ǣrend|ian), ge~, carry message, go on errands : ~ him þæt undertake that commission for him ; negotiate, enter into treaty for : ~ his hlāforde wifes ; intercede, use one's influence with: ~ tō Gode ymb … ; ~ him þæt hē forgēafe … . ^ǣrendian$

~ung errand ; commission, mandate. ^ǣrendung$

ǣrendra messenger; representative, proxy. ^ǣrendra$

ærig-, earh arrow. ^ærig$

ǣring dawn [ǣr]. ^ǣring$

æ̂rist, -est resurrection ; origin ; pedigree [ārīsan]. ^ærist$

ærn house [ ræu- : męte- ]. ^ærn$

~þegn *, rendegn house-officer. ^ærnþegn$

ærnan (ærn|an) ride (fast), gallop; ride race [causative of iernan]. ^ærnan$

~eweg road fit to ride on ; race-course. ^ærneweg$

~ing riding, racing. ^ærning$

geærnan gallop, ride || reach by riding, gallop up to. ^geærnan$

ǣror ǣrra. ^ǣror$

ǣrra former, earlier, old (times, wars). ǣror before, formerly || ǣrest first (in time) : æt ~an in the first place (in enumerating). ^ǣrra$

æ̂s carrion, food. ^æs$

æsc ash-tree; spear †; boat, Scandinavian war-ship ; æ. ^æsc$

~berend †, ~bora spear-bearer, warrior. ^æscberend$

~berende spear-bearing. ^æscberende$

~hęre ship-band, (Danish) army. ^æschęre$

~holt spear. ^æscholt$

~mann (Danish) pirate. ^æscmann$

~plega spear-play, battle. ^æscplega$

~rind ash-bark. ^æscrind$

~rōf † warlike, illustrious. ^æscrōf$

~stęde battle-place. ^æscstęde$

~tīr glory in war. ^æsctīr$

~þracu spear-violence, battle. ^æscþracu$

~þrote, -u vervain (?). ^æscþrote$

~wiga warrior. ^æscwiga$

~wlanc warlike. ^æscwlanc$

~wyrt vervain (?). ^æscwyrt$

æsc = æx axe. ^æsc$

æsce (æsc|e) = asce ashes. ^æsce$

~fealu ashy-coloured. ^æscfealu$

~græ̂g ashy gray. ^æscgræg$

ǣsce (ǣsc|e) inquiry, questioning; search, investigation [āscian]. ^ǣsce$

~an demand (legally). ^ǣscan$

æ̂sceare (æ̂-sceare), a-, -æ̂re unshorn, with untrimmed hair [scieran]. ^æsceare$

æ̂sceda (æ̂-sceda) (?) refuse (?) Gl. [āscādan]. ^æsceda$

æscen I. , () wooden vessel, bucket, cup. II. of ash. ^æscen$

æ̂smogu (æ̂-smogu) slough, cast-off skin (of snake) [āsmūgan]. ^æsmogu$

æspe (æsp|e), L. æps aspen, white poplar. ^æspe$

~en of aspen. ^æspen$

~rind bark of aspen. ^æsprind$

æ̂sprynge (æ̂-sprynge), -inge source (of running water) ; starting-point, origin; spring (of water), fountain [āspringan]. ^æsprynge$

ǣst = ǣrest. ^ǣst$

æstel book-mark [. (h)astula]. ^æstel$

æ̂swic (æ̂-swic) () scandalum, stumbling-block, offence ; sedition ; deceit, seduction ; crime. ^æswic$

æ̂swician (æ̂-swic|ian) scandalizare, become an offence ; offend ; betray ; become an apostate. ^æswician$

~end offender ; hypocrite ; traitor. ^æswicend$

~ung offence, stumbling-block ; deceit ; sedition. ^æswicung$

æ̂swica (æ̂-swica) offender ; deceiver ; hypocrite ; traitor, deserter. ^æswica$

æ̂swicce (æ̂-swicce) apostate, rebellious. ^æswicce$

æ̂swind (æ̂-swind) inert [āswindan]. ^æswind$

æt, ot, at þā æt nēxtan thereupon, then || : in þǣre stōwe þe is genęmned æt Searobyrg, is called Salisbury | to || source, origin : geleornian æt | , from : āniman æt | : onfēng hine æt fulwihte | : āgeþe þēr-æt … | : wearþ ācweald æt his witena handum. ^æt$

æ̂t food ; eating [etan]. ^æt$

~giėfa †* feeder. ^ætgiėfa$

~wela abundance of food. ^ætwela$

āetan (ā·etan) 5 eat up, devour. ^āetan$

ætberan (æt·beran) 4 carry, carry off; bring, show. ^ætberan$

ætberstan (æt·berstan) 3 break away, escape, þanon. ^ætberstan$

ætbregdan (æt·bregd|an), -ēdan 3 take away, deprive, release : hē ætbrǣd hine () lustum. ^ætbregdan$

~endlic ablative (case). ^ætbregdendlic$

ætclifian (æt·clifian) adhere. ^ætclifian$

ætclīþan (æt·clīþan) adhere. ^ætclīþan$

ætdēman (æt·dēman) refuse. ^ætdēman$

ætdōn (æt·dōn) take away, deprive . ^ætdōn$

ætealdod (æt·ealdod) too old (for) . ^ætealdod$

ætęglan (æt·ęglan) molest. ^ætęglan$

ætfæstan (æt·fæstan) inflict ; impart, endow with ; join (in marriage), commit, entrust. ^ætfæstan$

ætfeallan (æt·feallan) I fall out (of chariot) ; fall away, deteriorate ; be deducted (from sum paid). ^ætfeallan$

ætfele (æt-fele) () adhesion. ^ætfele$

ætfęng (æt-fęng) taking possession of, reclaiming (cattle). ^ætfęng$

ætfeohtan (æt·feohtan) † 3 : ~ folmum grope. ^ætfeohtan$

ætfēolan (æt·fēolan), -fealh 3 adhere; apply oneself to, continue in. ^ætfēolan$^ætfealh$

ætfęrian (æt·fęrian) carry away . ^ætfęrian$

ætflēon (æt·flēon) 7 escape. ^ætflēon$

ætflōwan (æt-flōwan) I. be abundant (!). ^ætflōwan$

ætforan (æt·foran) I. before, in the presence of II. beforehand (time). ^ætforan$

ætgædre, ætgædere (æt·gæd(e)re) together: at the same time [gadrian]. ^ætgædre$^ætgædere$

ætgǣre (æt-gǣre), -āre , -gār javelin. ^ætgǣre$

ætgiėfan (æt·giėfan) 5 give . ^ætgiėfan$

ætgrǣpe (æt·grǣpe) † seizing, aggressive. ^ætgrǣpe$

æthabban (æt·habban) retain, withhold. ^æthabban$

æthębban (æt·hębban) 2 take away, withhold — separate oneself from, exalt oneself above fram. ^æthębban$

æthindan (æt·hindan) behind, after. ^æthindan$

æthlēapan (æt·hlēapan) I run away, escape. ^æthlēapan$

æthlīep (æt·hlīep) assault. ^æthlīep$

æthrīnan (æt·hrīnan) 6 touch . ^æthrīnan$

æthrine (æt-hrine) touch. ^æthrine$

æthwā (æt-hwā) every one, each. ^æthwā$

æthweg (æt-hweg(u)) -a somewhat, a little ; how. ^æthweg$^æthwegu$

æthweorfan (æt·hweorfan) 3 (re)turn, go. ^æthweorfan$

æthwōn (æt-hwōn) almost. ^æthwōn$

ætīecan (æt·īec|an), ot- add to, increase. ^ætīecan$

~nes increase. ^ætīecnes$

ætiernan (æt·iernan) 3 run away. ^ætiernan$

ætīewan (æt·īew|an); -ēowan ; -ēowian ; -eawan ; otēawan ; at- show, display, reveal; appear || appear. ^ætīewan$

~nes, ~ednes appearance; manifestation, revelation. ^ætīewnes$

~ung showing, manifestation, Epiphany. ^ætīewung$

ætlǣdan (æt·lǣdan) lead away, take away. ^ætlǣdan$

ætlic eatable Gl. æ̂- or e- (?). ^ætlic$

ætlicgan (æt·licgan) 5 lie useless. ^ætlicgan$

ætlimpan (æt-limpan) 3 disappear, escape (from); become an apostate (from God). ^ætlimpan$

ætlūtian (æt·lūtian) lie hid; hide from. ^ætlūtian$

ætnes edibility (?) Gl. ætlic. ^ætnes$

ætniman (æt·niman) 4 take away, deprive . ^ætniman$

ætręccan (æt·ręccan) declare forfeited. ^ætręccan$

geǣtred, geǣttred, -od poisoned, poisonous. ^geǣtred$

ǣtren, geǣtren, geǣttren, poisonous, poisoned. ^ǣtren$

~mōd † venomous in mind. ^ǣtrenmōd$

ǣtran, ǣttran (ǣ(t)tr|an), -ian poison. ^ǣtran$^ǣttran$

ǣtrig poisonous. ^ǣtrig$

ætrihte (æt-rihte), y, e I. near (in place and time). II. nearly, almost. ^ætrihte$

ætsacan (æt·sacan) 2 deny. ^ætsacan$

ætsamne (æt·samne) together. ^ætsamne$

ætscūfan (æt·scūfan) 7 push away. ^ætscūfan$

ætsittan (æt·sittan) 5 stay, wait. ^ætsittan$

ætslīdan (æt·slīdan) 6 slip, glide. ^ætslīdan$

ætspornan (æt·sporn|an), u 3 stumble, knock against æt rebel. ^ætspornan$

~ung stumbling, misfortune. ^ætspornung$

ætspringan (æt·springan) 3 spring out, flow out. ^ætspringan$

ætsprungnes, ætsprungennes (æt·sprung(en)nes) failing [ætspringan]. ^ætsprungnes$^ætsprungennes$

ætstandan (æt·stand|an) 2 stand (still) ; be present; cease — ~en stopped ( urine, veins). ^ætstandan$

ætstandende (æt-standende) standing by. ^ætstandende$

ætsteall (æt-steall) † place (?); help (?). ^ætsteall$

ætstillan (æt·stillan) still, calm. ^ætstillan$

ætswęrian (æt·swęrian) 2 deny with oath. ^ætswęrian$

ætswīgan (æt·swīgan) become silent ; keep silence about, not speak of be. ^ætswīgan$

ætswimman (æt·swimman) 3 swim away, escape by swimming. ^ætswimman$

ætswingan (æt·swingan) 3 deprive. ^ætswingan$

ǣttren =ǣtren. ^ǣttren$

ætþringan (æt·þringan) 3 force out, deprive . ^ætþringan$

ætweaxan (æt·weaxan) I increase. ^ætweaxan$

ætwegan (æt·wegan) 5 take away, carry off. ^ætwegan$

ætwęnian (æt·węnian) wean from (evil). ^ætwęnian$

ætwesende (æt-wesende) at hand. ^ætwesende$

ætwindan (æt·windan) 3 escape; fly away. ^ætwindan$

ætwist (æt-wist) presence; (?) sustinence, food [ edwist]. ^ætwist$

ætwītan (æt·wītan) 6 reproach with. ^ætwītan$

ætwręncan (æt·wręncan) deprive by fraud. ^ætwręncan$

æ̂þian breathe || breathe, blow, inspire. ^æþian$

geǣþed sworn (witness) [āþ]. ^geǣþed$

geæþelian ennoble, make renowned. ^geæþelian$

æþele (æþel|e) noble (by birth or character); vigorous (plants); good (in character); valuable, of high price; pleasant ( odours). ^æþele$

~boren of noble birth; freeborn. ^æþelboren$

~borennes nobility of birth. ^æþelborennes$

~cund of noble origin. ^æþelcund$

~cundnes nobility of origin. ^æþelcundnes$

~cyning king (Christ). ^æþelcyning$

~duguþ retinue. ^æþelduguþ$

~ferþingwyrt, -fyrding- a plant. ^æþelferþingwyrt$

~nes nobility. ^æþelnes$

~stęnc sweet odour. ^æþelstęnc$

~tungol noble star. ^æþeltungol$

geæþele inborn, natural (to), suitable. ^geæþele$

æþeling king's son, heir apparent ; nobleman; † hero, man. ^æþeling$

æþelic, æþellic noble, excellent. ^æþelic$

æþellīce nobly, excellently. ^æþellīce$

æþelu origin, lineage ; nobility, excellence; produce, growth (of the earth). ^æþelu$

æ̂þm breathing, breath; vapour; blast (of fire). ^æþm$

~ian give out vapour. ^æþmian$

æ̂þriet (æ̂-þriet)*, troublesome, tedious [āþrēotan] ^æþriet$

~nes tedium. ^æþrietnes$

æ̂þrot (æ̂-þrot) disgust, weariness [āþrēotan]. ^æþrot$

~sum*, ā- irksome. ^æþrotsum$

æw = ǣ law. ^æw$

ǣwan cotemn, scorn. ^ǣwan$

æ̂wæ̂de (æ̂-wæ̂de) without clothes. ^æwæde$

ǣwda, ~mann witness. ^ǣwda$

ǣw, ǣwe lawful (wife); (brother) of the same marriage [ǣ]. ^ǣw$

ǣwen related by marriage, (brother) of the same marriage [ǣ]. ^ǣwen$

æ̂wēne (æ̂-wēne) hopelessness, uncertain, doubtful. ^æwēne$

æ̂więlm (æ̂-więlm) source (of river), spring, fountain: origin [āweallan]. ^æwięlm$

æwierdelsa = æf-. ^æwierdelsa=$

ǣwisfirina (ǣwis-firina), ē(a) notorious sinner, publicanus. ǣwisc-. ^ǣwisfirina$

ǣwisc, ~e I. disgrace, offence, scandalum. II. disgraced, abashed ; indecent. ^ǣwisc$

~berende shameful. ^ǣwiscberende$

~firenend*, a- public sinner Gl. ^ǣwiscfirenend$

~lic shameful. ^ǣwisclic$

~mōd abashed. ^ǣwiscmōd$

~nes disgrace, sense of shame; shamelessness — (?) on ~se in propatulo, publicly; reverence. ^ǣwiscnes$

ǣwnian (ǣwn|ian) marry [ǣ]. ^ǣwnian$

~ung wedlock. ^ǣwnung$

ǣwumboren (ǣwum-boren) legitimate (child) [ǣ]. ^ǣwumboren$

ǣwungon ~e openly Gl. ēawunga. ^ǣwung$

æ̂wyrp (æ̂-wyrp) throwing-away, rejection; what is rejected [āweorpan]. ^æwyrp$

æ̂x, æcus, acus, æces, æsc, eax axe. ^æx$

āfǣgan (ā·fǣgan) draw, depict [fāg]. ^āfǣgan$

āfǣgrian (ā·fǣgrian) make beautiful ; embroider. āfǣgan (?). ^āfǣgrian$

āfǣman (ā·fǣman) foam out, breathe out. ^āfǣman$

āfæ̂ran (ā·fæ̂ran) terrify. ^āfæran$

āfǣstan (ā·fǣstan) fast, perform (fast). ^āfǣstan$

āfæstlā (ā-fæst-lā) . ^āfæstlā$

āfæstnian, āfæstenian (ā·fæst(e)nian) make firm, confirm ; fix (eyes on); build; write; affix, add (in writing). ^āfæstnian$^āfæstenian$

āfandian (ā·fand|ian) test, try; experience. ^āfandian$

~igendlic, ~odlic capable of being tested, probabilis. ^āfandigendlic$

~ung trial. ^āfandung$

āfaran (ā·faran) 2 go out, depart. ^āfaran$

āfeallan (ā·feallan) I fall down ; fall (in battle) ; fall off, decline, decay. ^āfeallan$

āfēdan (ā·fēdan) nourish, feed; maintain, support ; rear, bring up; bring forth, produce. ^āfēdan$

āfeohtan (ā·feohtan) 3 attack, assail; pluck out. ^āfeohtan$

āfeormian (ā·feorm|ian) clean(se), remove (pimples), purge (stomach); purify (spiritually). ^āfeormian$

~ung clean(s)ing, purging. ^āfeormung$

afeorran = āfierran. ^afeorran$

āfeorsian (ā·feorsian), -ie, y remove, expel ; depart. ^āfeorsian$

āfęrian (ā·fęrian) carry away, remove. ^āfęrian$

āferscian (ā·ferscian) become fresh ( water). ^āferscian$

āfięllan (ā·fięllan) fell (tree) ; kill ; subvert, abolish. ^āfięllan$

āfierran (ā·fierran), eo remove, deprive fram. ^āfierran$

āfigen (ā·figen) fried Gl. ^āfigen$

afindan = onfindan. ^afindan$

āflēan (ā·flēan) 2 strip off (piece of skin). ^āflēan$

āflēon (ā·flēon) 7 flee ; escape. ^āflēon$

āflēogan (ā·flēogan) 7 fly — biþ āflogen tō is addicted to. ^āflēogan$

āflīegan (ā·flīegan) put to flight; expel (fever, devils). ^āflīegan$

āflīeman (ā·flīeman) put to flight ; expel ; banish. ^āflīeman$

āflōwan (ā·flōwan) I flow. ^āflōwan$

afogian = āwōgian. ^afogian$

afol †, abal strength, might. ^afol$

afon = onfōn. ^afon$

āfor, a, harsh (to taste) ; † fierce, vehement. ^āfor$

afora = eafora. ^afora$

āforhtian (ā·forhtian) be afraid. ^āforhtian$

āfrēfran, āfrēfrian (ā·frēfr(i)an) comfort, console. ^āfrēfran$^āfrēfrian$

āfręmdan (ā·fręmd|an), -ęmþan alienate. ^āfręmdan$

~ung alienation. ^āfręmdung$

āfreoþan (ā·freoþan) 7 froth. ^āfreoþan$

āfūlian (ā·fūlian) become foul impure, decay. ^āfūlian$

āfȳlan (ā·fȳlan) foul ; defile. ^āfȳlan$

āfyllan (ā·fyllan) fill ; satisfy (desires) ; complete. ^āfyllan$

āfȳran (ā·fȳran) deprive ; castrate. ^āfȳran$

āfyrhtan (ā·fyrhtan) — āfyrht afraid. ^āfyrhtan$

āfȳsan (ā·fȳsan) make to hasten, drive on away; incite, impel (mind). ^āfȳsan$

āglāc (āg-lāc), ǣg-, -ǣc I. † misery, torment. II. sagacious (?). ^āglāc$

~cræft evil art. ^āglāccræft$

~hād misery. ^āglāchād$

~wīf wretched, monstrous woman. ^āglācwīf$

āglǣca (āg-lǣca) (āg-lǣca) †, āh-, ǣg- wretch, monster ; warrior, hero. ^āglǣca$

āgan (ā·gan) come forth, appear ; pass ( time) ; happen ; grow. ^āgan$

āgǣlan (ā·gǣl|an) hinder, frustrate ; neglect — ~ed neglectful, remiss | engross, occupy : eall þæt folc wearþ mid him ānum āgǣled (in trying to capture him). ^āgǣlan$

āgǣlwan (ā·gǣlwan) astonish, alarm. ^āgǣlwan$

āgalan (ā·galan) 2 sound ; sing. ^āgalan$

āgālian (ā·gāl|ian) — ~od remiss, neglectful. ^āgālian$

āgānian (ā·gānian) yawn. ^āgānian$

āgen, ǣ- I. own. II. (own) property; own country [āh]. ^āgen$

~nama proper name (in grammar). ^āgennama$

~nes possession, property. ^āgennes$

~slaga suicide. ^āgenslaga$

~spræ̂c idiom. ^āgenspræc$

agen = ongēan. ^agen$

āgend possessor; the Lord [āh]. ^āgend$

~frēa, āgenf-, -frēo, -frig(e)a, -frīg, -frēan, -frēo, owner, master, mistress. ^āgendfrēa$

~līce as one's own, imperiously ; accurately, properly. ^āgendlīce$

āgeolwian (ā·geolwian) become yellow. ^āgeolwian$

āgēomerian (ā·gēomerian) mourn, grieve. ^āgēomerian$

āgēotan (ā·gēotan) 7 pour out, shed (blood) ; melt, found (metal images) ; destroy ; deprive || flow out. ^āgēotan$

āgiėfan (ā·giėfan) 5 give, render, give up ; restore, repay. ^āgiėfan$^āgīfan$

āgiėldan (ā·giėldan) 3 pay, requite, render (account, retribution), repay, offer (sacrifice) ; make possible, allow — þā mē sǣl āgeald, when I had an opportunity. ^āgiėldan$

āgielpan (ā·gielpan) 3 exult in . ^āgielpan$

āgiemelēasian (ā·giemelēasian) neglect. ^āgiemelēasian$

āgiėtan (ā·giėt|an) 5, ~ed, destroy. ^āgiėtan$

āgiėta (ā·giėta) waster, prodigal. ^āgiėta$

agift = ǣgift. ^agift$

āgimmed (ā·gimmed) gemmed, set with jewels. ^āgimmed$

aginnan = onginnan. ^aginnan$

agita = āgīeta. ^agita$

āgleddian (ā·gleddian) moisten. ^āgleddian$

āglidan (ā·glidan) 6 glide, slip, stumble. ^āglidan$

āgnian (āgn|ian) possess ; claim (possession) ; take possession, appropriate, adopt; handover. ^āgnian$

~iend possessor. ^āgniend$

~iendlic, ge- possessive (in grammar). ^āgniendlic$

~ung possession ; claim. ^āgnung$

āgnettan appropriate [āgen]. ^āgnettan$

āgnīdan (ā·gnīdan) 6 rub (off) — āgniden threadbare. ^āgnīdan$

āgniden, āgnidenn (ā·gniden(n)) rubbing Gl. ^āgniden$^āgnidenn$

āgotennes (ā·gotennes) shedding (of blood) [āgēotan]. ^āgotennes$

āgrafan (ā·graf|an) 2 engrave, inscribe, sculpture. ^āgrafan$

~enlic sculptured, graven. ^āgrafenlic$

āgrāpian (ā·grāpian) grasp. ^āgrāpian$

āgrisan (ā·grisan), ȳ shudder, fear : ~ for hęlle. ^āgrisan$

āgrōwan (ā·grōwan) I : ~en mid overgrown, covered with. ^āgrōwan$

āgryndan (ā·gryndan) descend [grund]. ^āgryndan$

agrysan = āgrisan. ^agrysan$

agu magpie. ^agu$

āgyltan (ā·gyltan) be guilty, incur guilt, trespass wiþ. ^āgyltan$

ah = ac. ^ah$

āh. āhte, āgan possess, have, get possession of; ought: nāh hē þæt tō dōnne. ^āh$

āhabban (ā·habban) restrain ; abstain fram. ^āhabban$

āhaccian (ā·haccian) pick out. ^āhaccian$

āhafen (ā·hafen), æ āhębban. ^āhafen$

~nes elevation, rising (of the sea) ; pride. ^āhafennes$

āhātian (ā·hātian) become hot. ^āhātian$

āheardian (ā·heardian) become hard, firm ; become hardy, inured ; be insisted upon, be maintained. ^āheardian$

āhēawan (ā·hēawan) I cut, excavate, cut down (tree), cut wood into planks. ^āhēawan$

āhębban (ā·hębban) 2 lift up, raise ; extol, praise; exalt (thoughts), be presumptuous ; āhafen leavened, raised ( bread). ^āhębban$

ahebbian = āebbian. ^ahebbian$

āhęfigian (ā·hęfigian) make heavy, weigh down ; make sad. ^āhęfigian$

āhelpan (ā·helpan) 3 help. ^āhelpan$

āheolorian (ā·heolorian) weigh, consider. ^āheolorian$

āheoran (ā·heoran) aheordan (a·heordan) † rescue (?). ^āheoran$

āhęrian (ā·hęrian) (fully) praise. ^āhęrian$

āhięldan (ā·hięldan)*, e, y, i bend, incline; lay down, rest || turn away, avert [heald. onhięldan]. ^āhięldan$

āhięltan (ā·hięltan)*, y make lame, trip up, supplantare. ^āhięltan$

āhīenan (ā·hīenan) humble. ^āhīenan$

āhięrdan (ā·hięrd|an) harden ; encourage, strengthen. ^āhięrdan$

~ing hardening. ^āhięrding$

āhladan (ā·hladan) 2 draw (water) ; deliver. ^āhladan$

āhlǣnan (ā·hlǣnan) exalt oneself. ^āhlǣnan$

ahlǣnsian (a·hlǣnsian) become lean ; make lean, macerare. ^ahlǣnsian$

āhlēapan (ā·hlēapan) I leap up. ^āhlēapan$

āhlēfan (ā·hlēfan)*, oe pull out . ^āhlēfan$

āhlięhhan (ā·hlięhhan) 2 laugh ; exult ; laugh at, ridicule . ^āhlięhhan$

āhlocian (ā·hlocian) pull out, dig out. ^āhlocian$

āhlōwan (ā·hlōwan) I resound. ^āhlōwan$

āhlūttrian (ā·hlūttrian) make clear, purify. ^āhlūttrian$

āhlȳttran (ā·hlȳttran) = ā·hlūttrian. ^āhlȳttran$

ahnian = āgnian. ^ahnian$

āhnēopan (ā·hnēopan) † 7 -ēap*, -ēop pluck. ^āhnēopan$

āhnęscian (ā·hnęscian) become soft, weak ; become effeminate || weaken. ^āhnęscian$

āhnigan (ā·hnigan) 6 bow, fall. ^āhnigan$

āhogian (ā·hogian) think out, devise. ^āhogian$

āholian (ā·holian) hollow ; engrave, emboss | pull out. ^āholian$

āhōn (ā·hōn) I b hang ; kill by hanging; crucify. ^āhōn$

āhopian (ā·hopian) hope. ^āhopian$

āhręddan (ā·hrędd|an) save : hē hī æt hungre āhredde | rescue, recapture. ^āhręddan$

~ing deliverance, salvation. ^āhrędding$

āhrēofian (ā·hrēof|ian) become leprous — ~od leprous. ^āhrēofian$

āhrēosan (ā·hrēosan) 7 fall ; rush. ^āhrēosan$

ahreran = onhrēran stir. ^ahreran$

ahrinan = onhrīnan. ^ahrinan$

āhrisian (ā·hrisian), y shake ; shake off. ^āhrisian$

ahsian = āscian. ^ahsian$

āht = āwiht anything. ^āht$

~līce worthily, bravely. ^āhtlīce$

āhte āh. ^āhte$

āhwā (ā-hwā) any one. ^āhwā$

āhwǣnan (ā·hwǣn|an) vex, tease, grieve — ~ed afflicted, sad. ^āhwǣnan$

āhwæ̂r (ā-hwæ̂r), -ār, āwer, ōwer(n) anywhere ; in any way ; ever. ^āhwær$

ahwærgen = āhwergen. ^ahwærgen$

āhwæt (ā-hwæt) anything. ^āhwæt$

ahwæþer (a-hwæþer), ā(w)þer, āþor I. either (of two) ; anything (?). II. āwþer, oþþe … oþþe either … or. ōþer. ^ahwæþer$

āhwanon (ā-hwanon), ōwana from anywhere ; on any side. ^āhwanon$

āhweorfan (ā·hweorfan) 3 turn away, remove, avert. ^āhweorfan$

ahwergen (a-hwergen), -æ- anywhere. ^ahwergen$

āhwęttan (ā·hwęttan) excite, incite; provide; repudiate, renounce. ^āhwęttan$

āhwider (ā-hwider) in any direction, from any source. ^āhwider$

āhwięlfan (ā·hwięlfan) cover (with vault), overwhelm. up~ pull up, loosen [hwealf]. ^āhwięlfan$

āhwięrfan (ā·hwięrfan) turn away. ^āhwięrfan$

ahwonne (a-hwonne), -ænne at any time. ^ahwonne$

āhycgan (ā·hycgan) think out, devise. ^āhycgan$

āhydan (ā·hydan) hide ; wiþ. ^āhydan$

āhȳrian (ā·hȳrian) hire. ^āhȳrian$

āhȳþan (ā·hȳþan) plunder, destroy. ^āhȳþan$

āīdlian (ā·īdlian) be free fram | make useless, annul, frustrate (plans) ; profane; get rid of (disease). ^āīdlian$

āiernan (ā·iernan) 3 run, flow ; pass, expire ( time). ^āiernan$

āieþan (ā·ieþan) † lay waste, destroy. ^āieþan$

āl- fire [ǣled, ǣlan]. ^āl$

~fæt cooking vessel. ^ālfæt$

~geweorc fire-making, tinder Gl. ^ālgeweorc$

āl = awel awl. ^āl$

ālādian (ā·lādian) excuse, justify. ^ālādian$

ālæccan (ā·læccan) catch. ^ālæccan$

ālǣdan (ā·lǣdan) lead away, take away ; lead : eft ~ bring back ; bring forth, cause to grow. ^ālǣdan$

ālæ̂nan (ā·læ̂nan) lend. ^ālænan$

ālǣran (ā·lǣran). teach. ^ālǣran$

ālæ̂tan (ā·læ̂t|an) I b send forth, shed (tears); let, permit ; let go, give up ; let alone, leave : þā þæt fyr hīe ālēt ; remit, pardon ; deliver. ^ālætan$

~nes loss. ^ālætnes$

alan 2 † nourish, produce; appear (!) . ^alan$

alāþian (a·lāþian) become distasteful. ^alāþian$

albe alb [ alba]. ^albe$

aldot = *ealdoþ. ^aldot$

alęcgan (a·lęcg|an) lay down, put down ; place, put | desist from, remit (tribute), give up : ~ende word deponent verb | conquer, put down, refute ; diminish, withhold | inflict. ^alęcgan$

endlic (-endlic) deponent (verb). ^endlic$

ālefan (ā·lef|an), -ian, -wan injure, maim, weaken — ~ed ill [lēf]. ^ālefan$

aleon = ōnleon lend. ^aleon$

ālēodan (ā·lēodan) 7 grow. ^ālēodan$

ālēogan (ā·lēogan) 7 tell lies ; deny ; belie, not keep (vow). ^ālēogan$

ālesan (ā·lesan) 5 pick out, gather. ^ālesan$

alet = ǣled fire. ^alet$

alewan = ālēfan. ^alewan$

alewe = aluwe. ^alewe$

ālibban (ā·libban), āleof-, ālif- live, pass (life) ; survive (injury). ^ālibban$

ālicgan (ā·licgan) 5 fail, cease, perish. ^ālicgan$

āliefan (ā·lief|an) , allow ; give up, surrender (fortress). ^āliefan$

~ed lawful, allowable. ^āliefed$

~edlic allowable. ^āliefedlic$

~edlīce allowably. ^āliefedlīce$

~ednes permission. ^āliefednes$

ālīesan (ā·līes|an) loosen, take off (helmet) release ; ransom, redeem. ^ālīesan$

~nes, ~ednes redemption. ^ālīesnes$

āliesend (ā·lies|end) releaser ; Redeemer. ^āliesend$

~endlic bond-loosening, liberating (rune charm). ^āliesendlic$

~ing redemption. ^āliesing$

ālīeþran (ā·līeþran)*, ē lather, rub with soap [lēaþor]. ^ālīeþran$

ālihtan (ā·lihtan) lighten, alleviate, relieve, help ; take away off ; alight. ^ālihtan$

ālimpan (ā·limpan) 3 happen. ^ālimpan$

ālinnan (ā·linnan), -linian pull out ; deliver, set free. ^ālinnan$

āliþian (ā·liþian), eo dismember ; loosen, separate (soul from body). ^āliþian$

āliþrian (ā·liþrian) loosen, remove. ^āliþrian$

āloccian (ā·loccian) entice out. ^āloccian$

alor, -er, alr alder. ^alor$

~dręnc alder drink. ^alordręnc$

~holt alder wood. ^alorholt$

~rind alder bark. ^alorrind$

alter, altare altar [ altare]. ^alter$

ālūcan (ā·lūcan) 7 pull up, pull away, separate. ^ālūcan$

ālūtan (ā·lūtan) 7 bend, bow — āloten bowed down, humble. ^ālūtan$

aluwe, al(e)we aloes (a spice) [ aloe]. ^aluwe$

am = eom am. ^am$

ām, uma † reed (of loom). ^ām$

āmællad (ā·mællad) [æ = ?] made empty or useless. æ̂melle. ^āmællad$

āmæ̂ran (ā·mæ̂ran) make famous, proclaim. ^āmæran$

āmæstan (ā·mæstan) fatten (pig). ^āmæstan$

aman = onman . ^aman$

āmanian (ā·manian) demand, exact. ^āmanian$

amang, gemang. ^amang$

āmānsumian (ā·mānsum|ian) excommunicate. ^āmānsumian$

~ung excommunication. ^āmānsumung$

āmarod (ā·marod) confused, confounded. ^āmarod$

āmasod (ā·masod) confused, confounded. ^āmasod$

āmāwan (ā·māwan) I mow down. ^āmāwan$

amb = ām. ^amb$

amber jar, pitcher, bucket ; a measure (dry and liquid) [ amphora]. ^amber$

ambiht, -eht, (o)e- I. office, service ; commission, command, message. II. officer, attendant, servant, messenger. ^ambiht$^ambeht$^ombiht$^ombeht$^embiht$

~hiera obedient servant. ^ambihthiera$

~hūs office. ^ambihthūs$

~ian*, e- serve . ^ambihtian$

~mann official, attendant. ^ambihtmann$

~męcg †, æ servant. ^ambihtmęcg$

~scealc official, servant. ^ambihtscealc$

~sęcg official, messenger. ^ambihtsęcg$

~smiþ official smith, carpenter, &c. ^ambihtsmiþ$

~sumnes*, ę- service . ^ambihtsumnes$

~þegn attendant, servant. ^ambihtþegn$

ambyre favourable (wind); [and-, byre]. ^ambyre$

āmearcian (ā·mearcian) mark out, define (limits of) ; delineate, draw ; destine, appoint. ^āmearcian$

amel vessel for holy water ( amula]. ^amel$

āmeldian (ā·meldian) betray, reveal. ^āmeldian$

āmeltan (ā·meltan) 3 melt — āmolten melted (metal). ^āmeltan$

āmęrian (ā·męrian), y purify ( melted metals) ; test, examine. ^āmęrian$

āmetan (ā·met|an) 5 measure; assign, bestow ; plan, form, make. ^āmetan$

~endlīce compendiously (!) Gl. ^āmetendlīce$

āmētan (ā·mētan) paint ; adorn. ^āmētan$

āmętsian (ā·mętsian) provide with food, provision. ^āmętsian$

amidlod = unmīdlod. ^amidlod$

āmięltan (ā·mięltan)*, y melt. ^āmięltan$

āmięran (ā·mięran) hinder, hinder one in (from) … ; disable, injure, corrupt, destroy. ^āmięran$

āmolnsnian (ā·molnsnian) decay, become weak ( eyes). ^āmolnsnian$

amore, emer, omer a bird Gl. ^amore$

ampella bottle[ ampulla]. ^ampella$

ampre dock (plant), sorrel. ^ampre$

āmundian (ā·mundian) protect. ^āmundian$

āmyrgan (ā·myrgan) cheer. ^āmyrgan$

āmyrþran (ā·myrþran) murder. ^āmyrþran$

an, an- = on, on-. ^an$

ān I. ānne, ǣnne, one ( : þæt an) of. ān and ān, ān æfter ānum one by one, one after the other. ān … oþer the first … the second | same : on ānum gēare forþferdon | only, alone : būton him ānum | a certain (one), a | any : būton synne ānre || þæt ān only : nā þæt ān (þæt ) … ac not only … but. for ān only. on ān continually ; always, continuously; immediately ; together ; (tell him) once for all. ānes hwæt a portion, only a part (of the whole) ; gewearþ him ānes they made an agreement. ānum alone, solely; tō ānumgecierdon joined together. ānra gehwelc each. II. only. ^ān$

~bieme made of one trunk. ^ānbieme$

~boren only (child). ^ānboren$

~buend anchorite. ^ānbuend$

~cęnned only (child). ^āncęnned$

~cummum one by one . ^āncummum$

~cyning unique king. ^āncyning$

~dæge lasting one day. ^āndæge$

~daga appointed day, term. ^āndaga$

~dagian appoint day or term of; adjourn. ^āndagian$

~ēage, ~ēagede one-eyed. ^ānēage$

~ęcge one-edged. ^ānęcge$

~feald, ~fealdlic simple, single ; singular (number) : unique, superior ; honest, modest. ^ānfeald$

~fealdlīce simply. ^ānfealdlīce$

~fealdnes concord ; simplicity. ^ānfealdnes$

~fēte one-footed. ^ānfēte$

~floga solitary flyer. ^ānfloga$

~forlæ̂tan I b relinquish, forsake, lose. ^ānforlætan$

~forlæ̂tnes desertion. ^ānforlætnes$

~genga solitary; . ^āngenga$

~giėld, ~giėlde single (fixed (?), āndaga) compensation ~gielde with such a compensation ; fixed price. ^āngiėld$

~haga recluse. ^ānhaga$

~hęnde one-handed. ^ānhęnde$

~hoga = ~haga. ^ānhoga$

~horn, ~horna unicorn. ^ānhorn$

~hygdig, ~hȳdig steadfast, stubborn, self-willed. ^ānhygdig$

~hyrne one-horned : unicorn. ^ānhyrne$

~hyrned, ~hyrnede one-horned. ^ānhyrned$

~īege one-eyed. ^ānīege$

~lǣcan unite. ^ānlǣcan$

~læ̂tan I b relinquish. ^ānlætan$

~legere with one husband. ^ānlegere$

~līepe, ~lape, ~līepig, ǣlpig isolated, single ; unattached, without ties, private. ^ānlīepe$

~līepnes loneliness. ^ānlīepnes$

~lic only, solitary, unique [ ǣnlic]. ^ānlic$

~mēde unanimity. ^ānmēde$

~mōd unanimous ; resolute, brave, fierce : obstinate. ^ānmōd$

~mōdlīce unanimously ; resolutely. ^ānmōdlīce$

~mōdnes unanimity ; constancy. ^ānmōdnes$

~nes oneness, unity ; agreement ; solitude. ^ānnes$

~pæþ one-by-one path, narrow path. ^ānpæþ$

~ræ̂d, ~ræ̂de unanimous ; resolute, of firm character. ^ānræd$

~rǣdlic unanimous ; resolute. ^ānrǣdlic$

~rǣdlīce unanimously ; resolutely. ^ānrǣdlīce$

~rǣdnes unanimity, agreement ; constancy. ^ānrǣdnes$

~seld hermitage. ^ānseld$

~setl hermitage. ^ānsetl$

~setla hermit. ^ānsetla$

~spilde unique (medicine). ^ānspilde$

~spræ̂ce speaking together. ^ānspræce$

~standende standing alone. ^ānstandende$

~stapa lonely wanderer. ^ānstapa$

~stelede with one stalk. ^ānstelede$

~stīg = ~pæþ. ^ānstīg$

~strǣc pertinacious. ^ānstrǣc$

~streces continuously [stręccan]. ^ānstreces$

~sum whole. ^ānsum$

~sumnes virginity. ^ānsumnes$

~sunu only, unique son. ^ānsunu$

~swēge harmonious. ^ānswēge$

~tīd fixed time (?). ^āntīd$

~getrum unique, noble host. ^āngetrum$

~wędd security, pledge. ^ānwędd$

~wīg single combat. ^ānwīg$

~wīglīce in single combat. ^ānwīglīce$

~wille I. obstinate. II. obstinately. ^ānwille$

~willīce obstinately. ^ānwillīce$

~wilnes, ~willnes obstinacy. ^ānwilnes$

~wintre, ǣnetre, enetere of one year, one year old. ^ānwintre$

~wīte simple fine. ^ānwīte$

~wuniende solitary. ^ānwuniende$

~wunung solitary abode. ^ānwunung$

geāned united Bd. ^geāned$

anung zeal . ^anung$

āna solitary, alone ; only : God ~ wat. ^āna$

anawyrm (ana-wyrm) [ā- ?] intestinal worm. ^anawyrm$

ānad-, -æd- desert. ^ānad$

ananbēam (anan-bēam) spindle-tree. ^ananbēam$

anbid (an-bid), i† () expectation, suspense ; interval. ^anbid$

~stōw place of waiting. ^anbidstōw$

anbīdian, andbīdian, (an(d)-bīd|ian), ge- , expect, wait for || ge- wait. ^anbīdian$^andbīdian$

~ung expectation. ^anbīdung$^andbīdung$

anbringelle (an-bringelle) instigation. ^anbringelle$

anbroce timber, wood. ^anbroce$

anbrucol (an-brucol) rugged. ^anbrucol$

anclēow ankle. ^anclēow$

ancor, -er, ancra anchor [ ancora]. ^ancor$

~bęnd, ~rāp, ~stręng cable. ^ancorbęnd$

~mann anchor-man, proreta. ^ancormann$

~setl prow. ^ancorsetl$

ancra, ancer, -or hermit [ anachoreta]. ^ancra$

ancerlic (ancer|lic), ancor- of a hermit. ^ancerlic$

~lif hermit's life. ^ancerlif$

~setl hermitage. ^ancersetl$

~stōw hermitage. ^ancerstōw$

and, ęnd and. gelīce and as if. ^and$

and- = on- (an-), rarely = a-. ^and$

anda (and|a) envy, malice; anger, grudge, vexation ; indignation, zeal ; injury, hostility. ^anda$

~ian envy ; be zealous. ^andian$

~ig envious, jealous. ^andig$

andbita (and-bita) tasting feast (?): Gl. ^andbita$

andbyrdan, anbyrdan (an(d)-byrd|an) strive, ongēan, on resist. ^andbyrdan$^anbyrdan$

~nes resistance. ^andbyrdnes$^anbyrdnes$

andcwiss (and-cwiss) answer. ^andcwiss$

andēages (and-ēages)*, -æges face to face. ^andēages$

andefn, anddyfen proportion, amount [gedafenian]. ^andefn$

andetla confession. ^andetla$

andettan (andett|an), andhet(t)an confess, give praise . [and, hātan]. ^andettan$

~a, ~end, ~ere confessor, praiser. ^andetta$

~ing confession. ^andetting$

~nes confession. ^andettnes$

andfeax (and-feax) bald. ^andfeax$

andfęnga (and-fęnga) taker up, defender, susceptor [fōn]. ^andfęnga$

andfęnge (and-fęng|e) acceptable, fit. ^andfęnge$

~nes receiving ; receptacle. ^andfęngnes$

~estōw receptacle. ^andfęngestōw$

andfęngend (and-fęngend) defender. ^andfęngend$

andgiet (and-giet) intellect ; comprehension ; sense (the five senses) ; meaning, purport. ^andgiet$^andgit$^ondgiet$

~full intelligent, knowing. ^andgietfull$

~fullic intelligible. ^andgietfullic$

~fullīce intelligibly, clearly. ^andgietfullīce$

~lēas foolish. ^andgietlēas$

~lēast, īe folly. ^andgietlēast$

~lic intelligible. ^andgietlic$

~līce intelligibly. ^andgietlīce$

~ol intelligent. ^andgietol$

~tācen intelligible sign, symbol. ^andgiettācen$

andgiėte (and-giėte)*, -gete † manifest. ^andgiėte$

andhēafod (and-hēafod) unploughed headland of a field, . ^andhēafod$

andlang, ollung I. continuous, whole (day). II. ~, ~es along(side). ^andlang$

andlēan (and-lēan) † retribution. ^andlēan$

andleofen (and-leofen), -lifen, y sustenance, food ; wages [libban]. ^andleofen$

āndlōman (ānd-(ge)lōman), -uman, -aman utensils. ^āndlōman$^āndgelōman$^āndluman$^āndlaman$^āndgeluman$^āndgelaman$

andmitta (and-mitta) = an-mitta. ^andmitta$

andrysne (an-drysn|e), andd- awe-inspiring ; terrible, horrible. ^andrysne$

~o awe, reverence ; etiquette. ^andrysno$

~lic, ondrys(t)lic terrible. ^andrysnlic$

andsaca (and-sac|a) denier, renouncer, apostate ; enemy. ^andsaca$

~ian deny. ^andsacian$

andsæc (and-sæc) denial ; refusal ; resistance. ^andsæc$

andsæ̂te (an(d)-sæ̂te) hateful, repugnant, repulsive, hostile. ^andsæte$^ansæte$

andslięht (and-slięht) †, y, hand- , stroke. ^andslięht$

andspyrnes (and-spyrnes) stumbling-block, scandalum [onspornan]. ^andspyrnes$

andswarian (and-swar|ian), -orian, -erian, -eorian, answer . ^andswarian$

~u, ans-, ondsuer- answer. ^andswaru$

andūstrigan (andūstr|igan) protest, deny . ^andūstrigan$

~ung protest, denial. ^andūstrung$

andwæ̂t (and-wæ̂t) moist. ^andwæt$

andweard (and-weard) opposite ; present (in place and time). ^andweard$

~lic present. ^andweardlic$

~līce present : hine ~ gesawon. ^andweardlīce$

~nes presence (in place and time). ^andweardnes$

andweorc (and-weorc) substance, thing; material ; cause. ^andweorc$

andwīg (and-wīg) resistance. ^andwīg$

andwīs (and-wīs) knowing, skilful in . ^andwīs$

~nes experience. ^andwīsnes$

andwist (and-wist) station (?) ; support (?). ^andwist$

andwlita (and-wlita), -iota ; -eata ; -ata in. face, countenance ; surface (of earth) ; form, shape. ^andwlita$

andwlite (and-wlit|e), onwlite face, forehead. ^andwlite$

~full proud Gl. ^andwlitfull$

andwraþ (and-wraþ) † hostile . ^andwraþ$

andwyrdan (and-wyrd|an) answer . ^andwyrdan$

~e answer. ^andwyrde$

~ing conspiratio. ^andwyrding$

āne = ǣne once. ^āne$

ānęmnan (ā·nęmnan) declare, proclaim. ^ānęmnan$

ānett, ǣ- (?) solitude. ^ānett$

anfilte (an-filte) () anvil. ^anfilte$

anforht (an-forht) alarmed. ^anforht$

ang (ang-)*, o-. ^ang$

~nora, nere comer of the eye (?). ^angnora$

anga prickle, sting, goad. ^anga$

ānga sole, only [ān]. ^ānga$

ange (ang|e) anxiously — him was ~ on his mode he was anxious. ^ange$

~brēost asthma. ^angbrēost$

~mōd anxious, sad. ^angmōd$

~mōdnes distress of mind. ^angmōdnes$

~nægl corn (on foot). ^angnægl$

~nes anxiety, distress. ^angnes$

~set, ~seta pustule, carbuncle. ^angset$

~sum, ~sumlic troublesome. ^angsum$

~sumian trouble. ^angsumian$

~sumlīce painfully. ^angsumlīce$

~sumnes trouble, perplexity, pain. ^angsumnes$

Angel Anglen (in Schleswig). ^Angel$

~cyning king of the English. ^Angelcyning$

~cynn English race. ^Angelcynn$

~þeod English people. ^Angelþeod$

angel fish-hook. ^angel$

~twicca, ~æcca , ~twicce (?) earthworm. ^angeltwicca$

anginn (an-ginn) beginning ; rising (of sun) ; enterprise ; design ; action. ^anginn$

Angle = Ęngle English. ^Angle$

angrisenlīce (an-grisenlīce)*, y terribly. ^angrisenlīce$

angrisla (an-grisla), o- terror, horror. ^angrisla$

angrislic, angristlic, o- terrible, horrible. ^angrislic$

angryrlic (an-gryrlic)*, o- terrible, angrislic and gryre. ^angryrlic$

ānīedan (ā·nīedan) force ~ fram separate forcibly, ~ ūt drive out, expel. ^ānīedan$

aniehst (a·niehst) † last (in order of mention). ^aniehst$

āniman (ā·niman) 4 take away, deprive æt. ^āniman$

āninga, ānunga, ǣninga at once ; absolutely, entirely, certainly. ^āninga$^ānunga$^ǣninga$

āniþrian, āniþerian (ā·niþ(e)rian) thrust down ; condemn. ^āniþrian$^āniþerian$

anlēc (an-lēc), -æc, -ic 'looking-on,' regard, respect [lōcian]. ^anlēc$

anlic, angelīc, o, similar; equal. ^anlic$

~nes a, o, likeness, similitude; form, stature : on nǣddran ~se ; illustration, parable ; portrait ; statue, idol. ^anlicnes$

anlīce (anlīc|e), o- similarly : ~ost swelce as if. ^anlīce$

geanlīcian compare; make like. ^geanlīcian$

anmēdla (an-mēdla), o- pride, pomp, glory ; presumption ; courage [mōd]. ^anmēdla$^onmēdla$

geanmēttan (gean-mēttan) encourage [mōd]. ^geanmēttan$

anmitta, andmitta (an(d)-mitta), onm- balance, scales (for weighing). ^anmitta$^andmitta$

ann ūþe, unnan, grant ; not grudge, wish (a person to have something) ; wish unnendre handa voluntarily. ^ann$^unnan$^ūþe$

anoþa fear. ^anoþa$

ansīen (an-sīen); -ēon. ; o- face, countenance; aspect, appearance, form; view, contemplation ; spectacle. ^ansīen$

ansīen (an-sīen)*, onsȳn lack, want. ^ansīen$^onsȳn$

anspilde (an-spilde) salutary. ^anspilde$

anstięllan (an-stięllan)*, y put in stall stable [steall]. ^anstięllan$

ansund (an-sund), o- whole, entire, sound, uninjured. ^ansund$^onsund$

~nes soundness, wholeness. ^ansundnes$

Antecrīst (Ante-crīst) Antichrist []. ^Antecrīst$

antefn, antifen anthem [ antiphona]. ^antefn$

~ere book of anthems. ^antefnere$

antimber (an-timber) material; reason, pretext. ^antimber$

antre radish. ^antre$

anþrācian (an-þrācian), andþ-, onþ-, aþ- , fear þæt sceolde. ^anþrācian$

anþrǣce (an-þrǣce) dreadful, repulsive. ^anþrǣce$

anung ān. ^anung$

anweald (an-weald), and-, o- authority, rule, prestige ; jurisdiction, territory. ^anweald$^onweald$

~a, onwalda ruler, sovereign ; the Lord. = ān- ? ^anwealda$

anweald (an-weald), an- powerful, sole-ruling (?). ^anweald$

~ig [ān- ?] powerful. ^anwealdig$

anwealg (an-wealg), onwealh unimpaired, uninjured, safe. ^anwealg$

~līce wholly. ^anwealglīce$

~nes wholeness, soundness, chastity. ^anwealgnes$

anwīggearo (anwīg-gearo) † [ = and-] ready for war. ^anwīggearo$

anwille (an-wille)*, on- desired. ^anwille$

anwlōh (an-wlōh) adorned (?). ^anwlōh$

apa ape. ^apa$

āpǣcan (ā·pǣcan) seduce (retainer from his allegiance). ^āpǣcan$

āparian (ā·parian) take in the act (hine þǣræt). ^āparian$

āpinsian (ā·pins|ian) estimate ; consider, ponder [ pensare]. ^āpinsian$

~ung weighing Gl. ^āpinsung$

āplantian (ā·plantian) plant. ^āplantian$

āplatod (ā·platod) plated (?) Gl. ^āplatod$

apostata apostate []. ^apostata$

apostol, postol apostle []. ^apostol$

apostolhād (apostol|hād) apostolate. ^apostolhād$

~lic, ~lic apostolic. ^apostollic$

appel = æppel. ^appel$

Aprelis April []. ^Aprelis$

āpriccan (ā·priccan) prick, make (dot). ^āpriccan$

aprotane wormwood [ abrotonum]. ^aprotane$

apulder, apuldre apple-tree [æppel]. ^apulder$

~rind bark of apple-tree. ^apulderrind$

~tūn orchard. ^apuldertūn$

apytan = āptȳan. ^apytan$

ār messenger (angel, apostle), herald; servant, soldier [ǣrende]. ^ār$

ār honour, dignity ; reverence, respect ; property, revenue, estate, benefice; prosperity; benefit, help; kindness; mercy. ^ār$

~cræftig pious distinguished (?). ^ārcræftig$

~dæ̂de merciful, charitable. ^ārdæde$

~dagas feast-days. ^ārdagas$

~fæst distinguished; virtuous; pious, dutiful ; merciful, kind, gracious. ^ārfæst$

~fæstlīce piously ; kindly. ^ārfæstlīce$

~fæstnes piety; virtue ; kindness. ^ārfæstnes$

~full venerable ; merciful, kind. ^ārfull$

~fullīce kindly, mercifully. ^ārfullīce$

~giėfa beneficent one. ^ārgiėfa$

~hwæt † eager for glory. ^ārhwæt$

~lēas impious, wicked ; merciless, cruel. ^ārlēas$

~lēaslīce wickedly, impiously ; cruelly. ^ārlēaslīce$

~lēasnes wickedness, impiety. ^ārlēasnes$

~lēast wickedness, wicked deed ; cruelty. ^ārlēast$

~lic honourable, distinguished ; honest ; befitting ; pleasant ; merciful, kind. ^ārlic$

~līce honourably; kindly, mercifully. ^ārlīce$

~scamu shame, modesty. ^ārscamu$

~stafas kindness, help. ^ārstafas$

~þegn servant. ^ārþegn$

~wierþe, -eorþ, -urþ, -yrþ venerable, distinguished. ^ārwierþe$

~weorþfull honourable. ^ārweorþfull$

~weorþian, u, y honour, reverence, worship. ^ārweorþian$

~weorþlic, u, y venerable. ^ārweorþlic$

~weorþlīce, u, y honourably ; kindly. ^ārweorþlīce$

~weorþnes, u, y honour, dignity. ^ārweorþnes$

~weorþung, u honour. ^ārweorþung$

~wesa respected. ^ārwesa$

ār oar. ^ār$

~blæd blade of oar. ^ārblæd$

~gebland sea. ^ārgebland$

~loc rowlock. ^ārloc$

~wela sea. ^ārwela$

~wiþþe oar-withe, rowlock. ^ārwiþþe$

~ȳþ wave. ^ārȳþ$

ār, ǣr brass, copper, grēne ~ orichalcum. ^ār$

~fæt brass vessel. ^ārfæt$

~gēotere brass-founder. ^ārgēotere$

~glæd*, ǣr- † brass-bright. ^ārglæd$

~sāpe verdigris. ^ārsāpe$

~gescōd, ǣr- † brass-shod. ^ārgescōd$

~smiþ brass-smith. ^ārsmiþ$

~gesweorf brass filings. ^ārgesweorf$

ār = ǣr early. ^ār$

arian (ar|ian) honour, treat with respect ; endow | care for (the poor), be kind ; be merciful, spare (life), pardon. ^arian$

~igend benefactor. ^arigend$

~ing, ~ung honour; pardon. ^aring$

ārǣcan (ā·rǣcan) get at, attain : hand, give. ^ārǣcan$

ārǣd (ā·rǣd) † (?) wise (?) ; resolute, inexorable (?). ^ārǣd$

ārædan (ā·ræd|an) I decree, settle, arrange, appoint, prepare ; prophesy; solve (riddle) ; expound, explain ; utter ; read (to oneself aloud). ^ārædan$

~nes, ared- agreement, condition. ^ārædnes$

āræfnan (ā·ræfn|an), -ian carry out, accomplish ; endure (patiently) ; suffer; ponder, consider. ^āræfnan$

~endlic, ~iendlic endurable. ^āræfnendlic$

āræfsan (ā·ræfsan), aræpsan, e intercept. ^āræfsan$

ārǣman (ā·rǣman) elevate — elevate, improve oneself || rise. ^ārǣman$

ārǣran (ā·rǣr|an) lift up, raise ; raise (to life) : set up (cross), build ; establish, create, disseminate ; up~ bring up, educate. ^ārǣran$

~nes raising, exaltation (in power). ^ārǣrnes$

ārǣsan (ā·rǣsan) rush. ^ārǣsan$

ārāfian (ā·rāfian) unravel, unwind (ball of thread). ^ārāfian$

ārāsian (ā·rās|ian), -acsian explore ; detect, take in the act of; reprove, correct (faults). ~od trained, skilled. ^ārāsian$

arblast crossbow [ arbaleste]. ^arblast$

arc = earc. ^arc$

ardlic = ārodlic. ^ardlic$

ārēafian (ā·rēafian) † separate (?). ^ārēafian$

āręccan (ā·ręccan) stretch out, raise up — āreahtum eagum with astonished eyes | explain, expound ; translate ; relate, tell, speak. ^āręccan$

ārēcelēasian (ā·rēcelēasian) be negligent. ^ārēcelēasian$

āredian (ā·redian) prepare, provide ; carry out, perform ; contrive, manage | find (right time for) ; find, find the way : ūt ~ find the way out, oferdruncen mann ne mæg tō his hūse ~, þone weg ~, þā ceastre ~ reach | find out, understand. ^āredian$

arednes = ārǣdnes. ^arednes$

ārēodian (ā·rēodian) redden, blush. ^ārēodian$

ārētan (ā·rētan) cheer. ^ārētan$

Arianisc Arian []. ^Arianisc$

ārīdan (ā·rīdan) 6 ride (out). ^ārīdan$

ārīepan (ā·rīepan)*, y strip off. ^ārīepan$

ariht = on riht rightly. ^ariht$

ārīman (ā·rīman) count ; enumerate, relate. ^ārīman$

ārīsan (ā·rīsan) 6 stand up, get up (from bed), rise ; be forthcoming ( money) ; arise, happen ( temptation) ; originate. ^ārīsan$

armelu wild rue [ harmala]. ^armelu$

arn iernan. ^arn$

arod () arum. ^arod$

ārod energetic | brisk ; quick. ^ārod$

~lic quick. ^ārodlic$

~līce, ārd- vigorously ; quickly. ^ārodlīce$

~nes boldness. ^ārodnes$

~scipe boldness, energy. ^ārodscipe$

aron are, wesan. ^aron$

arunnen = āurnen āiernan. ^arunnen$

arwe, arewe arrow. ^arwe$

āryddan (ā·ryddan), -dran, -tran strip, plunder. ^āryddan$

āsǣlan (ā·sǣlan) bind. ^āsǣlan$

āsānian (ā·sānian) become languid, weak ( love) [sǣne]. ^āsānian$

āsawan (ā·sawan) I sow. ^āsawan$

āscian (āsc|ian), ācs-, āx-, āhs- try for, demand ; question, ask æfter, hwȳ ; call to account ; experience (calamity). ^āscian$^ācsian$^āhsian$^āxian$

~iendlic interrogative (in grammar). ^āsciendlic$

~ung interrogation. ^āscung$

geāscian learn by inquiry, be told, hear of æt, , ~ode þis þus gedōn | discover. ^geāscian$

~ung inquiry. ^āscung$

āscacan (ā·scacan) 2 shake off of; shake, brandish || flee, desert. ^āscacan$

āscafan (ā·scafan) 2 shave. ^āscafan$

āscalian (ā·scalian) peel off (bark). ^āscalian$

āscamian (ā·scam|ian) be ashamed. ^āscamian$

~elic shameful. ^āscamelic$

asce, axe, æ- -an ash, ashes. ^asce$

~geswāp cinders. ^ascegeswāp$

āscēadan (ā·scēadan), -scādan I b fram of, separate, exclude ; distinguish ; purify. ^āscēadan$

āsęltan (ā·sęltan) separate, dissolve (?). ^āsęltan$

āscēotan (ā·scēotan) 7 shoot (arrow) ; lance (swelling) || dart out, fall. ^āscēotan$

āscięlian (ā·scięlian)*, i shell, peel [scalu]. ^āscięlian$

āscięppan (ā·scięppan) 2 appoint, give, ~ him naman. ^āscięppan$

āscięrian (ā·scięr|ian)*, i, y fram separate ; deprive, purify ; destine, appoint. ^āscięrian$

~igendlic disjunctive (in grammar). ^āscięrigendlic$

āscięrpan (ā·scięrpan) sharpen (eyesight). ^āscięrpan$

āscīmian (ā·scīmian) shine. ^āscīmian$

āscīnan (ā·scīnan) 6 shine (forth); be evident, clear. ^āscīnan$

āscīran (ā·scīran)*, y make clear, transparent. ^āscīran$

āscortian (ā·scortian) run short, fail ; seem short elapse ( time). ^āscortian$

āscrēadian (ā·scrēadian) prune, lop. ^āscrēadian$

āscręncan (ā·scręncan) trip up, make to fall. ^āscręncan$

āscrepan (ā·screpan) 5 scrape. ^āscrepan$

āscrincan (ā·scrincan) 3 shrink up. ^āscrincan$

āscrūtnian (ā·scrūtnian) investigate. ^āscrūtnian$

āscūfan (ā·scūfan), -scēofan 7 push (away), expel. ^āscūfan$

ascunian = on-. ^ascunian$

āscylfan (ā·scylfan) destroy Gl. ^āscylfan$

āscyndan (ā·scyndan) take away, deprive. ^āscyndan$

āsēarian (ā·sēarian) dry up . ^āsēarian$

āsēcan (ā·sēcan) seek out, select ; penetrate, pervade ; ~ hine līfes aim at his life. ^āsēcan$

āsęcgan (ā·sęcg|an) say fully, express, tell, say. ^āsęcgan$

~endlic utterable. ^āsęcgendlic$

āsēdan (ā·sēdan)*, oe satiate [sæd]. ^āsēdan$

āsegnian (ā·segnian)*, āsēngan show. ^āsegnian$

āsęllan (ā·sęllan) give up ; expel. ^āsęllan$

āsęncan (ā·sęncan) sink. ^āsęncan$

āsęndan (ā·sęndan) send forth, emit ; send. ^āsęndan$

āsēon (ā·sēon) 5 see. gesēon. ^āsēon$

āsēon (ā·sēon) 7 strain (through sieve). ^āsēon$

āseolcan (ā·seolcan) 3 become languid, āsolcen slothful, remiss. ^āseolcan$

āseonod (ā·seonod) 'unsinewed,' relaxed Gl. [seono]. ^āseonod$

āseoþan (ā·seoþan) 7 boil; smelt (metals), purify by smelting — āsoden gold pure gold ; try (by affliction), chasten. ^āseoþan$

āsęttan (ā·sętt|an) place, put — hī ~on hī () ofer () crossed (the Channel); build ; plant ; appoint ; ~ sīþ make a journey. ^āsęttan$

~nes (?) law = gesętnes. ^āsęttnes$

āsēþan (ā·sēþan) affirm, confirm (statement) [sōþ]. ^āsēþan$

āsīcan (ā·sīcan) sigh. ^āsīcan$

āsiftan (ā·siftan) sift. ^āsiftan$

āsīgan (ā·sīgan) 6 sink down, fall down ; be neglected. ^āsīgan$

āsincan (ā·sincan) 3 sink down, fall to pieces. ^āsincan$

āsingan (ā·singan) 3 sing, deliver (speech). ^āsingan$

āsittan (ā·sittan) 5 settle ; run aground ( ship) | expect, be apprehensive of || ūt ~ starve out (garrison). ^āsittan$

āsīwan (ā·sīwan), ēo sew. ^āsīwan$

āslacian (ā·slac|ian) become slack, become weak ; decline, diminish. ^āslacian$

~igendlic remissive (adverb). ^āslacigendlic$

āslæccan (ā·slæccan) loosen Gl. [slæc]. ^āslæccan$

aslæpan = onslæ̂pan. ^aslæpan$

āslǣwan (ā·slǣwan) blunt, make dull [slāw]. ^āslǣwan$

āslāwian (ā·slāwian) become dull, slothful. ^āslāwian$

āslēan (ā·slēan) 2 strike, cut — of ~ cut off (head) ; beat out (metal) ; geteld ~ put up tent. ^āslēan$

āslīdan (ā·slīdan) 6 slip ( foot) ; fall. ^āslīdan$

āslītan (ā·slītan) 6 tear off ; tear to pieces ; destroy. ^āslītan$

āslūpan (ā·slūpan) 7 slip away ; disappear ( sorrow). ^āslūpan$

āsmēan, āsmēagan (ā·smēa(ga)n) scrutinize, investigate ; conceive, realize ; consider, reflect on ; treat of (in writing) settle (plan). ^āsmēan$^āsmēagan$

āsmēagung investigation. ^āsmēagung$

āsmiþian (ā·smiþian) forge, make (metal objects). ^āsmiþian$

āsmorian (ā·smorian) suffocate, kill by suffocating, choke (growth of plants). ^āsmorian$

āsmūgan (ā·smūgan) 7 investigate, consider. ^āsmūgan$

āsnǣsan (ā·snǣsan), ā transfix, spit, stake oneself. ^āsnǣsan$

āsnīþan (ā·snīþan) 6 cut off, cut (corn). ^āsnīþan$

āsolian (ā·solian) become dirty. ^āsolian$

āsolcennes (ā·solcennes) torpor, sloth [āseolcan]. ^āsolcennes$

āspanan (ā·spanan) 2 allure, entice; introduce in an underhand way : induce. ^āspanan$

āspēdan (ā·spēdan) make prosperous. ^āspēdan$

āspelian (ā·spelian) be deputy for, represent . ^āspelian$

āspendan (ā·spendan) spend ~ þearfum give to the poor ; squander [ expendere]. ^āspendan$

aspide viper, serpent [ aspidem]. ^aspide$

āspinnan (ā·spinnan) 3 spin. ^āspinnan$

āspīwan (ā·spīwan), ȳ 6 vomit up. ^āspīwan$

āsprecan (ā·sprecan) 4 speak fully, speak. ^āsprecan$

āspręngan (ā·spręngan) send flying, fling out. ^āspręngan$

āsprindlian (ā·sprindlian) rip up. ^āsprindlian$

āspringan (ā·spring|an), -incan 3 spring up, rise ; flow ; spread ( fame, heresy, &c.) ; originate, be descended (from) ; come into being, appear, rise ; fail, decline, cease. ^āspringan$

~ung failing, being wanting. ^āspringung$

āsprungennes (ā·sprungennes) failing, decline, exhaustion, eclipse. ^āsprungennes$

āsprūtan (ā·sprūtan) 7 sprout out. ^āsprūtan$

āspryttan (ā·spryttan) cause to grow, produce ( the earth). ^āspryttan$

āspylian (ā·spylian) wash oneself swillan. ^āspylian$

āspyrian (ā·spyr|ian) follow tracks of, trace (lost cattle ) ; investigate ; discover. ^āspyrian$

~igend investigator. ^āspyrigend$

assa (ass|a) donkey. ^assa$

~mięre donkey mare. ^assmięre$

asse, assen she-donkey. ^asse$

āst kiln. ^āst$

āstǣnan (ā·stǣnan) adorn with gems. ^āstǣnan$

āstandan (ā·stand|an) 2 stand up, rise ūp ; stand firm, persist, endure. ^āstandan$

~nes, ~ennes existence, entity, substance ; perseverance. ^āstandnes$

āstęllan (ā·stęllan) set, put; establish, create ; institute, set on foot, set (example); undertake, begin, undergo. ^āstęllan$

āstemnian (ā·stemnian) found, build. ^āstemnian$

āstęmpan (ā·stęmpan) stamp (metal). ^āstęmpan$

āsteorfan (ā·steorfan) 3 die. āstorfen (flesh) of animal having died a natural death. | flesh of such an animal. ^āsteorfan$

asterion pellitory []. ^asterion$

āstiepan (ā·stiep|an), ēo (ēa) bereave — ~ed having lost parents or child ; deprive. ^āstiepan$

~nes privation. ^āstiepnes$

āstięrfan (ā·stięrfan)*, y kill [steorfan]. ^āstięrfan$

āstierred (ā·stierred)*, y starred [steorra]. ^āstierred$

āstīfian (ā·stīfian) become stiff. ^āstīfian$

āstīgan (ā·stīgan) 6 ascend on~ on scip go on board ; descend ; go, pass — niþer ~ descend. ^āstīgan$

āstīgend (ā·stīgend) rider. ^āstīgend$

āstignes, āstigennes (ā·stig(en)nes) ascent. ^āstignes$^āstigennes$

āstihtan (ā·stiht|an) decree. ^āstihtan$

~ing doctrine. ^āstihting$

āstingan (ā·stingan) 3 pierce out, put out (eyes) ūt || ~ on lay claim to, usurp (estate). ^āstingan$

āstīþian (ā·stīþian) become strong, grow up ; dry up . ^āstīþian$

astorfen , āsteorfan. ^astorfen$

āstręccan (ā·stręccan) stretch out, extend — fēoll āstreaht fell flat, at full length ; prostrate oneself || be erect, haughty. ^āstręccan$

āstręgdan (ā·stręgdan) scatter ; sprinkle. ^āstręgdan$

āstręngan (ā·stręng|an) — ~d malleable Gl. ^āstręngan$

āstrīenan (ā·strīenan), ēo beget. ^āstrīenan$

āstrowennes (ā·strowennes) being extended, length Gl. stręwian. ^āstrowennes$

āstundian (ā·stundian) be responsible for, take upon oneself. ^āstundian$

āstȳfician (ā·stȳfician), ī extirpate. ^āstȳfician$

āstyltan (ā·styltan) be astonished. ^āstyltan$

āstyntan (ā·styntan) make dull, stupid ; confute [stunt]. ^āstyntan$

āstyrian (ā·styr|ian) agitate, raise (doubt) ; move — ~ fram remove. ~ed agitated (in mind) ; irritated, . angry. ^āstyrian$

~iend stirrer, ventilater (!) Gl. ^āstyriend$

~iendlic movable. ^āstyriendlic$

~ung motion. ^āstyrung$

āsucan (ā·sucan), -ūgān 7 suck out, suck, drain. ^āsucan$

āsundrian (ā·sundrian) = āsyndran. ^āsundrian$

āsūrian (ā·sūrian) become sour. ^āsūrian$

āswǣman (ā·swǣman) wander about, fram depart | suffer, grieve. ^āswǣman$

āswæ̂rnian (ā·swæ̂rn|ian), ā be confounded, ashamed. ^āswærnian$

~ung bashfulness, shame. ^āswærnung$

āswǣtan (ā·swǣtan) burst out in perspiration. ^āswǣtan$

āswāmian (ā·swāmian) † cease (?). ^āswāmian$

āswāpan (ā·swāpan) I, -āpen, -ōpen sweep (away). ^āswāpan$

āswārcian (ā·swārcian) abash, confound. ^āswārcian$

aswarnian = āswæ̂rnian. ^aswarnian$

āsweartian (ā·sweartian) become black dim. ^āsweartian$

āswębban (ā·swębban), -ęfed make to cease, lull (storm), destroy, annul ; kill. ^āswębban$^āswęfed$

āswęfecian (ā·swęfecian) root up, eradicate. ^āswęfecian$

āswellan (ā·swellan) 3 swell. ^āswellan$

āsweltan (ā·sweltan) 3 die. ^āsweltan$

āswęngan (ā·swęngan) shake off, cast off. ^āswęngan$

āsweorcan (ā·sweorcan) 3 become depressed ( the mind). ^āsweorcan$

āsweorfan (ā·sweorfan) 3 file off, polish. ^āsweorfan$

āswęrgian (ā·swęrgian) 2 swear. ^āswęrgian$

āswīcan (ā·swīcan) 6 desert, betray ; offend, scandalizare. ^āswīcan$

āswician (ā·swician) offend, scandalizare. ^āswician$

āswīfan (ā·swīfan) 6 wander about, lose the way. ^āswīfan$

āswindan (ā·swindan) 3 languish away, become enervated — āswunden sluggish ; disappear, perish. ^āswindan$

āswōgan (ā·swōg|an) I suffocate, choke — ~en overrun (with weeds). ^āswōgan$

āsworettan (ā·sworettan) sigh ; grieve . ^āsworettan$

āswundennes (ā·swundennes) sluggishness [āswindan]. ^āswundennes$

āsȳcan (ā·sȳcan)*, ī wean. ^āsȳcan$

āsyndran (ā·syndran), -ian, -sundrian separate. ^āsyndran$

at- = æt-. ^at$

ātǣsan (ā·tǣsan) wound ; wear out, injure ; soothe [?]. ^ātǣsan$

āte (āt|e) ǣ-, ātan oats. ^āte$

~lēag oat-field (?) Ct. ^ātlēag$

ategār = ætgār. ^ategār$

atelic = atollic. ^atelic$

ātęllan (ā·tęllan) reckon up, count ; enumerate, tell ; explain. ^ātęllan$

atęmian (a·tęmian) tame. ^atęmian$

ātęndan (ā·tęnd|an) set on fire ; trouble, perplex (?). ^ātęndan$

~end incendiary. ^ātęndend$

~ing incitement. ^ātęnding$

ātēon (ā·tēon) 7 draw out away ; draw, drag, pull, take — ~ of extract, take out ; protract, continue; treat (well ill), behave to ; dispose of, do (as one likes) with || go, make expedition. ^ātēon$

ātēorian (ā·tēor|ian) become tired, languish ; fail, cease; perish. ^ātēorian$

~igendlic perishable, fleeting (world). ^ātēorigendlic$

~odnes cessation. ^ātēorodnes$

~ung failing; weariness. ^ātēorung$

āteran (ā·teran) 4 tear away, remove. ^āteran$

āteshwōn (ātes·hwōn) at all [āwiht]. ^āteshwōn$

ātīefran (ā·tīefran) depict, draw. ^ātīefran$

ātimbran, ātimbrian (ā·timbr(i)an) build. ^ātimbran$^ātimbrian$

atol, ~(l)ic, atelic I. terrible, dire, horrid, loathsome. II. what is terrible, terror. ^atol$

ge~ian*, ge~hīwian disfigure. ^geatolian$^geātolhīwian$

~iende disfiguring. ^atoliende$

ge~od*, -atel- monstrous. ^geatolod$

ātor, āttor, ǣ- poison, venom. ^ātor$

~bæ̂re, ~berende poisonous, venomous. ^ātorbære$

~coppe spider. ^ātorcoppe$

~cræft art of poisoning. ^ātorcræft$

~cynn (kind of) poison. ^ātorcynn$

~drinca poisonous draught. ^ātordrinca$

~lāþe cock's-spur grass. ^ātorlāþe$

~lic poisonous. ^ātorlic$

~scaþa venomous enemy, dragon. ^ātorscaþa$

~spere poisoned spear. ^ātorspere$

~tān poison-twig = ~tēar* drop of poison (?). ^ātortān$

ātrahtnian (ā·trahtnian) treat, discuss. ^ātrahtnian$

ātredan (ā·tredan) 4 ūt ~ extort from. = ātręddan ? ^ātredan$

ātręddan (ā·tręddan) investigate, explore. ^ātręddan$

ātręndlian (ā·tręndlian) roll . ^ātręndlian$

atrum () ink [ atramentum]. ^atrum$

ātȳdran (ā·tȳdran) bring forth (progeny, growth), produce. ^ātȳdran$

ātyhtan (ā·tyht|an) incite, entice; stretch, extend, turn, direct — ēarum ~um with attentive ears. ^ātyhtan$

ātȳnan (ā·tȳnan) — ūt ~ exclude. = ontȳan. ^ātȳnan$

āþ oath. ^āþ$

~bryce perjury. ^āþbryce$

~fultum confirmers of an oath. ^āþfultum$

~gehāt promise on oath, oath. ^āþgehāt$

~loga perjurer. ^āþloga$

~stæf oath. ^āþstæf$

~swaru , -a oath. ^āþswaru$

~swęrung, ~swaring swearing an oath. ^āþswęrung$

~swyrd, eo oath. ^āþswyrd$

~wędd (?) promise on oath Gl. ^āþwędd$

~wierþe worthy of credit. ^āþwierþe$

aþamans adamant [ adamantem]. ^aþamans$

āþęcgan † destroy, kill (?). ^āþęcgan$

āþegen (ā·þegen) distended Gl. ^āþegen$

āþęnian, āþęnnan (ā·þęn|ian) stretch out (hand), stretch (bow) — ~ed distended ; prostrate oneself ; concentrate (mind) on. ^āþęnian$

~enes, ~ednes extension. ^āþęnianenes$

āþęncan (ā·þęncan) devise, invent ; intend. ^āþęncan$

āþeostrian (ā·þeostr|ian), īe become dim, obscure ; be eclipsed ~od dim ( the eyes), eclipsed. ^āþeostrian$

āþerscan (ā·þerscan)* 3 'thresh out' — āþroxen robbed. ^āþerscan$

āþexe lizard. ^āþexe$

āþīedan (ā·þīedan), ēo separate. ^āþīedan$

āþierran (ā·þierran) wipe. ^āþierran$

āþīetan (ā·þīetan) sound blow (horn) [þēotan]. ^āþīetan$

āþindan (ā·þindan) 3 swell — āþunden swollen. ^āþindan$

aþolware (aþol-ware) † citizens, eþel- ? ^aþolware$

āþolian (ā·þolian) hold out, endure. ^āþolian$

aþracian = onþrācian. ^aþracian$

āþrǣstan (ā·þrǣstan) wrest out, deprive. ^āþrǣstan$

āþrawan (ā·þraw|an) I, -āwen, ō twist (out) ; flow : is mīn swāt ~en. ^āþrawan$

āþrēatian (ā·þrēatian) be irksome || dissuade from : him his yfel ~. ^āþrēatian$

āþrēotan (ā·þrēotan) 7 hine āþīiett be weary, find irksome | hē wæs āþroten þæs. ^āþrēotan$

āþrīetan (ā·þrīetan) weary, bore. ^āþrīetan$

āþringan (ā·þringan) 3 force out ; — ūtāþrungen embossed || force one's way out, rush out. ^āþringan$

āþrintan (ā·þrintan)* 3 swell — āþrunten swollen. ^āþrintan$

āþrotennes (ā·þrotennes) wearisomeness. [āþreotan]. ^āþrotennes$

aþrowen, āþrāwan. ^aþrowen$

aþroxen, āþerscan. ^aþroxen$

āþrutan (ā·þrut|an)* 7 swell — ~en swollen. ^āþrutan$

āþryn, āþryan (ā·þry(a)n) — āþrȳd robbed. ^āþryn$^āþryan$

āþrysman, āþryseman, (ā·þrys(e)man), -ian stifle, suffocate. ^āþrysman$^āþryseman$

āþum son-in-law; brother-in-law. ^āþum$

~swerian father- and son-in-law. ^āþumswerian$

āþundennes (ā·þundennes) being swollen, swelling [āþindan]. ^āþundennes$

āþwǣnan (ā·þwǣnan) soften. ^āþwǣnan$

āþwēan (ā·þwēan) 2 -wagen, æ, e wash, cleanse. ^āþwēan$

āþweran (ā·þweran) 4 churn (butter). ^āþweran$

āþwītan (ā·þwītan) 6 disappoint, frustrari. ^āþwītan$

āþyn (ā·þyn) press — ūt ~ extract (oil) ; imprint. ^āþyn$

āþȳtan (ā·þȳtan) expel Gl. — ūt ~*, aþytan pull out, put out (eyes). ^āþȳtan$

āþȳwan (ā·þȳwan) push away, expel. = *aþīen. ^āþȳwan$

āwa, ā. ^āwa$

āwacan (ā·wacan) 2 awake ; come into existence, arise, be born. ^āwacan$

āwacian (ā·wacian) awake. ^āwacian$

āwācian (ā·wācian) become weak ; become languid, relax efforts ; fall away from God). ^āwācian$

āwǣcan (ā·wǣcan) weaken. ^āwǣcan$

āwæcnian (ā·wæcnian), -ac(e)nian, -nan come to life ; come into being, appear ; be result of, arise from, be descended from. ^āwæcnian$

āwǣgan (ā·wǣgan) make nugatory, annul, rebut (testimony) ; deceive. ^āwǣgan$

āwǣlan (ā·wǣlan) roll, roll away ; afflict. ^āwǣlan$

āwannian (ā·wannian) become pale. ^āwannian$

āwascan (ā·wascan) I wash. ^āwascan$

āweahtnes (ā·weahtnes), -weht- exciting [āwęccan]. ^āweahtnes$

āweallan (ā·weallan) I gush forth, issue ; have source, emanate. ^āweallan$

āweardian (ā·weardian) defend. ^āweardian$

āweaxan (ā·weaxan) I grow ; grow up ; come into being, arise. ^āweaxan$

awebb = ōwębb woof. ^awebb$

āwęccan (ā·węccan), āwrę- wake ; bring to life ; beget, suscitare ; incite, excite; cause. ^āwęccan$

āwęcgan (ā·węcgan) move away, move ; ~ fram, of dissuade. ^āwęcgan$

āwēdan (ā·wēdan) go mad [wōd]. ^āwēdan$

āwefan (ā·wefan) 5 weave. ^āwefan$

aweg = on weg away. ^aweg$

āwegan (ā·wegan) 5 carry away ; carry off, carry ; weigh, weigh out. ^āwegan$

āwel, owul, āl, ǣl awl, hook, fork. ^āwel$

āwęmman (ā·węmman), -æmmian pollute ; curtail, shorten. ^āwęmman$

āwęnian (ā·węnian), -ęnnan disaccustom, wean (child). ^āwęnian$

āwęndan (ā·węnd|an) turn away, turn ; turn upside down, ransack (house) | pervert ; alter, change ; ~ tō transform into, turn into; ~ of … on translate || turn ; go ; ~ fram secede, desert. ^āwęndan$

~edlic, ~endlic changeable. ^āwęndedlic$

~edlicnes, ~endlicnes mutability. ^āwęndedlicnes$

~ednes change. ^āwęndednes$

~ing subversion. ^āwęnding$

āwēodian (ā·wēodian) extirpate. ^āwēodian$

āweorpan (ā·weorpan), u, y 3 throw ; throw out, throw away, throw down ; expel, degrade (from dignity, office); reject, divorce — āworpen wīf. ^āweorpan$

āweorþan (ā·weorþan) 3 perish, become worthless — āworden worthless (person). ^āweorþan$

āwęrian (ā·węrian) defend, protect — defend … against ; restrain, hinder. ^āwęrian$

āwęrian (ā·węrian) wear, wear out (clothes). ^āwęrian$

awesc = æ̂wisc. ^awesc$

āwēst (ā·wēst) an lay waste, ravage, destroy. ^āwēst$

~nes, ~ednes desolation. ^āwēstnes$

~end devastator. ^āwēstend$

āwīdlian (ā·wīdlian) pollute, profane. ^āwīdlian$

āwięlgan (ā·więlgan)*, -wiligdon roll. ^āwięlgan$

āwięllan (ā·więllan) (cause to gush forth) — † wynnum ~ed joyful ; boil . ^āwięllan$

āwięltan (ā·więltan) roll . ^āwięltan$

āwięrdan (ā·więrd|an) injure; corrupt, deprave ; destroy — āwærd worthless, contemptible [weorþan]. ^āwięrdan$^āwyrdan$

~nes injury, destruction. ^āwięrdnes$

āwięrgan (ā·więrg|an), -yrgian curse — ~ed (ac)cursed, execrable [wearg]. ^āwięrgan$

~edlic, ~endlic wicked. ^āwięrgedlic$

~nes, ~ednes malediction. ^āwięrgnes$

āwiftan (ā·wiftan) — ūt~ exhale Gl. ^āwiftan$

āwiht (ā-wiht), āwuht, a(u)ht, ōwiht, , ǣniht I. anything, something, tō ahte at all. āhtes serviceable :þa scipu þe āhtes wǣron. II. āht of worth, good : hwæþer hē ~ sȳ oþþe nāht. III. at all, by any means. ^āwiht$

āwildian (ā·wildian) become wild, fierce. ^āwildian$

āwiligan = *āwielgan. ^āwiligan$

āwindan (ā·windan) 3 wind, plait ; turn off, slip ; become relaxed weak. ^āwindan$

āwindwian (ā·windwian) winnow away, disperse (enemies). ^āwindwian$

āwinnan (ā·winnan) 3 strive ; overcome ; gain, acquire. ^āwinnan$

awisnian (a-wisnian) dry up . ^awisnian$

āwistlian (ā·wistlian) hiss, pipe ( weak voice). ^āwistlian$

āwlacian (ā·wlacian) be lukewarm . ^āwlacian$

āwlǣtan (ā·wlǣtan) make loathsome, deform, spoil. ^āwlǣtan$

awlancian (a-wlancian) become proud, exultare. ^awlancian$

āwoffian (ā·woff|ian) be insolent; be mad — ~od insane. ^āwoffian$

āwogian (ā·wogian) woo. ^āwogian$

awoh = on wōg. ^awoh$

āwordennes (ā·wordennes) worthlessness, degeneration [āweorþan]. ^āwordennes$

āworpenlic (ā·worpen|lic) worthy of rejection or condemnation [āweorpan]. ^āworpenlic$

~nes rejection ; exposure (of children by parents). ^āworpennes$

āwrǣstan (ā·wrǣstan) wrest from, extort. ^āwrǣstan$

āwrecan (ā·wrecan) 5 drive away, drive | strike, pierce | avenge ; punish | recite, relate. ^āwrecan$

āwreccan = āweccan awake. ^āwreccan$

āwręþian (ā·wręþian) prop, support ; sustain, help. ^āwręþian$

āwrīdian (ā·wrīdian) grow, be descended. ^āwrīdian$

awrigennes = onwrigennes. ^awrigennes$

āwringan (ā·wringan) 3 squeeze out. ^āwringan$

āwrītan (ā·wrītan) 6 write; depict, draw, carve ; compose, write, describe. ^āwrītan$

āwrīþan (ā·wrīþan) 6 twist ; bind, bandage (wound). ^āwrīþan$

awriþan = on·wriþan unbind. ^awriþan$

awþer = āhwæþer. ^awþer$

āwunian (ā·wunian) remain (in place) ; continue (in time). ^āwunian$

āwundrian (ā·wundrian) make to seem wonderful. ^āwundrian$

āwyrcan (ā·wyrcan) do. ^āwyrcan$

āwyrdla = æ̂- injury. ^āwyrdla$

āwyrgan (ā·wyrgan) strangle, kill. ^āwyrgan$

āwyrtwalian (ā·wyrtwalian) root up ; extirpate. ^āwyrtwalian$

āytan (ā·ytan) drive out, expel. ^āytan$


, bēgen. ^bā$

bacan 2 bake.· ^bacan$

gebacu*, -bæcu . back parts. ^gebacu$

bād pledge, thing distrained ; impost | expectation [bīdan]. ^bād$

~ian take a pledge . ^bādian$

bæc back. clǣne ~ habban be free from deceit, on ~, ofer ~,under ~ back(wards), behind. ^bæc$

~bord left side of ship, port. ^bæcbord$

~lingon b. back, behind. ^bæcling$

~slitol slandering. ^bæcslitol$

~þearm rectum ; ~as bowels. ^bæcþearm$

bæc (?) brook. bęce. ^bæc$

bæc-, bacan. ^bæc$

~ere baker. ^bæcere$

~ern, ~hūs bake-house. ^bæcern$

gebæc baking, what is baked. ^gebæc$

bæcering () gridiron. ^bæcering$

bæcestre, -istre, y . baker (male female). ^bæcestre$^bæcistre$

bæd biddan. ^bæd$

bǣdan (bǣd|an) compel; urge on, incite; solicit, require ; afflict, oppress. ^bǣdan$

~end impeller. ^bǣdend$

bǣddel hermaphrodite. ^bǣddel$

bǣdeweg (bǣde-weg), beadowig cup. ^bǣdeweg$

bǣdling sodomite, effeminate one. ^bǣdling$

bædzere = bæzere. ^bædzere$

bæfta back [bæftan]. ^bæfta$

bæftan, beæ- , behind : hī ætsǣton ~ remained at home (instead of serving in the militia) ; after(wards) : hēr~. ^bæftan$^beæftan$^hērbæftan$

~sittende slothful. ^bæftansittende$

bæ̂l funeral pile ; fire, blaze. ^bæl$

bæ̂lblæse (bæ̂l|blæse), ~blys(e) blaze of fire. ^bælblæse$^bælblyse$

~egsa † in. terror of fire. ^bælegsa$

~fȳr funeral fire. ^bælfȳr$

~stęde place of a funeral pile. ^bælstęde$

~þracu strength of fire. ^bælþracu$

~więlm intensity of fire. ^bælwięlm$

~wudu wood of a funeral pile. ^bælwudu$

bælc covering (?). ^bælc$

bælc † () pride. ^bælc$

bælcan † vociferate. ^bælcan$

bælignes = *bęlignes. ^bælignes$

bǣm bēgen. ^bǣm$

bæ̂r bare, naked. ^bær$

~fōt, ~efōt bare-footed. ^bærfōt$

~līce evidently. ^bærlīce$

~synnig, bearswinig notoriously sinful . ^bærsynnig$

bæ̂r bier ; litter [beran]. ^bær$

bæ̂rmann (bæ̂r-mann) tearer; porter. ^bærmann$

bærdisc (bær-disc) tray = ber- (?). ^bærdisc$

bærn = bęrn barn. ^bærn$

bærnan (bærn|an) burn; light (fire, lamp) [biernan]. ^bærnan$

~elāc burnt offering. ^bærnelāc$

~ing burning . ^bærning$

~es, ~nes burning. ^bærnes$

bærnet, bærnett, -yt burning ; arson. ^bærnet$^bærnyt$^bærnett$

bærs, bears perch (a fish). ^bærs$

bærst berstan. ^bærst$

bærstlian = brastlian. ^bærstlian$

gebæ̂ru (gebæ̂r|u) behaviour, manner, customs ; gesture ; cries [beran]. ^gebæru$

~an behave. ^gebæran$

~nes behaviour. ^gebærnes$

bærwe = bearwe wheelbarrow. ^bærwe$

bæst () bast (pinner bark of the lime). ^bæst$

~en of bast. ^bæsten$

bæstere = bæzere. ^bæstere$

bǣtan (bǣt|an) furnish with bit, bridle; coerce, restrain | hunt, bait, worry [bītan]. ^bǣtan$

~ing cable (of ship). ^bǣting$

gebǣtu (gebǣt|u) , ~el bit, bridle, trappings of horse. ^gebǣtu$

~an furnish with bit, bridle, curb. ^gebǣtan$

bæþ bath. ^bæþ$

~fæt bath. ^bæþfæt$

~hūs bath-house. ^bæþhūs$

~stęde , ~stōw bath-place. ^bæþstęde$

~weg sea. ^bæþweg$

bæzere, bædzere, bæþcere, bæstere baptist [ baptista, ]. ^bæzere$^bædzere$^bæþcere$^bæstere$

balanīþ (bala-nīþ) = bealo-. ^balanīþ$

balc (?) ridge between two furrows. ^balc$

balca heap. ^balca$

balsminte (bals-minte) spear-mint. ^balsminte$

balsam balsam, balm. ~es tēar juice of balsam []. ^balsam$

bām bēgen. ^bām$

bān bone (ivory, whalebone); leg . ^bān$

~beorge , -an , ~gebeorg (?) greaves. ^bānbeorge$

~gebrec , ~bryce bone-fracture. ^bāngebrec$

~cofa body. ^bāncofa$

~fæt body. ^bānfæt$

~fāg † adorned with bone ? (hall). ^bānfāg$

~hring vertebra. ^bānhring$

~hūs body. ^bānhūs$

~lēas boneless. ^bānlēas$

~loca body. ^bānloca$

~rift greaves. ^bānrift$

~sęle body. ^bānsęle$

~wærc pain in the bones. ^bānwærc$

~wyrt violet (?). ^bānwyrt$

banhelm (ban-helm) † helmet. ^banhelm$

bana (ban|a) slayer, murderer. ^bana$

~gār deadly spear. ^bangār$

~snaca venomous snake. ^bansnaca$

gebann summons, proclamation, command ; the indiction (cycle of fifteen years). ^gebann$

~gēar year of indiction. ^gebanngēar$

bannan (bann|an) I a, b summon — ~ ūt call out (militia) ; proclaim, command. ^bannan$

~end summoner Gl. ^bannend$

bannuc cake of bread, scone. ^bannuc$

~camb wool-comb Gl. ^bannuccamb$

bār wild boar. ^bār$

~spere , ~sprēot boar-spear, hunting-spear. ^bārspere$

barian make bare, uncover ; depopulate [bær]. ^barian$

barda beaked ship. ^barda$

barþ () light ship. ^barþ$

basing cloak, mantle. ^basing$

bāsnian (bāsn|ian) expect, await [bīdan]. ^bāsnian$

~ung expectation. ^bāsnung$

baso, ea, baswe, purple, crimson, se baswa stan topaz. ^baso$^beaso$^baswe$

~hǣwen purple. ^basohǣwen$

~rēadian*, beso- make reddish-purple, colour purple. ^basorēadian$

bastard bastard [] ^bastard$

baswian stain purple red (with blood) [baso]. ^baswian$

bāt boat. ^bāt$

~swegen boatman [] ^bātswegen$

~weard boat-guarder. ^bātweard$

batian (bat|ian) be in good condition health, grow fat : wæs ge~ad healed ( wound). ^batian$

batt club, stick. ^batt$

batwa, bēgan. ^batwa$

baþian bathe, , , ; provide (poor men) with baths [bæþ]. ^baþian$

be, bi ; bī(g) . I. by (), along, in | be him lifgendum during his lifetime || , by : gehæfted be þām healse | : be hrēowsunge dǣdbētende, be his hǣse, be hlafe libban | according to : ǣghwilc gilt be his gebyrdum | : be fullan fully | concerning : be manna cræftum () | about : cweþan be, āwrītan bōc be, āxian hine be, him bebēad be þē. II. be norþan, be sūþan, &c. north of, &c. III. be-þǣm-þe. in proportion to, as much as. ^be$^bi$^bīg$

bēacn, bēacen sign, token, beacon ; standard, banner. ^bēacn$^bēacen$

~fȳr beacon-fire, light-house. ^bēacnfȳr$

~stān beacon-fire rock, farus. ^bēacnstān$

gebēacn sign. ^gebēacn$

beacnian = bīecn(i)an. ^beacnian$

beado †, bead(u)we, battle, war. ^beado$^beadwe$^beaduwe$

~cāf prompt in battle, warlike. ^beadocāf$

~cræft skill in war. ^beadocræft$

~cræftig skilful in war. ^beadocræftig$

~cwealm violent death. ^beadocwealm$

~folm war-hand. ^beadofolm$

~grīma helmet. ^beadogrīma$

~grimm fierce in war. ^beadogrimm$

~hrægl coat of mail. ^beadohrægl$

~lāc battle. ^beadolāc$

~lēoma sword. ^beadolēoma$

~mægen battle-strength. ^beadomægen$

~mēce battle-sword. ^beadomēce$

~rǣ onset. ^beadorǣ$

~rinc warrior. ^beadorinc$

~rōf warlike. ^beadorōf$

~rūn theme of quarrel. ^beadorūn$

~scearp sharp in battle ( sword). ^beadoscearp$

~scrūd coat of mail. ^beadoscrūd$

~searo armour. ^beadosearo$

~sięrce coat of mail. ^beadosięrce$

~þrēat army. ^beadoþrēat$

~wæ̂pen war-weapon. ^beadowæpen$

~wang field of battle. ^beadowang$

~weorc war-work. ^beadoweorc$

~wig = bædeweg. ^beadowig$

beæftan = bæftan. ^beæftan$

beǣwnian (be·ǣwnian) join in marriage. ^beǣwnian$

beaftan lament . ^beaftan$

bēag ring (of gold), bracelet, torque, crown [būgan]. ^bēag$

~giėfa giver of rings, patron. ^bēaggiėfa$

~giefu ring-giving, liberality. ^bēaggiefu$

~hord treasure. ^bēaghord$

~hroden † adorned with rings, &c. [hrēodan]. ^bēaghroden$

~sæl, ~sęle hall in which gold is distributed. ^bēagsæl$

~þegu receiving of rings. ^bēagþegu$

~wriþa bracelet, &c. ^bēagwriþa$

bēagian crown. ^bēagian$

bealcan, bealcettan, i, y belch forth, utter. ^bealcan$^bealcettan$

bealcett () belching. ^bealcett$

beald, . balþ self-confident, bold. ^beald$^balþ$

~e, ~līce, . ballīce boldly. ^bealde$^bealdīce$^ballīce$

~ian be bold. ^bealdian$

~wyrde bold of speech. ^bealdwyrde$

bealdor prince, king. ^bealdor$

beallucas testicles. ^beallucas$

bealo beal(o)wes I. evil, calamity, injury, wickedness. II. evil, dire, pernicious, wicked. ^bealo$^bealwes$

~bęnd. () severe bond, chain. ^bealobęnd$

~bęnn severe wound. ^bealobęnn$

~blanden pernicious. ^bealoblanden$

~clamm dire bond. ^bealoclamm$

~cræft evil art, magic. ^bealocræft$

~cwealm violent death. ^bealocwealm$

~dæ̂d crime. ^bealodæd$

~full evil, wicked. ^bealofull$

~fūs prone to evil. ^bealofūs$

~hycgende, ~hygdig, ~hȳdig meditating evil, hostile. ^bealohycgende$

~inwit malice. ^bealoinwit$

~lēas innocent. ^bealolēas$

~niþ pernicious malice, vice, wickedness. ^bealoniþ$

~rāp dire rope, bond. ^bealorāp$

~searo dire machination. ^bealosearo$

~sīþ fatal journey, misfortune. ^bealosīþ$

~sorg dire sorrow. ^bealosorg$

~spell dire tidings. ^bealospell$

~þanc evil thought. ^bealoþanc$

bēam. tree ; the Cross ; pillar (of fire) ; beam ; † ship. ^bēam$

~sceadu shadow of a tree. ^bēamsceadu$

~tęlg 'wood-dye,' (carbon) ink. ^bēamtęlg$

bēan bean. ^bēan$

~bęlg, -codd bean-pod. ^bēanbęlg$

~cynn species of bean. ^bēancynn$

~scalu bean-pod. ^bēanscalu$

bēanen of beans. ^bēanen$

bearce*, æ barking [beorcan]. ^bearce$

beard beard, . ^beard$

~lēas beardless. ^beardlēas$

bearg pig. ^bearg$

bearhtm, eo, y, e; . æ; breaht(u)m, glance (of the eye) — ēagena ~ the evil eye [beorht]. ^bearhtm$^beorhtm$^byrhtm$^berhtm$^bærhtm$^bearhtmu$

~e instantly [ bearhtm]. ^bearhtme$

~hwæt swift as a glance of the eye. ^bearhtmhwæt$

~hwīl moment, instant — āne ~e suddenly. ^bearhtmhwīl$

bearhtm = breahtm noise. ^bearhtm$

bearm. bosom, lap ; middle, inside ; † possession. ^bearm$

~clāþ ~hrægl apron. ^bearmclāþ$

bearmteag (bearm-teag), beo-. ^bearmteag$

bearn child. ^bearn$

~gebyrda child-bearing. ^bearngebyrda$

~ēacen, ~ēaca (?), ~ēacniend pregnant. ^bearnēacen$

~lēas childless. ^bearnlēas$

~līest, ~lēast childlessness. ^bearnlīest$

~lufe adoption. ^bearnlufe$

~myrþre infanticide. ^bearnmyrþre$

~gestrēon begetting children. ^bearngestrēon$

~tēam begetting children. ^bearntēam$

bearn beiernan. ^bearn$

bearo, bear(o)wes, grove, wood. ^bearo$^bearwes$

~næss woody tract, grove. ^bearonæss$

bears = bærs. ^bears$

bearwe, æ, e, -uwe, -ewe basket, wheelbarrow. ^bearwe$^bærwe$^berwe$^bearuwe$^bearewe$

beāscian (be·āscian) question ; request ( ?). ^beāscian$

gebēat beating. ^gebēat$

bēatan (bēat|an) I beat ; clash together ; tramp, tread on. ^bēatan$

~ere pugilist Gl. ^bēatere$

bēaw () gadfly. ^bēaw$

bebaþian (be·baþian) bathe, wash. ^bebaþian$

bebēodan (be·bēod|an) 7 offer; commit, entrust ; command, ask ; announce. ^bebēodan$

~end master, praeceptor. ^bebēodend$

~endlic imperative (mood). ^bebēodendlic$

bebeorgan (be·beorgan) 3 ward off from oneself, avoid. ^bebeorgan$

beberan (be·beran) 4 supply, provide with. ^beberan$

bebindan (be·bindan) 3 bind. ^bebindan$

bebod (be·bod) command, mandate, (moral) precept. ^bebod$

~dæg appointed day. ^beboddæg$

bebrǣdan (be·brǣdan) mid spread, cover. ^bebrǣdan$

bebrecan (be·brecan) 4 deprive of by breaking ; consume. ^bebrecan$

bebregdan (be·bregdan) pretend, simulate. ^bebregdan$

bebrūcan (be·brūcan) 7 practise (virtue). ^bebrūcan$

bebūgan (be·būgan) 7 encompass, surround ; avoid, escape || extend geond. ^bebūgan$

bebycgan (be·bycgan) sell : on gold ~ sell for gold. ^bebycgan$

bebyrigan (be·byrig|an), -rgan bury. ^bebyrigan$

~nes, ~ednes burying, burial. ^bebyrignes$

bēc bōc. ^bēc$

bēcan, ge- assign by charter [bōc]. ^bēcan$^gebēcan$

becæfed (be·cæfed)*, e adorned. ^becæfed$

bęcca pickaxe, mattock. ^bęcca$

bęce brook. ^bęce$

bēce (bēc|e), oe beech-tree [bōc]. ^bēce$

~en of beech. ^bēcen$

becēapian (be·cēapian) sell : ~ wiþ fēo. ^becēapian$

becefed = becæfed. ^becefed$

beceorfan (be·ceorfan) 3 cut off : hine hēafde ~. ^beceorfan$

beceorian (be·ceorian) complain of, lament. ^beceorian$

becēowan (be·cēowan) 7 gnaw (through). ^becēowan$

becīepan (be·cīepan) sell [becēapian]. ^becīepan$

becięrran (be·cięrran) turn, make to revolve ; give the slip to, avoid ; betray. ^becięrran$

beclǣman (be·clǣman) glue together. ^beclǣman$

beclęmman (be·clęmman) † fetter, enclose. ^beclęmman$

beclingan (be·clingan) 3 enclose, bind. ^beclingan$

beclipian (be·clipian), eo summon, sue at law. ^beclipian$

beclyppan (be·clyppan) embrace, encompass. ^beclyppan$

beclȳsan (be·clȳs|an) enclose, shut up, close [clūse]. ^beclȳsan$

~ing cell; period, syllogism. ^beclȳsing$

becnāwan (be·cnāwan) I know. ^becnāwan$

becnyttan (be·cnyttan) tie up. ^becnyttan$

becrēopan (be·crēopan) 7 creep — wæs becropen lay hid, was kept concealed. ^becrēopan$

becuman (be·cuman) 4 come ; meet with, fall among; happen — ~ him tō ēadignesse make him happy. ^becuman$

becweþan (be·cweþan) 5 say ; reproach ; bequeath . ^becweþan$

becwiddian (be·cwiddian) deposit Gl. ^becwiddian$

becyme (be·cyme) (!) event Bd. ^becyme$

bed = gebed : ~dagas, ~hūs, ~rǣden. ^bed$

~rīp, bider- compulsory reaping [ bēnrīp]. ^bedrīp$

gebed prayer ; religious ordinance ceremony. ^gebed$

~dagas prayer-days. ^gebeddagas$

~giht evening Gl. ^gebedgiht$

~hūs oratory, chapel, temple. ^gebedhūs$

~mann worshipper, priest. ^gebedmann$

~rǣden prayer. ^gebedrǣden$

~stow place of prayer, oratory. ^gebedstow$

gebedian pray, worship. ^gebedian$

bedǣlan (be·dǣlan) deprive , . ^bedǣlan$

będd bed ; (garden) bed, plot. ^będd$

~bolster bolster. ^będdbolster$

~būr bedchamber. ^będdbūr$

~clēofa, -clȳfa ; ~cofa bedroom. ^będdclēofa$

~clāþ bed-covering, bedclothes. ^będdclāþ$

~felt blanket, sheet. ^będdfelt$

~gemāna cohabitation. ^będdgemāna$

~rēaf bed-clothes. ^będdrēaf$

~reda, i, y one bed-ridden ; also . ^będdreda$

~ręst bed. ^będdręst$

~gerid (ants') nest (?). ^będdgerid$

~þegn chamberlain. ^będdþegn$

~tīd bed-time. ^będdtīd$

~wāgrift bed-curtain. ^będdwāgrift$

będdian (będd|ian) make a bed : ~ him for him. ^będdian$

~ing bedding, bed-clothes; bed. ^będding$

gebędda (gebęd|da) consort, wife. ^gebędda$

~clēofa*, ȳ lair, den. ^gebędclēofa$

~scipe cohabitation, marriage. ^gebędscipe$

bedecian beg [gebed(ian)]. ^bedecian$

bedelfan (be·delf|an) 3 dig round; bury. ^bedelfan$

~ing digging round. ^bedelfing$

beden biddan. ^beden$

bedician (be·dician) fortify with mound. ^bedician$

bedīeglan, bedīeglian (be·dīegl(i)an), -dēaglian hide, conceal, keep secret. ^bedīeglan$^bedīeglian$^bedēaglian$

bedīepan (be·dīepan)*, ē, ȳ dip. bedyppan. ^bedīepan$

bedięrnan (be·dięrnan) conceal . ^bedięrnan$

bedōn (be·dōn) shut, close (door). ^bedōn$

bedol suppliant. ^bedol$

bedrēosan (be·drēosan) † 7 — bedroren wearþ wæs was deprived of ; came into the power of. ^bedrēosan$

bedrīfan (be·drīfan) 6 drive ; assail, beat, cover : stēame bedrifen. ^bedrīfan$

bedrincan (be·drincan) 3 drink in, absorb. ^bedrincan$

bedrōg (be·drōg) † beguiled [ *bedrēag]. ^bedrōg$

bedu request [biddan]. ^bedu$

bedūfan (be·dūfan) 7 be submerged — bedofen drowned. ^bedūfan$

bedydrian (be·dydrian) deceive ; conceal (from) wiþ . ^bedydrian$

bedyppan (be·dyppan) dip [ bedīepan]. ^bedyppan$

beebbian (be·ebb|ian) : ~od wæs was left aground by the tide going out ( ship). ^beebbian$

befæstan (be·fæstan) fasten, fix ; establish ; make safe; apply, utilize; entrust, commit . ^befæstan$

befæþman (be·fæþman) embrace, encircle. ^befæþman$

befaran (be·faran) 2 traverse ; attack ; ūtan ~ surround (army), blockade || proceed, go. ^befaran$

befealdan (be·fealdan) I fold ; fold round, cover ; surround. ^befealdan$

befealh befēolan. ^befealh$

befeallan (be·feall|an) I fall ; ~ on incur (death, guilt), fall into (habit) | ~en deprived (of). ^befeallan$

befēgan (be·fēgan) join on . ^befēgan$

befeohtan (be·feohtan) 3 deprive of by fighting : fēore befohten dead. ^befeohtan$

befēolan (be·fēolan) 3, -fealh, -fōlen put away (under the earth) ; impose, grant, consign : him wæs Hālig Gāst befōlen, hē hine rōde befealh crucified him || apply oneself (to prayer, learning), importune (a person) ; on fall into (a certain state) : ~ on slǣpe. ^befēolan$

befēran (be·fēran) traverse, encompass. ^befēran$

befician (be·fician) deceive. ^befician$

befięllan (be·fięll|an) knock down, fell, throw down | ~ed deprived ^befięllan$

beflēan (be·flēan) 2 flay, take off skin : take off bark — beflagen flæsc viscera. ^beflēan$

beflēon (be·flēon) 7 flee from, escape fram. ^beflēon$

beflēogan (be·flēogan) 7 fly. ^beflēogan$

beflōwan (be·flōwan) I flow over, flood. ^beflōwan$

befōn (be·fōn) I b grasp, seize ; take possession of; take (in the act), detect (in a crime) ; entrap | surround, encompass, encircle ; contain, hold a quantity. ^befōn$

befōlen befēolan. ^befōlen$

beforan (be·foran) I. in the presence of | in the name of : ic þē bebeode ~ Gode | before . II. before, in front ; above (in book) ; þæs cynn is ~ āwriten ; beforehand, ready ; openly, publicly. ^beforan$

beforhtian (be·forhtian) dread. ^beforhtian$

befōtian (be·fōtian) deprive of feet. ^befōtian$

befrēon, befrēogan (be·frēo(ga)n) free. ^befrēon$^befrēogan$

befrignan (be·frign|an), -frīnan 3 question; ask for, request . ^befrignan$

~ung inquiry, investigation. ^befrignung$

befullan (be·fullan) completely [be, full]. ^befullan$

befȳlan (be·fȳlan) defile. ^befȳlan$

befylgan (be·fylgan) follow, pursue. ^befylgan$

befyllan (be·fyllan) fill. ^befyllan$

bēg* ~er berry. ^bēg$

~bēam*, beig- bramble. ^bēgbēam$

bēga bēgen. ^bēga$

begān (be·gān), -gangan go over, traverse ; occupy, possess (country) , surround — ūtan ~ besiege ; cultivate (land), take care of; honour, worship; perform, practise, do. ^begān$

~nes calends (!) Gl. ^begānnes$

begalan (be·galan) 2 sing incantations over, bewitch. ^begalan$

begang, bīgęng (be·gang, bī-gęng) circuit; tract, space | observance, practice, business ; service, worship. ^begang$^bīgeng$

beganga = bīgenga. ^beganga$

begeat (be·geat) gains, property. ^begeat$

bēgen, ē †, oe , bātwā, bū(tu) both. ^bēgen$^boegen$^bātwa$^būtū$^bā$

begenga = bīgęnga. ^begenga$

begēomerian (be·gēomerian) lament. ^begēomerian$

begeondan (be·geondan) beyond. ^begeondan$

begēotan (be·gēotan) 7 pour over, cover (with fluid): mid blōde begoten; pour. ^begēotan$

bēger *bēg berry. ^bēger$

begiėllan (be·giėllan) † 3 scream around sing about (?). ^begiėllan$

begīeman (be·gīem|an) take care of, attend to. ^begīeman$

~en attention, looking out for. ^begīemen$

~ung taking care. ^begīemung$

begiėtan (be·giėtan) 5 get, obtain, attain, conquer, acquire (wealth) ; find ; happen to, come upon ( danger, evil, &c.) ; beget conceive (child). ^begiėtan$

begīnan (be·gīnan) 6 gape at . ^begīnan$

beginnan (be·ginnan) 3 begin. ^beginnan$

begleddian (be·gleddian) stain (with blood). ^begleddian$

beglīdan (be·glīdan) 6 depart from . ^beglīdan$

begnagan (be·gnagan) 2 gnaw. ^begnagan$

begnornian (be·gnornian) lament. begrornian. ^begnornian$

bēgra g. of. bēgen. ^bēgra$

begrafan (be·grafan) 2 bury. ^begrafan$

begrētan (be·grētan) † lament. ^begrētan$

begrinian (be·grinian), y ensnare. ^begrinian$

begrindan (be·grindan) 3 polish ; † deprive . ^begrindan$

begroren sūsle ~ overwhelmed (?). ^begroren$

begrornian (be·grornian) lament. begnornian. ^begrornian$

begyldan (be·gyldan) gild. ^begyldan$

begyrdan (be·gyrdan) gird ; clothe ; surround. ^begyrdan$

behabban (be·habban) surround; comprehend ; detain. ^behabban$

behǣs (be·hǣs) () vow hǣs behāt. ^behǣs$

behættian (be·hættian) scalp (as punishment). ^behættian$

behamelian (be·hamelian) strip naked (?). ^behamelian$

behammen (be·hammen) ( shoe). ^behammen$

behāt (be·hāt) promise ; vow. ^behāt$

behātan (be·hātan) I promise ; vow ; threaten with. ^behātan$

behāwian (be·hāwian) look carefully, take care. ^behāwian$

behēafdian (be·hēafd|ian) behead. ^behēafdian$

~ung beheading. ^behēafdung$

behēafodlic (be·hēafodlic) capital (punishment) Gl. [be, hēafod]. ^behēafodlic$

behealdan (be·heald|an) I hold, keep; guard; possess, have ; act, behave ; | look at, observe ; consider, reflect on ; pay regard to, observe, keep (laws) — . be careful ; practise, perform | signify, mean ; be of importance, avail. ^behealdan$

~en cautious; assiduous (in) . ^behealden$

~nes regard. ^behealdnes$

behēawan (be·hēawan) I hew, cut into shape (timber) ; bruise, beat ; cut off (head), deprive of: ~ hine hēafde, fēore. ^behēawan$

behēfe (be·hēf|e), oe, ~(e)lic suitable ; necessary [behōfian]. ^behēfe$

~nes utility. ^behēfnes$

behelan (be·helan) 4 cover over, conceal. ^behelan$

behęlian (be·hęlian) cover over, conceal. ^behęlian$

behelmian (be·helmian) cover over, shroud (with darkness), conceal. ^behelmian$

behēofian (be·hēofian) lament, mourn for. ^behēofian$

beheonan (be·heonan), -hinon , on this side of (river, sea). giet ~ citerius Gl. ^beheonan$

behīepan (be·hīepan) surround (with heaps). ^behīepan$

behindan (be·hindan) behind. ^behindan$

behinon = beheonan. ^behinon$

behlǣnan (be·hlǣnan) surround anything by leaning other things against it : ~ fæt holte, surround. ^behlǣnan$

behlēapan (be·hlēap|an) I leap; his mōd biþ ~en on … his mind is fixed on. ^behlēapan$

behlęmman (be·hlęmman) dash together, close (jaws). ^behlęmman$

behlīdan (be·hlīdan) 6 cover up, close , . ^behlīdan$

behlięhhan (be·hlięhhan) 2 deride. ^behlięhhan$

behlīeþan (be·hlīeþan)*, ȳ deprive, strip. ^behlīeþan$

behlīgan (be·hlīgan), (hē) behlīþ, defame : ~ hīe wammum. ^behlīgan$

behōn (be·hōn) I b behang, hang round with, behangen mid. ^behōn$

behofian (be·hof|ian) need, require . ^behofian$

~lic necessary. ^behoflic$

behogian (be·hog|ian) take care of. ^behogian$

~odlīce carefully. ^behogodlīce$

~odnes exercising, practising Gl. ^behogodnes$

behorsian (be·horsian) — hīe wurdon ~ode were deprived of their horses. ^behorsian$

behrēosan (be·hrēosan) 7 fall | behroren covered ; deprived of. ^behrēosan$

behrēowsian (be·hrēows|ian) repent ; atone. ^behrēowsian$

~ung repentance. ^behrēowsung$

behrīman (be·hrīman) cover with hoar-frost. ^behrīman$

behringan (be·hringan) encircle, surround. ^behringan$

behrōpan (be·hrōpan) I importune. ^behrōpan$

behrūmian (be·hrūmian) besmirch. ^behrūmian$

behrūmig (be·hrūmig) besmirched, sooty. ^behrūmig$

bēhte bēcan. ^bēhte$

bēhþ sign. ^bēhþ$

behweorf (be·hweorf) (!) exchange. ^behweorf$

behweorfan (be·hweorfan) 3 turn ; spread out | arrange, put in order (house) tend, prepare (corpse for burial) | change ; exchange for . ^behweorfan$

behwięlfan (be·hwięlfan) vault over, cover. ^behwięlfan$

behwięrfan (be·hwięrfan) turn, turn round ; ūtan ~ encompass ; exercise, train | change, convert ; exchange for on , mid. ^behwięrfan$

behycgan (be·hycgan) bear in mind, consider ; trust on. ^behycgan$

behȳdan (be·hȳdan) hide, conceal. ^behȳdan$

behydignes (be·hydignes) (!) desert. ^behydignes$

behygdig (be·hygdig), -hȳdig vigilant, careful, solicitous. ^behygdig$

~līce, -hȳdelīce carefully. ^behygdiglīce$

~nes solicitude, anxiety. ^behygdignes$

behyhtan (be·hyhtan) on set hopes (on), trust in. ^behyhtan$

behyldan (be·hyldan) skin, flay. ^behyldan$

behȳran (be·hȳr|an) hire out. ^behȳran$

~ing hiring out, letting. ^behȳring$

behȳþelīce (be·hȳþelīce) sumptuously Gl. ^behȳþelīce$

beięrfeweardian (be·ięrfeweardian) disinherit. ^beięrfeweardian$

beiernan (be·iernan) 3 run (into), be involved (in sin) ; occur (to the mind) : þā bearn him on mode þæt hē cōme he thought he would come | biþ beurnen mid blōde covered. ^beiernan$

beinnan = binnan. ^beinnan$

belācan (be·lācan) I b sport round, surround ( waves). ^belācan$

belādian (be·lād|ian) exculpate, clear . ^belādian$

~igend excuser, defender. ^belādigend$

~igendlic excusable. ^belādigendlic$

~ung excuse : þær is sum ~ on þǣre segene there is some excuse for your saying so. ^belādung$

belǣdan (be·lǣdan) lead, impel : on synna ~. ^belǣdan$

belǣfan (be·lǣfan) spare, leave undestroyed || remain, be left. ^belǣfan$

belǣþan (be·lǣþan) make hateful, pervert. ^belǣþan$

belæ̂wan (be·læ̂w|an) betray. ^belæwan$

~ing betrayal, treason. ^belæwing$

belāf (be·lāf) remainder. ^belāf$

belagen belēan. ^belagen$

belandian (be·landian) deprive of land. ^belandian$

belcedswēora (belced-swēora) † puff-necked [bælc]. ^belcedswēora$

belcettan = bealcettan. ^belcettan$

gebeldan, gibelde , cover bind (book). ^gebeldan$

belēan (be·lēan) 2 blame, forbid, dissuade from . ^belēan$

belęcgan (be·lęcgan) cover, envelop, overwhelm (with contempt), treat (ill), afflict — hē wæs swelces dōmes belēd þæt … he had such a reputation ; charge (with crime) mid. ^belęcgan$

belęndan (be·lęndan) deprive of land [belandian]. ^belęndan$

belene, beolone henbane. ^belene$^beolone$

belēogan (be·lēogan) 7 deceive. ^belēogan$

belēoran (be·lēoran) pass by . ^belēoran$

belēosan (be·lēosan) † 7 be deprived of beloren deprived of . ^belēosan$

gebelg anger ; arrogance. ^gebelg$

bęlg, bęlig = byl(i)ig. ^bęlg$^bęlig$

~nes*, bælig- offence, injury . ^bęlgnes$^bælignes$

belgan 3 be angry wiþ , for, gebolgen angry, fierce. ^belgan$

gebelgan 3 offend . ^gebelgan$

belibban (be·libban) — belifd lifeless. ^belibban$

belicgan (be·licgan) 5 surround. ^belicgan$

belīēfan (be·līēf|an) believe — ~ed believing on gelīēfan. ^belīēfan$

belīfan (be·līfan) 6 remain, be left. ^belīfan$

belīfian kill. ^belīfian$

belimp (be·limp) occurrence. ^belimp$

belimpan (be·limpan) 3 belong to, concern, appertain ; happen, befall . ^belimpan$

belisnian, belistnian (be·lis(t)nian) castrate. ^belisnian$^belistnian$

belīþan (be·līþan) † 6 — only in beliden deprived ; lifeless. ^belīþan$

bellan 3 bellow, grunt. ^bellan$

belle (bell|e) bell. ^belle$

~flīes bell-wether's fleece. ^bellflīes$

~hring () bell-ringing. ^bellhring$

~hūs bell-tower. ^bellhūs$

~tācen showing time by bellringing. ^belltācen$

bęlt () belt [ balteus]. ^bęlt$

belūcan (be·lūcan) 7 lock up, confine ; close (house) ; enclose (with wall) ; bind (with fetters) ; impede, choke ; protect against. ^belūcan$

belūtian (be·lūtian) lie hid. ^belūtian$

belyrtan (be·lyrtan) deceive, cheat . ^belyrtan$

belytigian (be·lytigian) deceive, entrap. ^belytigian$

bemǣnan (be·mǣnan) lament. ^bemǣnan$

bemetan (be·metan) 5 estimate — hīe hīe selfe tō nohte ne bemǣton thought themselves of no account, hīe hīe ne bemǣton nānes anwealdes they did not consider they had any power. ^bemetan$

bemīþan (be·mīþan) 6 conceal (from) . ^bemīþan$

bemurcian, bemurcnian (be·murc(i)an) murmur, grumble. ^bemurcian$^bemurcnian$

bemurnan (be·murnan) 3 bewail ; care for, take heed of. ^bemurnan$

bemūtian (be·mūtian) exchange (for) on [ mutare]. ^bemūtian$

bemyldan (be·myldan) bury [molde]. ^bemyldan$

bēn, oe, prayer, petition, request. ^bēn$^boen$

~dagas rogation-days. ^bēndagas$

~feorm , ~ięrþ) , ~rīp food, ploughing, harvest-work required from a tenant. ^bēnfeorm$

~tīd prayer-time, rogation-days. ^bēntīd$

~tigþe, -iþ(ig)e successful in prayer, successful ; gracious. ^bēntigþe$^bēnigþe$

gebēn prayer. ^gebēn$

bēna petitioner — ~ wesan request. ^bēna$

benacodian (be·nacodian)*, -nacian lay bare. -nacian -nacodode*. ^benacodian$

benǣman (be·nǣman) deprive [niman]. ^benǣman$

bęnc bench. ^bęnc$

~sittend, ~sittende guest. ^bęncsittend$

~swēg revelry. ^bęncswēg$

~þel bench-floor. ^bęncþel$

bęncian make benches. ^bęncian$

bęnd band, ribbon, chaplet, crown ; bond, chain [bindan]. ^bęnd$

bęndan bind ; stretch, bend (bow). ^bęndan$

beneah (be·neah) -nugon, -nohte, enjoy, have benefit of; require. ^beneah$

benęmnan (be·nęmnan) declare, certify. ^benęmnan$

benēotan (be·nēotan) 7 deprive. ^benēotan$

beneoþan (be·neoþan), -niþan, y , prp. beneath, below. ^beneoþan$

beniman (be·niman) 4 , deprive. ^beniman$

beniþan = beneoþan. ^beniþan$

bęnn wound [bana]. ^bęnn$

~geat opening of a wound. ^bęnngeat$^bęngeat$

~ian wound. ^bęnnian$

benohte beneah. ^benohte$

benotian (be·notian) use up, consume (provisions). ^benotian$

bēnsian supplicate [bēn]. ^bēnsian$

benugon beneah. ^benugon$

benyþan = beneoþan. ^benyþan$

bēo , ~n bee. ^bēo$

~brēad, ~nbrēad beebread, honeycomb. ^bēobrēad$

~nbroþ drink made of honey. ^bēonbroþ$

~ceorl, ~cere bee-keeper. ^bēoceorl$

~gang swarm of bees. ^bēogang$

~mōdor queen-bee. ^bēomōdor$

~þēof stealer of bees. ^bēoþēof$

~wyrt bee-wort, sweet flag. ^bēowyrt$

bēohata (bēo-hata) † warrior, chief. ^bēohata$

bēon, wesan. ^bēon$

bēod table; bowl. ^bēod$

~ærn, bēod(d)ern dining-room, refectory. ^bēodærn$^bēoddern$^bēodern$

~bolla bowl. ^bēodbolla$

~clāþ table-cloth. ^bēodclāþ$

~fæt table-vessel, cup Gl. ^bēodfæt$

~fers grace sung at mealtimes. ^bēodfers$

~gięst guest at meals. ^bēodgięst$

~hrægl table-cloth. ^bēodhrægl$

~lāfa table-leavings. ^bēodlāfa$

~land land for supplying the food of a monastery, glebe-land. ^bēodland$

~genēat meal-companion. ^bēodgenēat$

~gereord, ~gereordu feast. ^bēodgereord$

~scēat napkin. ^bēodscēat$

~wist meal, food. ^bēodwist$

bēodan (bēod|an), ge- 7 offer : him gefeoht ~ challenge to fight ; inflict : him wītu ~ ; behave to, treat (well or ill) : uton ~ oþrum þæt wē willen þæt man ūs ~e ! | announce, proclaim ; bode ; threaten | command, decree, enjoin ~ ūt call out (militia), banish. ^bēodan$

beōdian, beōddian do joiner's work [bēod]. ^beōdian$^beōddian$

beofor beaver. ^beofor$

bēogol, ge~, y forgiving [būgan]. ^bēogol$^gebēogol$^bygol$

beolone = belene. ^beolone$

bēom = bēo am. ^bēom$

bēor †, , beer [bēow]. ^bēor$

~byden beer-barrel. ^bēorbyden$

~hierde butler. ^bēorhierde$

~scealc feaster. ^bēorscealc$

~sęle hall of festivity. ^bēorsęle$

~setl* † bench at banquet. ^bēorsetl$

~þegu beer-drinking. ^bēorþegu$

gebēor boon-companion, guest. ^gebēor$

~scipe, b- convivial meeting, feast. ^gebēorscipe$

beorc birch-tree ; b [bierce]. ^beorc$

gebeorc () barking. ^gebeorc$

beorcan 3 bark ; bark at . ^beorcan$

beorg hill, mountain ; heap of stones, mound. ^beorg$

beorgælfen (beorg|ælfen) oread. ^beorgælfen$

~hliþ hill-slope. ^beorghliþ$

~iht*, beorhtt- mountainous. ^beorgiht$

~seþel mountain dwelling. ^beorgseþel$

~stęde mound. ^beorgstęde$

gebeorg mountain. ^gebeorg$

gebeorg, -rh defence, refuge, safety, precaution. ^gebeorg$^gebeorh$

~lic safe, advisable. ^gebeorglic$

~nes refuge. ^gebeorgnes$

~stōw place of refuge. ^gebeorgstōw$

beorgan (beorg|an), ge- 3 preserve, save ; abstain from injuring, spare ; wiþ guard, save — avoid : hīe him yfel ~aþ, ~aþ ēow wiþ yfel ! | avoid, beware of wiþ. ^beorgan$^gebeorgan$

beorht, y I. bright ; clearsighted ; clear (sounding), loud; magnificent, glorious, noble. II. brightness, light ; sight ; twinkling — ēagan ~ moment. ^beorht$^byrht$

~e brightly ; (see) clearly. ^beorhte$

~hwīl moment. ^beorhthwīl$

~nian, ge~nian*, -brehtnian become bright. ^beorhtnian$

ge~nian*, -brehtnian become bright. ^gebeorhtnian$

~lic bright ; clear-sounding* ; glorious. ^beorhtlic$

~līce brightly ; distinctly. ^beorhtlīce$

~nes brightness, splendour. ^beorhtnes$

~rodor heaven, aether. ^beorhtrodor$

~word clear of speech. ^beorhtword$

beorhtt- = beorgiht*. ^beorhtt$

beorma (beorm|a) yeast. ^beorma$

~tēag*, bea- yeast-box. ^beormtēag$

beorn brave man, warrior, man of rank, rich man, prince, king. ^beorn$

~cyning king of warriors. ^beorncyning$

~þrēat band of warriors. ^beornþrēat$

~wiga warrior. ^beornwiga$

beornan = biernan. ^beornan$

Beornice Bernicians. ^Beornice$

beorþor, byr- childbirth ; fetus [beran]. ^beorþor$^byrþor$

~cwealm dead birth, abortion. ^beorþorcwealm$

~þignen*, byrþ-þīnenn midwife. ^beorþorþignen$

gebeorþor*, y birth. ^gebeorþor$

bēost () biestings, first milk of cow after calving. ^bēost$

bēot promise ; vow ; boast ; threat; danger [ = *bi-hāt]. ^bēot$

~ian promise ; vow; boast. ^bēotian$^gebēotian$

~lic boastful, arrogant ; threatening. ^bēotlic$

~līce threateningly. ^bēotlīce$

bēotung (bēot|ung) threatening. ^bēotung$

~word boast ; threat. ^bēotword$

gebēot vow ; boast ; threatening — tō ~es assiduously (!). ^gebēot$

bēow barley. ^bēow$

beowan = bīewan polish. ^beowan$

bepǣcan (be·pǣc|an) deceive. ^bepǣcan$

~end deceiver. ^bepǣcend$

~estre deceiver, harlot. ^bepǣcestre$

~ung deceiving, alluring Gl. ^bepǣcung$

beprenan, beprīwan. ^beprenan$

bepreþan, beprīwan. ^bepreþan$

beprīwan (be·prīwan), -prēwan*, -prenan [n u], -preþan wink (eye). prēowt-hwīl. ^beprīwan$

beran 4 carry, wear (hat), bring, carry off; produce, bring forth, bear | endure, tolerate ; suffer || ~ ūp open (a case). ^beran$^boren$

bęrian make bare, clear (benches) [bær]. ^bęrian$

bera bear. ^bera$

beræ̂dan (be·ræ̂dan) deprive æt ; deliberate on, prepare ; get the better of. ^berædan$

berǣsan (be·rǣsan) rush. ^berǣsan$

berbene verbena []. ^berbene$

bęre barley. ^bęre$

~corn barley-corn. ^bęrecorn$

~flōr barn-floor. ^bęreflōr$

~gafol rent paid in barley. ^bęregafol$

~græs green barley. ^bęregræs$

~hlāf barley loaf. ^bęrehlāf$

~sæ̂d barley seed. ^bęresæd$

~tūn, bertūn threshing-floor, barn. ^bęretūn$

~wīc hamlet. ^bęrewīc$

berēafian (be·rēafian) despoil, deprive. ^berēafian$

berēcan (be·rēcan) make to smoke. ^berēcan$

beręccan (be·ręccan) relate ; justify, excuse . ^beręccan$

gebęred crushed ; afflicted, oppressed. ^gebęred$

beręgnian (be·ręgnian)*, -rēni- † cause (strife). ^beręgnian$

beren = biren bear's. ^beren$

bęren of barley. ^bęren$

beren = bęrn barn. ^beren$

berenian = beręgnian*. ^berenian$

berēofan (be·rēofan) † 7 deprive . ^berēofan$

berēotan (be·rēotan) 7 bewail. ^berēotan$

berern = bęrn barn. ^berern$

berīdan (be·rīdan) 6 surround on horseback, besiege ; overtake, take possession of, seize. ^berīdan$

berīefan (be·rīefan) deprive . ^berīefan$

berīepan (be·rīepan) despoil, plunder of. ^berīepan$

berige (berig|e), bęrge berry. ^berige$

~dręnc drink made of mulberries. ^berigdręnc$

berihte (be·rihte)*, biryhte close by, by. ^berihte$

berindan (be·rindan) take off bark. ^berindan$

berinnan 3 wet. ^berinnan$

bęrn, beren, berern barn [bęre-ærn]. ^bęrn$^beren$^berern$

~hūs barn. ^bęrnhūs$

berōwan (be·rōwan) I row round. ^berōwan$

geberst breaking, bursting. ^geberst$

berstan bærst 3 burst, break ; dash, break ( waves) ; resound | escape ; fail — gif him āþ burste. ^berstan$

bertun = bęre-tūn. ^bertun$

berwinde (ber-winde) navel-wort. ^berwinde$

besæ̂tian (be·sæ̂tian) lie in wait for, beset. ^besætian$

besārgian (be·sārg|ian) be sorry for ; lament : condole with. ^besārgian$

~ung sorrowing. ^besārgung$

besāwan (be·sāwan) I sow. ^besāwan$

besceadan (be·sceadan) † cast in the shade, overshadow. ^besceadan$

bescēadan (be·scēadan) I b separate ; discriminate ; sprinkle . ^bescēadan$

bescēawian (be·scēaw|ian) look at, survey ; consider, pay regard to ; watch. ^bescēawian$

~odnes vision, sight. ^bescēawodnes$

~ung contemplation. ^bescēawung$

bescęncan (be·scęncan) give to drink . ^bescęncan$

bescēotan (be·scēotan) 7 dart, rush || send, instil (thoughts). ^bescēotan$

bescerwan = bescięrian. ^bescerwan$

bescīelan (be·scīelan)*, ȳ look at on. ^bescīelan$

besciėran (be·sciėran) 4 shear, shave — ~ hine tō prēoste like a priest. ^besciėran$

bescięrian (be·scięr|ian), -scerwan deprive , , fram, of. ^bescięrian$

~ednes deprivation. ^bescięrednes$

bescīnan (be·scīnan) 6 shine upon. ^bescīnan$

bescītan (be·scītan) 6 cover with filth, bedaub. ^bescītan$

bescrepan (be·screpan) 5 scrape. ^bescrepan$

bescūfan (be·scūfan) 7 thrust, throw, precipitate. ^bescūfan$

besęcgan (be·sęcgan) say : him on ~ accuse him ; announce ; plead cause, defend oneself (in court of law). ^besęcgan$

besęllan (be·sęllan) surround . ^besęllan$

besema = besma. ^besema$

besęncan (be·sęncan) sink, plunge. ^besęncan$

besęngan (be·sęngan) singe ; burn. ^besęngan$

besēon (be·sēon) , look up, look about, see ; on , look at, pay regard to || go to see, visit. ^besēon$

besęttan (be·sęttan) set (hope on) ; appoint ; set about, adorn ; beset: searoþancum besęted ; keep, guard ; institute, set going. ^besęttan$

besīdian (be·sīdian) regulate, determine. ^besīdian$

besięrwan (be·sięrwan) ensnare, take by surprise, overcome ; deprive by treachery . ^besięrwan$^besyrwan$

besilfran (be·silfran) silver. ^besilfran$

besincan (be·sincan) 3 sink . ^besincan$

besingan (be·singan) 3 sing incantations over, bewitch ; sing of, bewail. ^besingan$

besittan (be·sittan) 5 besiege, beset, blockade, ūtan ; possess. ^besittan$

besīwan, besīwian (be·sīw(i)an), ēo sew. ^besīwan$^besīwian$

beslæ̂pan (be·slæ̂pan) I b sleep. ^beslæpan$

beslēan (be·slēan) 2 . cut off (head) ; deprive of. ^beslēan$

beslīepan (be·slīepan) slip, put, clothe. ^beslīepan$

beslītan (be·slītan) 6 deprive of by tearing away . ^beslītan$

besma, besema broom ; rod (for beating). ^besma$^besema$

bēsman (bēsm|an) — ge~ed. curved Gl. [bōsm]. ^bēsman$

~ing curve Gl. ^bēsming$

besmierwan (be·smierwan) besmear. ^besmierwan$

besmītan (be·smītan) 6 defile. ^besmītan$

besmitennes (be·smitennes) defilement, impurity [besmītan]. ^besmitennes$

besmittian (be·smittian) defile. ^besmittian$

besmiþian (be·smiþian) work (metals), forge. ^besmiþian$

besmocian (be·smocian) smoke, envelop with incense. ^besmocian$

besnǣdan (be·snǣdan) deprive by cutting, prune. ^besnǣdan$

besnīwian (be·snīwian) snow on, cover with snow. ^besnīwian$

besnyþþan (be·snyþþan) †, -yþede deprive . ^besnyþþan$

beso = baso. ^beso$

besolcen (be·solcen) torpid, inert. ^besolcen$

besorg (be·sorg) subject of solicitude, dear to . ^besorg$

besorgian (be·sorgian) be sorry for ; care for, be solicitous about ; scruple, fear. ^besorgian$

bespanan (be·spanan) 2, I entice, persuade. ^bespanan$

bespearrian (be·spearrian)*, a shut, bar. ^bespearrian$

besprecan (be·sprecan) 5 speak about, complain of, charge. ^besprecan$

bespręngan (be·spręngan) sprinkle. ^bespręngan$

bespyrian (be·spyrian) follow tracks of, trace. ^bespyrian$

bestæppan (be·stæppan) 2 go, proceed. ^bestæppan$

bestandan (be·stand|an) 2 stand round, surround ; afflict — mid ādle ~en. ^bestandan$

bestealcian (be·stealcian) go stealthily. ^bestealcian$

bestecan (be·stecan) 5 close, bar (door). ^bestecan$

bestęfnan (be·stęfn|an) — ~d fringed Gl. ^bestęfnan$

bestelan (be·stelan) 4 , move stealthily, steal || him sum þing on ~ accuse of, charge with. ^bestelan$

bestīeman (be·stīeman) wet [stēam]. ^bestīeman$

bestingan (be·stingan) 3 thrust, push — ~ fȳr on set fire to. ^bestingan$

bestredan = *bestręgdan. ^bestredan$

bestręgdan (be·stręgdan)*, -ēdan bestrew, cover (with earth). ^bestręgdan$

bestrēowian (be·strēowian) bestrew, cover. ^bestrēowian$

bestrīdan (be·strīdan) 6 mount (horse). ^bestrīdan$

bestrīepan (be·strīepan) strip of, plunder . ~ hīe æt landum. ^bestrīepan$

bestrūdan (be·strūdan) 7 despoil, deprive . ^bestrūdan$

bestyrian (be·styrian) heap up Bd. ^bestyrian$

bestyrman (be·styrman) assail, agitate (mind). ^bestyrman$

besūtian (be·sūt|ian) — ~od dirty. ^besūtian$

beswǣlan (be·swǣlan) scorch, burn. ^beswǣlan$

beswāpan (be·swāpan) I cover, envelop mid ; shelter against (wiþ), protect ; ~ him on mōd persuade. ^beswāpan$

beswęmman (be·swęmman) make to swim [swimman]. ^beswęmman$

beswęþian (be·swęþian) bind up, bandage. ^beswęþian$

beswic (be·swic), bi- deceit, treachery ; snare. ^beswic$

~a*, bi- deceiver. ^beswica$

~fealle trap. ^beswicfealle$

~ol deceitful. ^beswicol$

beswīcan (be·swīc|an) 6 deceive ; lead astray seduce (woman) ; offend, scandalizare ; get the better of, conquer, disable. ^beswīcan$

~end deceiver, seducer. ^beswīcend$

~ung deception. ^beswīcung$

beswician (be·swician) escape from, evade ; . be free from (disease). ^beswician$

beswincan (be·swincan) 3 labour at, make with labour ; till (land). ^beswincan$

beswingan (be·swingan) 3 beat, flog. ^beswingan$

besylian (be·sylian), -sw- soil, stain. ^besylian$

bęt better, gōd. ^bęt$

~lic † excellent, magnificent. ^bętlic$

bētan (bēt|an), oe improve ; ~ fȳr make light fire ; reform, make amends for, atone [bōt]. ^bētan$^boetan$

~end builder (?). ^bētend$

~nes reparation, atonement. ^bētnes$

betǣcan (be·tǣcan) . hand over ; hand down (tradition) ; entrust, commit, give in charge of; appoint; send ; pursue, hunt. ^betǣcan$

bēte, oe beet-root [ beta]. ^bēte$^boete$

beteldan (be·teldan) 3 mid cover, surround ; overwhelm (with grief) [geteld]. ^beteldan$

betęllan (be·tęllan) clear oneself (of charge) æt. ^betęllan$

betēon (be·tēon) 6, 7 -tāh, -tēah, -tigen, -togen accuse ; bequeath. ^betēon$

betēon (be·tēon) 7 cover ; enclose, contain. ^betēon$

bętera (bęter|a) gōd good. ^bętera$

~ian, bętrian make better ; trim (lamp) || become better. ^bęterian$

~ung, bęt(t)rung improvement. ^bęterung$^bęttrung$

betierwan (be·tierwan) tar. ^betierwan$

betihtlian (be·tihtlian) accuse. ^betihtlian$

betillan (be·tillan) decoy. ^betillan$

betimbran (be·timbran) build. ^betimbran$

betogenes, betogennes (be·togen(n)es) accusation [betēon]. ^betogenes$^betogennes$

betonice betony (a plant) []. ^betonice$

betredan (be·tredan) 4 tread on. ^betredan$

betręppan (be·tręppan), æ entrap, surprise (enemies' forces). ^betręppan$

betrymman (be·trymman), -trymian besiege. ^betrymman$

bętst, bętest gōd good. ^bętst$^bętest$

~boren eldest. ^bętstboren$

betuh, betweoh = betweox. ^betuh$^betweoh$

betwēonan (be·twēonan), -twēonum ; bitwihn ; -twin-, -twyn-, betwēon between, among — : hwæt biþ ~ mannes and nȳtenes andgyte, gif … : cwǣdon him ~. : be sǣm twēonum. ^betwēonan$

betweox (be·tweox), ~n, -twoxn, -twix, -tweoh, -t(w)uh, -twih, -y-, -hs , between (of space, distinction, &c.), among. between (two dates) ; during — ~ þissum meanwhile. : hī him healdaþ betwuh sibbe. ^betweox$^betweox$^betweoh$^betwuh$^betuh$^betwih$

~ālęgednes interjection. ^betweoxālęgednes$

~āworpennes interjection. ^betweoxāworpennes$

~gangan go between (!). ^betweoxgangan$

~licgan 5 lie between (!). ^betweoxlicgan$

~sęndan send between (!). ^betweoxsęndan$

~gesętt interposed. ^betweoxgesętt$

betwinan = betwēonan. ^betwinan$

betȳnan (be·tȳn|an) enclose (with wall); shut (door), close (opening) — ūte ~ þæt folc shut out ; finish [tūn]. ^betȳnan$

~ing conclusion. ^betȳning$

bęþian (bęþ|ian) bathe, foment [bæþ]. ^bęþian$

~ing hot bath ; fomentation. ^bęþing$

betyrnan (be·tyrnan) prostrate oneself (!). ^betyrnan$

beþearf (be·þearf) -þurfon, -þorfte, require, need. ^beþearf$

beþęccan (be·þęccan) cover, conceal mid. ^beþęccan$

beþęncan (be·þęncan) consider, bear in mind — reflect ; form plan, think of; entrust, trust, confide. ^beþęncan$

beþęnnan (be·þęnnan), -þęnian cover. ^beþęnnan$

beþēodan (be·þēodan) join, associate. ^beþēodan$

beþrāwan (be·þrāwan) I afflict. ^beþrāwan$

beþridian (be·þridian), y circumvent, overcome. ^beþridian$

beþringan (be·þringan) 3 press on ; surround. ^beþringan$

beþryccan (be·þryccan) press on. ^beþryccan$

beþuncan (be·þuncan) † = beþęncan. ^beþuncan$

beþwēan (be·þwēan) 2 wash, wet. ^beþwēan$

beþwēorian (be·þwēor|ian)*, y ~ad depraved Gl. ^beþwēorian$

beþȳn (be·þȳn) -ȳd(d)e thrust, push. ^beþȳn$

beufan = bufan. ^beufan$

beutan = būtan. ^beutan$

bewacian (be·wacian) watch. ^bewacian$

bewadan (be·wadan) † 2 deprive (?). ^bewadan$

bewǣfan (be·wǣfan) wrap round, dress. ^bewǣfan$

bewǣgan (be·wǣgan) deceive, frustrate. ^bewǣgan$

bewǣgnan (be·wǣgnan) (!) † offer . ^bewǣgnan$

bewǣlan (be·wǣlan) afflict. ^bewǣlan$

bewæ̂pnian (be·wæ̂pnian) deprive of weapons. ^bewæpnian$

bewærlan (be·wærlan) pass by. ^bewærlan$

bewarian (be·warian) watch over, guard ; ward off, avoid ; avoid, beware of wiþ . ^bewarian$

bewarnian, bewarenian (be·war(e)nian) wiþ beware of, guard against || ward off (from oneself) : him ~ hellewītu. ^bewarnian$^bewarenian$

bewarnian = bewarenian. ^bewarnian$

bewāt (be·wāt) -witon, -wiste watch over ; superintend, have charge of. ^bewāt$

bewāwan (be·wāw|an) † I — ~en blown upon (by winds) . ^bewāwan$

beweallan (be·weallan) I boil away. ^beweallan$

bewealwian (be·wealwian) wallow. ^bewealwian$

beweardian (be·weardian) guard, watch, protect. ^beweardian$

beweaxan (be·weax|an) I — ~en overgrown . ^beweaxan$

bewęddian (be·wędd|ian) betroth, marry. ^bewęddian$

~endlic relating to marriage. ^bewęddendlic$

~ung betrothal. ^bewęddung$

bewefan (be·wefan) 5 cover. ^bewefan$

bewegan (be·wegan) † 5 cover mid || kill. ^bewegan$

bewēlan (be·wēlan) join. ^bewēlan$

bewęndan (be·węndan) turn; turn (round). ^bewęndan$

bewęnnan (be·węnnan), -węnian entertain (hospitably). ^bewęnnan$

beweorpan (be·weorpan) 3 throw ; surround . ^beweorpan$

bewēpan (be·wēp|an) I bewail, mourn for. ^bewēpan$

~endlic lamentable. ^bewēpendlic$

bewęrian (be·węr|ian) defend ; prohibit. ^bewęrian$

~enes, ~ednes prohibition. ^bewęrenes$

~igend protector. ^bewęrigend$

~ung defence. ^bewęrung$

bewindan (be·windan) 3 twist round, bind, swaddle, wrap mid ; encircle, surround — hēafe ~ bewail ; brandish ; turn over (in mind). ^bewindan$

bewitian (be·witian), eo watch, observe ; watch over ; perform (journey). ^bewitian$

bewlātian (be·wlātian) gaze at, contemplate. ^bewlātian$

bewlītan (be·wlītan) 6 look. ^bewlītan$

bewōpen bewēpan. ^bewōpen$

bewrecan (be·wrec|an) 5 drive, send ; ~en beaten afflicted all round, surrounded . ^bewrecan$

bewręncan (be·wręncan) deceive. ^bewręncan$

bewrēon (be·wrēon) 6, 7 cover mid ; conceal ; protect fram. ^bewrēon$

bewrītan (be·wrītan) † 6 write about (?). ^bewrītan$

bewrīþan (be·wrīþan) 6 bind round, encompass. ^bewrīþan$

bewuna (be·wuna) , in the custom of, wont. ^bewuna$

bewyrcan (be·wyrcan) make | cover, surround, adorn mid, on ; wall in, imprison. ^bewyrcan$

bezera = bæzere. ^bezera$

bicce female dog, bitch. ^bicce$

bīcwide (bī-cwide) proverb. ^bīcwide$

bīd () halt — † on ~ wrecan bring to bay, make to halt. ^bīd$

~fæst † stationary. ^bīdfæst$

~steall halt ~ giefan halt, stand at bay. ^bīdsteall$

bīdan (bīd|an) 6 remain, continue ; await, wait for, wait long enough for, live till, wait till || endure, experience. ^bīdan$

~ing abiding, abode. ^bīding$

biddan (bidd|an) 5 entreat, request, demand, challenge (to duel) æt, : ānwīges bæd; him fultumes bæd ; ~aþ ēow þingunge æt him ! | pray : bad Dryhten for his þēowan hælo ; bitt his sāwle onlihtinge ; þus ~ende : …  gebiddan | command : bæd hine faran. ^biddan$

biddere petitioner. ^biddere$

gebiddan (gebidd|an) 5 pray, worship : for þǣm stǣnendum gebæd ; hē sceal him fore ~ ; ~ aþ þǣre sāwle ! for the soul ; hē nolde him ( hyne) ~ tō Gode ; : ~ ūre wæstma genyhtsumnesse. ^gebiddan$

biderip (bide-rip) = bed-. ^biderip$

bīecnan (bīecn|an), bīcnian, be(a)cnian make signs, nod, beckon ; point out (place), indicate (time) ; show (with words), hint ; signify, be a symbol of ; summon [bēacn]. ^bīecnan$^bīcinan$^beacnian$^becnian$

ge~iend forefinger. ^gebīecniend$

~iendlic allegorical ; indicative (mood). ^bīecniendlic$

~iendlīce allegorically. ^bīecniendlīce$

~ung, ~ing beckoning ; symbol, figure. ^bīecnung$

bīecnol indicating Gl. ^bīecnol$

bīegan (bīeg|an) () bend, bow; turn; force; convert (heathen); humiliate ; overcome || bend ( point of spear) [būgan]. ^bīegan$

ge~ednes inflection (in grammar). ^gebīegednes$

(ge)~endlic flexible. ^gebīegendlic$

~nes flexibility. ^bīegnes$

~ung bending, curvature. ^bīegung$

bīegels arch, vault. ^bīegels$

gebięld boldness [beald]. ^gebięld$

gebięlde*, i bold. ^gebięlde$

bięldan encourage, animate. ^bięldan$

bięldo boldness. ^bięldo$

bīeme (bīem|e) trumpet [bēam]. ^bīeme$

~ere, ~esangere trumpeter. ^bīemere$

~ian sound trumpet. ^bīemian$

bierce (bierc|e), eo, byrc , birch [beorc]. ^bierce$

~holt birch wood. ^biercholt$

biercen of birch. ^biercen$

gebięrded bearded [beard]. ^gebięrded$

bierhtan, eo, bryhtan shine [beorht]. ^bierhtan$^beorhtan$^bryhtan$

gebierhtan make bright ; heighten (beauty) ; make clear distinct ; make famous, celebrate || be bright, shine — also . ^gebierhtan$

bierhto brightness. ^bierhto$

gebierman (gebierm|an) ferment ; leaven — ~ed ; leavened bread ; ~ed puffed up, proud [beorma]. ^gebierman$

biernan 3, A. eo, born, a burn, be burnt down : sēo burg barn ; sēo eorþe wæs tō axan geburnen. ^biernan$

bīesting () thick milk, first milk of cow after calving [bēost]. ^bīesting$

bīetel mallet [bēatan]. ^bīetel$

bīewan*, ȳ, eo polish. ^bīewan$

bifian, eo tremble. ^bifian$^beofian$

bīfylce (bī-fylce) neighbouring people region. ^bīfylce$

big = by. ^big$

bīgęnga (bī-gęng|a), be- cultivator (of land) ; inhabitant ; benefactor [begān]. ^bīgęnga$

~ere one who plies (a trade) ; attendant. ^bīgęngere$

~estre attendant. ^bīgęngestre$

~nes cultivation, study. ^bīgęngnes$

bīgspell = bīspell. ^bīgspell$

bīgyrdel (bī-gyrdel) girdle ; purse ; treasury. ^bīgyrdel$

bile bird's bill, beak. ^bile$

gebilod having a beak. ^gebilod$

bīleofa (bī-leofa) ;«. sustenance, food; wages. ^bīleofa$

bīleofen (bī-leofen), -lifen sustenance, food. ^bīleofen$

bīlewit (bīle-wit), bil(i)-, bilwet-, -witt- gentle, kind ; innocent, simple [bile, hwīt]. ^bīlewit$^biliwit$^bilwet$^bilewett$

~līce innocently. ^bīlewitlīce$

~nes innocence. ^bīlewitnes$

bill sword. ^bill$

~hęte hostility, warfare. ^billhęte$

~geslięht sword-clash, battle. ^billgeslięht$

~swæþ sword-track, field of battle. ^billswæþ$

bīnama (bī-nama) pronoun. ^bīnama$

gebind what is bound together — waþema ~ frozen waves † ; costiveness. ^gebind$

bindan (bind|an) 3 bind , fetter — bunden (sweord) with hilt adorned with gold chains † ; make prisoner, imprison ; be bound (by duty, obligation), be under constraint. ^bindan$

~ere binder. ^bindere$

binde head-band, fillet. ^binde$

binn manger. ^binn$

binnan, beinnan within, in (of place, time) ; into; within, less than. ^binnan$^beinnan$

biren, birene she-bear [bera]. biren, birene

biren, beren of a bear [bera]. ^biren$^beren$

bīsæc (bī-sæc) visit (?). ^bīsæc$

bīsæc (bī-sæc) () litigation. ^bīsæc$

biscep, -op bishop ; high-priest, heathen chief-priest [ episcopus]. ^biscep$^biscop$

~dōm bishopric ; excommunication. ^biscepdōm$

~ealdor high-priest. ^biscepealdor$

~gegięrelan episcopal robes. ^biscepgegięrelan$

~hād bishopric, episcopate. ^biscephād$

~hām bishop's estate. ^biscephām$

~hēafodlīn bishop's head-ornament. ^biscephēafodlīn$

~hīered clergy Gl. ^biscephīered$

~lic episcopal. ^bisceplic$

~rīce bishopric. ^bisceprīce$

~rocc bishop's rochet. ^bisceprocc$

~scīr diocese ; episcopate. ^biscepscīr$

~setl, ~seld, ~seþel episcopal see. ^biscepsetl$

~sinoþ, eo synod of bishops. ^biscepsinoþ$

~stōl episcopal see, bishopric. ^biscepstōl$

~sunu godson at confirmation. ^biscepsunu$

~þegnung, ~þēnung bishop's office. ^biscepþegnung$

~wīte bishop's fee for visiting, procuration fee. ^biscepwīte$

~wyrt marsh-mallow. ^biscepwyrt$

biscepian (biscep|ian), -opian confirm. ^biscepian$

~ung, biscpung confirmation. ^biscepung$

bisn, bisen, y example, pattern — āstęllan, sęttan ~e, āst., st. (hit) tō ~e set (as) example (to be imitated or avoided) ; similar case, parallel ; original (of copy) ; similitude, parable. ^bisn$^bisen$

ge~ere imitator. ^gebisnere$

~ian set give an example (to) ; take example by, imitate : ~ on hiera unþeawum. ^bisnian$

~ung, (ge)~ung example; similar case, parallel. ^bisnung$

bisen-, y blind. ^bisen$^bysen$

bises, ī [ -iss-] † day added in leap-year [ bissextus]. ^bises$

bisgo, bys(i)go occupation, labour ; trouble, care, affliction. ^bisgo$^bysgo$^bysigo$^bisigu$

bisgian (bisg|ian), bys(i)gian occupy , engross (mind) ; trouble, worry, afflict. ^bisgian$^bysgian$^bysigian$

~ung occupation. ^bisgung$

bisig, y busy, occupied. ^bisig$

bismer, by-, -or insult, mockery — on ~ by way of insult ; joke ; blasphemy ; calumny ; ignominy, disgrace — tō ~e gerēnian, getāwian humiliate. ^bismer$^bysmer$^bismor$

~full abominable, disgraceful. ^bismerfull$

~glīw*, ēo shameful lust. ^bismerglīw$

~lēas irreproachable. ^bismerlēas$

bismerlēoþ (bismer|lēoþ) scurrilous song, nenia (!). ^bismerlēoþ$

~lic disgraceful, ignominious. ^bismerlic$

~līce disgracefully ; contemptuously. ^bismerlīce$

~spræ̂c blasphemy. ^bismerspræc$

~word insult. ^bismerword$

bismeran (bismer|an), bismran, by-, -ian insult, mock, deride ; blaspheme, revile ; disgrace, injure, ill-treat. ^bismeran$

~iend mocker. ^bismeriend$

~nes f.; mockery ; blasphemy. ^bismernes$

~ung mockery ; blasphemy ; infamy, being object of contempt. ^bismerung$

ge~ung illusion Gl. ^gebismerung$

bīspell (bī-spell) parable, proverb, example ; story. ^bīspell$

~bōc book of proverbs. ^bīspellbōc$

bissexte leap-year [ bissextus]. ^bissexte$

bist (thou) art. ^bist$

bita morsel, bit [bītan]. ^bita$

bītan (bīt|an) 6 bite — biton heora tēþ him tōgēanes gnashed their teeth at him ; cut, wound. ^bītan$

~a wild beast. ^bīta$

bīte (bīt|e) bite ; cutting, (sword) cut ; cancer. ^bīte$

~mæ̂lum piecemeal. ^bītmælum$

bitel beetle. ^bitel$

biter, tt bitter ; painful, severe (grief, &c.); fierce [bītan]. ^biter$^bitter$

~e, bitre severely, very. ^bitere$

~līce severely : ~ wēpan. ^biterlīce$

~nes bitterness. ^biternes$

~wyrde severe in speech, bitter. ^biterwyrde$

~wyrtdręnc, ~wyrt-dręnc bitter drink. ^biterwyrtdręnc$

biterian be bitter ; make bitter. ^biterian$

bitol bridle [bītan]. ^bitol$

bītol*, bitela biting Gl. ^bītol$

gebitt tōþa ~ gnashing of teeth [bītan]. ^gebitt$

biþ is. ^biþ$

biwāune, bewāwan. ^biwāune$

bīwist (bī-wist) sustenance, provisions. ^bīwist$

bīword (bī-word) proverb, saying; adverb. ^bīword$

bizant bezant, a gold coin [ Byzanteum]. ^bizant$

blāc bright, white ; pale. ^blāc$

~ern, æ lantern. ^blācern$

~hlēor † white- pale-cheeked, fair (woman). ^blāchlēor$

~ian become pale. ^blācian$

~ung pallor. ^blācung$

blǣhǣwen (blǣ-hǣwen), blǣwen, blǣhwen light blue. ^blǣhǣwen$

blæc ink. ^blæc$

blæc black — ~ bęrige blackberry ; swarthy, dark-complexioned. ^blæc$

~feaxede black-haired. ^blæcfeaxede$

~gimm jet. ^blæcgimm$

~pytt naphtha-pit. ^blæcpytt$

~teru, ~teoru naphtha. ^blæcteru$

~þrūst leprosy. ^blæcþrūst$

blǣc leprosy. ^blǣc$

blǣcan make pale, bleach [blāc]. ^blǣcan$

blæcern = blācern lantern. ^blæcern$

blǣco pallor [blāc]. ^blǣco$

blæd leaf; blade (of oar). ^blæd$

blæ̂d I. blowing, blast ; breath ; inspiration; life || prosperity, glory; plenty, riches. II. shoot, flower, fruit ; harvest, crops. blēd [blāwan]. ^blæd$

~āgend, ~āgende prosperous, glorious. ^blædāgend$

~bęlig, y bellows. ^blædbęlig$

~dæg day of prosperity. ^blæddæg$

~fæst †, ge- glorious. ^blædfæst$

~fæstnes*, bleof- delight. ^blædfæstnes$

ge~fæstnes sustenance, provisions. ^geblædfæstnes$

~giėfa giver of prosperity. ^blædgiėfa$

~horn trumpet. ^blædhorn$

~wela riches, plenty. ^blædwela$

blæ̂dnessa blossoms. ^blædnessa$

blæddre = blæ̂dre. ^blæddre$

blæ̂dre, blæ̂ddre blister; bladder [blāwan]. ^blædre$

blǣge gudgeon. ^blǣge$

blæ̂s blowing, blast. blæ̂st. ^blæs$

~bęlg bellows. ^blæsbęlg$

blæse (blæs|e), -ase torch, fire. blyse. ^blæse$

~ere incendiary. ^blæsere$

blæ̂st blowing, blast, wind; flame, glare [blāwan]. ^blæst$

~bęlg, blāst- bellows. ^blæstbęlg$

blæ̂stan blow. ^blæstan$

blæ̂tan bleat. ^blætan$

blǣwen = blǣ-hǣwen. ^blǣwen$

blagettan weep. ^blagettan$

blanca (†) steed, horse. ^blanca$

bland = gebland. ^bland$

gebland what is mixed together, commotion. ^gebland$

blandan (bland|an) † I b mix : ge~en mixed, disturbed ; infected, corrupted, injured (). ^blandan$

~enfeax, ~en-feax † having mixed-coloured grey hair, old. ^blandenfeax$

blase = blæse. ^blase$

blāst = blæ̂st. ^blāst$

blāt sound, cry (?). ^blāt$

blāt † pale, livid. blēat. ^blāt$

blāte (blāt|e) : ~e forbærnan burn with livid flame (?). ^blāte$

~ian* be pale. ^blātian$

~ende pale. ^blātende$

blāwan (blāw|an) I blow ( wind) ; blow (with mouth), breathe; snort ( horse); be blown, sound; ~ende bīeman || blow (trumpet) ; inflate (bladder). ^blāwan$

~ere one who blows (furnace). ^blāwere$

~ung blowing (trumpet). ^blāwung$

blēat † bringing misery, . blāt. ^blēat$

~e miserably . ^blēate$

blēaþ timid, sluggish. ^blēaþ$

blęce blight [blæc]. ^blęce$

blęcþa blight [blæc]. ^blęcþa$

blēd shoot, branch ; fruit, flower [blōwan]. ^blēd$

~hwæt quick-growing (?). ^blēdhwæt$

blēdan (blēd|an) bleed — se ~enda fīc a disease [blōd]. ^blēdan$

bledsian = bletsian. ^bledsian$

bledu dish, bowl, cup. ^bledu$

blegen, blegne boil, ulcer; blister. ^blegen$^blegne$

blegne = blegen. ^blegne$

blęncan deceive, cheat. ^blęncan$

blęndan blind ; deceive [blind]. ^blęndan$

blēo, bleoh [ feoh, feos], blēos, blēo(wu)m colour ; appearance, form. ^blēo$^bleoh$

~bord chess-board. ^blēobord$

~brygd- various colours, changing colours. ^blēobrygd$

~cræft embroidery. ^blēocræft$

~fāg parti-coloured. ^blēofāg$

~rēad purple. ^blēorēad$

~stǣning mosaic work. ^blēostǣning$

geblēo, -bleoh colour [blēo]. ^geblēo$^geblēoh$

geblēod variegated [blēo]. ^geblēod$

bleoh = blēo. ^bleoh$

blēowum, blēo. ^blēowum$

blēre ; blērig (?) bald. ^blēre$

blēripittel (blēri-pittel), blēria pyttel () mouse-hawk. ^blēripittel$

bletsian (blets|ian), blœdsian, bless, consecrate [blōd]. ^bletsian$

~ingbōc, ~ing-bōc book of formulae for blessing. ^bletsingbōc$

~ingsealm, ~ing-sealm the Benedicite. ^bletsingsealm$

~ung blessing. ^bletsung$

blician shine, appear [blīcan]. ^blician$

blīcan 6 shine, glitter ; appear, be laid bare ( bone). ^blīcan$

blice laying bare, exposure (of bone through wound) [blican]. ^blice$

blicettan glitter, vibrate. ^blicettan$

blicettung coruscation. ^blicettung$

blind blind ; unintelligent ; dark (prison) ~ slite wound whose opening is not visible, sēo ~e nętele blind (non-stinging) nettle. ^blind$

geblindfellian, ~fellian blindfold. ^geblindfellian$

~līce blindly ; thoughtlessly. ^blindfellianlīce$

~nes blindness. ^blindfelliannes$

~þearm. caecum. blind þearm (?). ^blindfellianþearm$

blinn cessation — būton ~e. ^blinn$

blinnan 3 cease ; be vacant ( bishopric) ; desist from, forfeit fram [= belinnan]. ^blinnan$

blisgere = blysiere. ^blisgere$

bliss, blīþs joy, merriment, happiness; friendship, grace, benevolence [blīþe]. ^bliss$^blīþs$

~ian, blīþsian rejoice ofer, on. ~ian, blitsian [ bletsian] gladden ; make prosperous, endow. ^blissian$^blīþsian$^blitsian$

~igendlic exulting. ^blissigendlic$

(ge)blissung rejoicing, joy. ^geblissung$

blīþe (blīþ|e) joyful, merry; kind, gentle; calm, peaceful ; pleasant. ^blīþe$

~e, ~elīce gladly, kindly. ^blīþe$

~heort cheerful ; friendly. ^blīþheort$

~mōd, ~emōd cheerful ; friendly. ^blīþmōd$

~nes joy, happiness. ^blīþnes$

bliþs = bliss. ^bliþs$

blīwum,  blēo. ^blīwum$

blōd blood — ~es flōwnes flux of blood; vein. ~ (for)lǣtan bleed. ^blōd$

~drynce bloodshed. ^blōddrynce$

~ęgesa sanguinary horror. ^blōdęgesa$

~fāg † bloodstained. ^blōdfāg$

~forlæ̂tan I b bleed Bd. ^blōdforlætan$

~gēotende sanguinary. ^blōdgēotende$

~gita shedder of blood [ āgieta. ~gyte (?)]. ^blōdgita$

~gyte bleeding ; bloodshed. ^blōdgyte$

~hrǣcung spitting blood. ^blōdhrǣcung$

~hrēow, ~rēow sanguinary. ^blōdhrēow$

~iernende having issue of blood Bd. ^blōdiernende$

~læ̂s, ~læ̂swu (~læ̂s(wu)), ~læ̂s(w)e bloodletting, bleeding. ^blōdlæs$^blōdlæswu$

~læ̂tere blood-letter. ^blōdlætere$

~lēas bloodless. ^blōdlēas$

~gemęnged bloodstained. ^blōdgemęnged$

~orc sacrificial vessel. ^blōdorc$

~rēad blood-red. ^blōdrēad$

~rēow = ~hrēow. ^blōdrēow$

~ryne flux of blood, issue. ^blōdryne$

~seax lancet. ^blōdseax$

~spīwung, blōtspīung spitting blood. ^blōdspīwung$

~wīte fine for bloodshed Gl. ^blōdwīte$

~wyrt bloody dock. ^blōdwyrt$

blōdig bleeding ; bloodstained. ^blōdig$

~tōþ † with bloodstained teeth. ^blōdigtōþ$

blōdgian be bloodthirsty Gl. ; cover with blood. ^blōdgian$

blōma moss of metal. ^blōma$

blōstma (blōstm|a), blōsma, blōstm blossom, flower. ^blōstma$

~bæ̂re, ~berende flowery. ^blōstmbære$

~frēols floral festival Gl. ^blōstmfrēols$

~ian blossom. ^blōstmian$

geblōt heathen sacrifice of human beings — tō blōte gedōn kill as a sacrifice. ^geblōt$

blōtan (blōt|an) I sacrifice mid. ^blōtan$

~ere sacrificer Gl. ^blōtere$

~mōnaþ November. ^blōtmōnaþ$

~ung sacrificing. ^blōtung$

blōwan (blōw|an) I bloom, flower — ge~en blooming. ^blōwan$

~endlic blooming. ^blōwendlic$

blycgan terrify. ^blycgan$

blysa (blys|a), i , ~(ig)e torch, fire. blæse. ^blysa$^blisa$

~iere, blisgere incendiary. ^blysiere$

blyscan blush. ^blyscan$

bōn = bōgan boast. ^bōn$

bōc, bēc, oe, book ; document, charter [bēce]. ^bōc$^bēc$^boec$

~æcer field granted by charter. ^bōcæcer$

~blæc*, e ink. ^bōcblæc$

~ciėst book-chest. ^bōcciėst$

~cræft literature. ^bōccræft$

~cræftig learned. ^bōccræftig$

~fell vellum. ^bōcfell$

~hord library. ^bōchord$

~hūs library. ^bōchūs$

~læden literary Latin. ^bōclæden$

~land l. land held by charter. ^bōcland$

~lār learning, doctrine. ^bōclār$

~lic of books, literary, biblical. ^bōclic$

~ræ̂dere reader. ^bōcrædere$

~ræ̂ding reading books. ^bōcræding$

~rēad vermilion. ^bōcrēad$

~riht right of granting by charter. ^bōcriht$

~gestrēon library. ^bōcgestrēon$

~tǣcing teaching by book ; Scripture. ^bōctǣcing$

~talu Scripture. ^bōctalu$

bōcian grant by charter ; furnish with books. ^bōcian$

bōcere author ; Scribe. ^bōcere$

bōc beech. ^bōc$

~holt beech-copse. ^bōcholt$

~scield shield of beech-wood. ^bōcscield$

~stæf letter, character ; Runic letter. ^bōcstæf$

~trēow beech. ^bōctrēow$

~wudu beech-forest. ^bōcwudu$

(ge)bod command, precept. ^gebod$

(ge)~scipe message, command. ^gebodscipe$

bodlāc decree . ^bodlāc$

bodian (bod|ian) announce, proclaim, preach ; foretell, prophecy. ^bodian$

~ere teacher . ^bodere$

~igend preacher. ^bodigend$

~igendlic to be proclaimed. ^bodigendlic$

~ung preaching. ^bodung$

~ungdæg, ~ung-dæg Annunciation-day. ^bodungdæg$

boda messenger, herald, angel, apostle ; prophet. ^boda$

bodan = botm. ^bodan$

bode bōgan. ^bode$

bodig trunk, body ; stature. ^bodig$

bōg shoulder, arm ; bough, branch (of tree) ; progeny. ^bōg$

~incel small bough. ^bōgincel$

~sciėld shoulder-shield. ^bōgsciėld$

bōgan (bōg|an), bōn, bōgian, prt. bōde boast, . ^bōgan$

~ung, bōung boasting, arrogance. ^bōgung$

bōgian dwell, take up one's abode || inhabit [būan]. ^bōgian$

boga (bog|a) bow (to shoot with) ; bend, fold [būgan]. ^boga$

~efōdder quiver. ^bogefōdder$

~enętt, ~anętt basket for catching fish. ^bogenętt$

bogetung curve Gl. [boga]. ^bogetung$

bōl, oo eel. ^bōl$^bool$

bolca gangway (of ship). ^bolca$

bold dwelling, house, palace [botl]. ^bold$

~āgend house-owner. ^boldāgend$

~getæl regular dwelling-place ; district, region. ^boldgetæl$

~getimber house. ^boldgetimber$

~wela wealth, (splendid) dwelling-place. ^boldwela$

bolgenmōd (bolgen-mōd) † angry [belgan]. ^bolgenmōd$

bolla bowl. ^bolla$

bolster bolster, pillow. ^bolster$

bolstrian support with pillows. ^bolstrian$

bolt bolt, arrow. ^bolt$

bōn ornament of a ship. ^bōn$

~ian polish, burnish. ^bōnian$

bōnda, u householder; free man, plebeian ; husband. [ bōndi]. ^bōnda$^bunda$

bōndeland leased land (?) . ^bōndeland$

bor gimlet. ^bor$

~ian bore, perforate. ^borian$

borlīce accurately, exactly, very. ^borlīce$

borcian bark [beorcan]. ^borcian$

bord board, plank; table ; † shield; framework, side of ship — on ~e in a ship, on board. ^bord$

~hæbbende warrior. ^bordhæbbende$

~haga testudo, phalanx. ^bordhaga$

~hrēoþa, ē phalanx ; shield. ^bordhrēoþa$

~gelāc weapon. ^bordgelāc$

~rand shield. ^bordrand$

~rima rim. ^bordrima$

~stæp shore. ^bordstæp$

~þaca testudo. ^bordþaca$

~weall phalanx; shield; shore, landing-place. ^bordweall$

~wudu shield. ^bordwudu$

borda fringe. ^borda$

geboren born, own (kinsman, brother) [beran]. ^geboren$

borettan brandish [beran]. ^borettan$

borg pledge, security, bail ; person who gives security, surety debtor. ^borg$

~bryce breach of surety bail. ^borgbryce$

~fæst bound by pledge, dependent on. ^borgfæst$

~fæstan bind by pledge — ~ þām cyninge. ^borgfæstan$

~giėlda debtor ; money-lender, usurer, creditor. ^borggiėlda$

~hand pledger, surety. ^borghand$

~lēas without security, for which no pledge has been given. ^borglēas$

~geliefde*, e pledge, security Gl. (?). ^borggeliefde$

~wędd pledge. ^borgwędd$

borgian (borg|ian) borrow æt ; lend. ^borgian$

~iend money-lender, usurer. ^borgiend$

bōsig, -ih cow-stall. ^bōsig$^bōsih$

bōsm, bōsum bosom, breast womb. ^bōsm$^bōsum$

~ig curved Gl. ^bōsmig$

bōt mending ; remedy, cure compensation, satisfaction, atonement, repentance. ^bōt$

~ettan keep in repair. ^bōtettan$

~lēas what cannot be compensated. ^bōtlēas$

~wierþe what can be compensated. ^bōtwierþe$

botl, ge- dwelling, house, building. ^botl$^gebotl$

~gestrēon household property. ^botlgestrēon$

~weard steward. ^botlweard$

~wela village. ^botlwela$

botm, bodan bottom ; ship's keel. ^botm$^bogan$

bōþ, bōgan. ^bōþ$

boþen rosemary ; thyme; darnel. ^boþen$

box () box-tree; box [ buxus]. ^box$

~trēow box-tree. ^boxtrēow$

brachwil (brac-hwil) = bearhtm-hwīl moment. ^brachwil$

braccas breeches. ^braccas$

brād- roasting. ^brād$

~hlāf toast. ^brādhlāf$

~panne frying-pan. ^brādpanne$

brād, brādra, ǣ broad, wide, spacious — ~ hand open hand, palm | copious. ^brād$^brǣd$

~e far and wide. ^brāde$

~æx broad axe. ^brādæx$

~brim ocean. ^brādbrim$

~lāstæx, ~lāst-æx broad axe. ^brādlāstæx$

~elēac broad leek. ^brādelēac$

~nes surface ; extent ; liberality — ~ heortan. ^brādnes$

~þistel sea-holly. ^brādþistel$

brādian be broad ; extend fram … oþ || spread. ^brādian$

bræ̂c rheum [brecan]. ^bræc$

~coþu epilepsy. ^bræccoþu$

~sēoc, ge- lunatic, epileptic. ^bræcsēoc$

gebræ̂c, ~eo phlegm, cough. ^gebræc$

bræ̂d flesh (?). ^bræd$

bræd = brægd trick. ^bræd$

bræ̂dīsen (bræ̂d-īsen) chisel. ^brædīsen$

brǣdan (brǣd|an) broaden, extend (territory) ; increase, extend (fame) ; expand (wings), stretch out (hands) || extend; grow ( trees) [brād]. ^brǣdan$

~els covering, carpet. ^brǣdels$

~ing spreading (fame). ^brǣding$

bræ̂dan (bræ̂d|an) roast; fry. ^brædan$

~epanne, ~ing-panne frying-pan. ^brædepanne$

bræ̂de roast meat. ^bræde$

brǣdo breadth ; extent. ^brǣdo$

brægd, e, brǣd trick, deceit [ gebregd]. ^brægd$^bregd$^brǣd$

~boga treacherous bow. ^brægdboga$

~en crafty. ^brægden$

~wīs crafty. ^brægdwīs$

gebrægden, e cunning. ^gebrægden$^gebregden$

ge~līce cunningly. ^gebrægdenlīce$

brǣdra, ā brād. ^brǣdra$

brægen, bra- brain. ^brægen$^bragen$

~loca head. ^brægenloca$

~panne*, brægp- skull. ^brægenpanne$

~sēoc brain-sick. ^brægensēoc$

bræmel, bræmbel = brēmel. ^bræmel$^bræmbel$

bræs brass. ^bræs$

~en of brass ; † bold, mighty. ^bræsen$

bræ̂þ odour ; exhalation, vapour. ^bræþ$

bræ̂w, brēaw, brēag, brēg eyelid. ^bræw$

bran- . ^bran$

~wyrt bilberry bush. ^branwyrt$

brand fire-brand ; fire ; sword, † . ^brand$

~hāt ardent (love, hate). ^brandhāt$

~hord R. ^brandhord$

~īsen fire-dog, grate. ^brandīsen$

~ōm rust produced by burning, hammer scales. ^brandōm$

~rād ~rida, e fire-dog, grate. ^brandrād$

~stęfn † = brant-. ^brandstęfn$

brant † lofty, high (ship) ; deep (water). ^brant$

~stęfn*, brondstæfn † steep-prowed (ship). ^brantstęfn$

brasian, æ do brass-work [bræs]. ^brasian$^bræsian$

gebrasl, gebrastl crackling (of flames). ^gebrasl$^gebrastl$

brastlian (brastl|ian) crackle, rattle ( thunder, falling tree, fire). ^brastlian$

~ung, barstlung crackling, crashing sound. ^brastlung$

bratt cloak []. ^bratt$

brēad , ~ru morsel, crumb ; bread. ^brēad$

gebredad, gebreadad † regenerated. ^gebredad$^gebreadad$

brēag = bræ̂w. ^brēag$

breahtm, e, æ ; bearhtm, eo, y noise, clamour [brecan]. ^breahtm$^brehtm$^bræhtm$^bearhtm$^beorhtm$^byrhtm$

~ian*, brehtnian, bearhtmian resound. ^breahtmian$^brehtnian$^bearhtmian$

breahtm, breorht atom [bearhtm]. ^breahtm$

breahtm = bearhtm glance. ^breahtm$^breorht$

breard = brerd. ^breard$

brēaþ brittle. ^brēaþ$

brēaw = brǣw eyelid. ^brēaw$

breawern = brēow- brew-house. ^breawern$

brēc breeches, brōc. ^brēc$

~hrægl breeches. ^brēchrægl$

gebrec noise, clamour. ^gebrec$

~dręnc emetic. gebrǣc- (?). ^gebrecdręnc$

brecan (brec|an) 4 break, burst, burst through, penetrate, break down, take by storm (town, fortress) | violate (oath, peace), break (command), curtail, injure, annul | urge, hine firwet bræc he felt curiosity desire || retch — ongann hine ~ tō spiwenne || burst forth ( stream), be violent ( wind) ; make one's way with effort, burst. ^brecan$

brecung breaking (bread). ^brecung$

brecþa grief. ^brecþa$

bred board ; surface ; tablet (of stone). ^bred$

~en = briden of boards. ^breden$

bredwian, breodwian † prostrate. ^bredwian$^breodwian$

brēfan epitomize, set down in writing [ brevis]. ^brēfan$

brēgan (brēg|an) terrify, induce by intimidation [brōga]. ^brēgan$

~nes terror. ^brēgnes$

brega = brego. ^brega$

bregd = brægd trick. ^bregd$

gebregd change (of weather) || skill, cunning [bregdan; brægd]. ^gebregd$

~stafas learning. ^gebregdstafas$

bregdan, brēdan, brægd, brǣd, brugdon, brūdon, brogden, brōden move quickly (hands in swimming, oars), brandish, drag, pull, draw (sword) put: ~ sweord(e), sweord of scēaþe, rāp on his swēoran ; throw (in wrestling) ; draw (breath) | weave | change (colour), transform ( wizard) : ~ blēom, hē brǣd his hīw (form) | deceive || pretend : hē gebrǣd hine sēocne || be transformed on. ^bregdan$^brēdan$^brægd$^brǣd$^brugdon$^brūdon$^brogden$^brōden$

gebregden = brægden cunning. ^gebregden$

brego chief, prince, king. ^brego$

~rīce kingdom. ^bregorīce$

~rōf mighty. ^bregorōf$

~stōl throne; principality, kingdom. ^bregostōl$

~weard chief, king. ^bregoweard$

brehtm = breahtm. ^brehtm$

brembel (bremb|el), ~er = brēmel. ^brembel$

brēme (brēm|e) [œ ?], ē † celebrated, illustrious, famous, noble. ^brēme$

~e gloriously. ^brēme$

~an celebrate, commemorate. ^brēman$

~endlic celebrated. ^brēmendlic$

brēmel, brēmbel, brēmber, æ bramble. ^brēmel$^brēmbel$^brēmber$^bræmber$

~æppel , ~bęrige blackberry. ^brēmelæppel$

~brēr bramble. ^brēmelbrēr$

~lēaf bramble-leaf. ^brēmellēaf$

~rind bramble-rind. ^brēmelrind$

~þyrne bramble. ^brēmelþyrne$

bręmman (bręm|man), *bręmian resound, roar. ^bręmman$

~ung roaring. ^bręmung$

brengan = bringan. ^brengan$

bręnting ship [brant]. ^bręnting$

breord = brerd. ^breord$

brēosa gadfly. ^brēosa$

brēost breast, chest ; mind, heart. ^brēost$

~bān breast-bone. ^brēostbān$

~byden, e breast, chest. ^brēostbyden$

~beorg ~gebeorg ; bulwark. ^brēostbeorg$

~byden chest, thorax Gl. ^brēostbyden$

~caru anxiety. ^brēostcaru$

~cofa mind, heart. ^brēostcofa$

~hord mind, heart. ^brēosthord$

~gehygd †, ~gehȳd thought, mind. ^brēostgehygd$

~līn breast-cloth. ^brēostlīn$

~loca mind. ^brēostloca$

~nętt corslet. ^brēostnętt$

~rocc chest-clothing. ^brēostrocc$

~sefa mind, heart. ^brēostsefa$

~toga chief. ^brēosttoga$

~geþanc thought, mind. ^brēostgeþanc$

~gewæ̂de corslet. ^brēostgewæde$

~wærc pain in the chest. ^brēostwærc$

~weall bulwark. ^brēostweall$

~weorþung ornament on breast. ^brēostweorþung$

~więlm teat ; agitation of mind. ^brēostwięlm$

brēotan † 7 break, destroy, kill. ^brēotan$

Breoten = Breten. ^Breoten$

breoton spacious. ^breoton$

brēowan (brēow|an) 7 brew. ^brēowan$

~ern*, ēa brew-house. ^brēowern$

~lāc, brȳw- brewing. ^brēowlāc$

brēr, ǣ briar. ^brēr$^brǣr$

brerd, eo, ea brim, border; bank ; surface. ^brerd$^breord$^breard$

~full brimful. ^brerdfull$

Breten, eo, y, i, tt, -on Britain. ^Breten$

~land Britain ; Wales. Brettas. ^Bretenland$

~wealda, Bretw- chief king of Britain. ^Bretenwealda$

Brettas (Brett|as), y, i, Britas Britons. ^Brettas$

~land Britain. ^Brettland$

~wēalas, ~walas Britons. ^Brettwēalas$

~wīelisc*, Brytwylsc British. ^Brettwīelisc$

brēþer brōþor. ^brēþer$

bridd, birdas, young bird ; chicken. ^bridd$^birdas$

brīdel bridle. ^brīdel$

~þwang bridle-thong. ^brīdelþwang$

brīdels bridle. ^brīdels$

~hring bridle-ring. ^brīdelshring$

briden, e (wall) of boards [bred]. ^briden$^breden$

brīdlian bridle, restrain. ^brīdlian$

briesan (bries|an)*, ȳ bruise ; season (food). ^briesan$

ge~ednes crushing. ^gebriesednes$

brīg = brīw. ^brīg$

brigd () change [gebregd, bregdan]. ^brigd$

~briht, beorht. ^brigdbriht$

brihtan = bierhtan. ^brihtan$

brim †, y [ brymme] sea, ocean, water (of sea) . ^brim$

~ceald sea-cold. ^brimceald$

~clif sea-cliff. ^brimclif$

~faroþ sea-shore. ^brimfaroþ$

~flōd sea ; deluge. ^brimflōd$

~fugol sea-bird. ^brimfugol$

~gięst sailor. ^brimgięst$

~hęngest ship. ^brimhęngest$

~hlæst fishes. ^brimhlæst$

~lād sea-way. ^brimlād$

~līþend, ~līþende mariner. ^brimlīþend$

~mann sailor, pirate. ^brimmann$

~nesen (?) safe sea-passage. ^brimnesen$

~rād sea. ^brimrād$

~stæþ sea-shore. ^brimstæþ$

~strēam sea's current, sea ; broad river. ^brimstrēam$

~þisa ship. ^brimþisa$

~więlm sea-surge, waves. ^brimwięlm$

~wīsa sea-captain. ^brimwīsa$

~wudu ship. ^brimwudu$

~wylf sea-wolf, she-wolf of the lake. ^brimwylf$

bring offering, sacrifice. ^bring$

bringan (bring|an), ę , † 3 broht, † brungen bring ; bring forth, produce (fruits). ^bringan$

~nes oblation. ^bringnes$

bringe (bring|e)* chest (?). ^bringe$

~ādl epilepsy (?). ^bringādl$

Briten = Breten. ^Briten$

Brittas = Brettas. ^Brittas$

Brittisc, y, Brytisc British [Brettas]. ^Brittisc$

brīw, briig pottage, porridge. ^brīw$^briig$

brīwan prepare (food). ^brīwan$

broc affliction ; labour ; disease [brecan]. ^broc$

~ian afflict ; injure, maim ; oppress. ^brocian$

~lic full of hardship. ^broclic$

~ung affliction ; illness. ^brocung$

gebroc fragment ; affliction, trouble. ^gebroc$

brōc brook. ^brōc$

~minte brookmint. ^brōcminte$

brōc trousers | brēc, ǣ breech, hind quarters ; trousers. ^brōc$

brocc badger. ^brocc$

~en (coat) of badger's skin. ^broccen$

brōd brood, bees ; fetus. ^brōd$

~ig broody (hen). ^brōdig$

broddian be luxuriant = brordian* (?). ^broddian$

brōden bregdan. ^brōden$

brōdettan = brogdettan. ^brōdettan$

brōg|a terror, prodigy, danger. ^brōga$

~þrēa †, brōh- dire calamity. ^brōgþrēa$

brogden, brōden bregdan. ^brogden$^brōden$

~mæ̂l inlaid sword. = brōden mǣl (?). ^brogdenmæl$

brogdettan (brogdett|an), brōdettan brandish || tremble. ^brogdettan$

~ung trembling; figment Gl. ^brogdettung$

brogn-, ge~ branch, twig . ^brogn$^gebrogn$

brord point ; first blade of grass, young plant. ^brord$

brōm broom (the plant). ^brōm$

~fæsten thicket of broom (?) Gl. ^brōmfæsten$

brosnian (brosn|ian) crumble, decay ; perish, pass away. ^brosnian$

~iendlic, ge~odlic corruptible. ^brosniendlic$

ge~ung corruption, ruin. ^gebrosnung$

gebrot fragment [brēotan]. ^gebrot$

broþ broth [brēowan]. ^broþ$

brōþor, brēþer, ~, ge~, brōþru brother ; monk. ^brōþor$^brēþer$^gebrōþor$^gebrōþru$

~bana fratricide (person). ^brōþorbana$

~cwealm fratricide (action). ^brōþorcwealm$

~dohtor niece. ^brōþordohtor$

~giėld vengeance for brothers (?). ^brōþorgiėld$

~leās brotherless. ^brōþorleās$

~lic fraternal. ^brōþorlic$

~licnes brotherliness. ^brōþorlicnes$

~rǣden, ~rǣdenn brotherhood. ^brōþorrǣden$

~sibb relationship between brothers ; brotherly love. ^brōþorsibb$

~slaga fratricide (person). ^brōþorslaga$

~slęge fratricide (action). ^brōþorslęge$

~sunu nephew. ^brōþorsunu$

~þīnen = beorþor-þignen. ^brōþorþīnen$

~wīf sister-in-law. ^brōþorwīf$

~wyrt pennyroyal. ^brōþorwyrt$

gebrōþor, -brōþru brothers. ^gebrōþor$

~scipe brotherhood. ^gebrōþorscipe$

brū , ~(w)a, ~na eyebrow ; eyelid, eyelash. ^brū$

brūcan 7 make use of, enjoy — brocen worn (coat) ; eat ; spend (life) ; possess, keep. ^brūcan$

brūn brown. ^brūn$

~baso purple. ^brūnbaso$

~ęcg † brown-edged (sword). ^brūnęcg$

~eþa erysipelas. ^brūneþa$

~fāg brown-coloured. ^brūnfāg$

~wann dark brown. ^brūnwann$

~wyrt water-betony. ^brūnwyrt$

brycian benefit [bryce]. ^brycian$

bryce (bryc|e) I. breaking ; fragment. II. brittle, worthless [bręcan]. ^bryce$

~mæ̂lum*, bre- piecemeal. ^brycmælum$

gebryce breaking. ^gebryce$

bryce making use of, use, enjoyment [brūcan]. ^bryce$

brȳce, ȳ† useful [brūcan]. ^brȳce$

brycg bridge. ^brycg$

~bōt bridge-repair. ^brycgbōt$

~ian make a bridge, ( ice) ; make plank path. ^brycgian$

~weard bridge-defender. ^brycgweard$

~geweorc bridge-construction. ^brycggeweorc$

brycsian benefit [bryce]. ^brycsian$

brȳd bride; † wife ; † woman. ^brȳd$

~będd nuptial bed. ^brȳdbędd$

~bletsung blessing the bride. ^brȳdbletsung$

~boda bridesman. ^brȳdboda$

~būr, ~cofa bridal chamber. ^brȳdbūr$

~ealo, ~ealoþ marriage feast. ^brȳdealo$

~giėfu dowry ; wedding. ^brȳdgiėfu$

~gift betrothal. ^brȳdgift$

~guma bridegroom. ^brȳdguma$

~lāc marriage ; married life. ^brȳdlāc$

~lēoþ epithalamium. ^brȳdlēoþ$

~lic, ~elic bridal. ^brȳdlic$

~loca bridal chamber. ^brȳdloca$

~lōp wedding [] ^brȳdlōp$

~lufe love of a bride. ^brȳdlufe$

~niht wedding-night. ^brȳdniht$

~rēaf wedding-dress. ^brȳdrēaf$

~ręst nuptial bed. ^brȳdręst$

~sang marriage song. ^brȳdsang$

~þing nuptials. ^brȳdþing$

bryd = brygd. ^bryd$

brȳdian (brȳd|ian) — ge~od married (woman) [brȳd]. ^brȳdian$

brygd, brȳd drawing (weapon) [bregdan]. ^brygd$^brȳd$

~bryht, beorht. ^brygdbryht$

bryhtan = bierhtan. ^bryhtan$

brymme border, shore (of sea) ; sea. brim. ^brymme$

bryne burning, flame(s), fire ; inflammation (of body) [biernan]. ^bryne$

~ādl fever. ^bryneādl$

~brōga fire-terror. ^brynebrōga$

~giėld burnt-offering. ^brynegiėld$

~hāt † burning hot. ^brynehāt$

~lēoma flame. ^brynelēoma$

~tēar hot tear. ^brynetēar$

~więlm conflagration. ^brynewięlm$

brȳne () brine. ^brȳne$

brynig fiery [bryne]. ^brynig$

bryrdan (bryrd|an) stimulate [brord]. ^bryrdan$

~nes stimulus. ^bryrdnes$

Bryten = Breten. ^Bryten$

bryten- breoton. ^bryten$

~cyning great king. ^brytencyning$

~grund spacious earth. ^brytengrund$

~rīce spacious kingdom. ^brytenrīce$

~wangas the world. ^brytenwangas$

brytnian (brytn|ian) deal out, distribute, arrange [brēotan]. ^brytnian$

~ere steward. ^brytnere$

~ung distribution. ^brytnung$

brȳtofta wedding [brȳd, þoft]. ^brȳtofta$

gebrytsen fragment. ^gebrytsen$

gebryttan, -bryted break to pieces ; destroy [brēotan]. ^gebryttan$^gebryted$

brytt a distributor (of wealth), perpetrator (of crime). Lord (of heaven, glory, &c.). ^brytt$

~ian tear to pieces, divide ; distribute ; possess, enjoy ; share, exercise : mægen ~ wiþ metode ( Satan). ^bryttian$

Bryttas = Brettas. ^Bryttas$

Bryttisc = Brittisc. ^Bryttisc$

bryþen brewing — ān ~ mealtes ; drink, beverage [broþ]. ^bryþen$

dwelling. ^bū$

būan (bū|an), būn, būgan, bū(g)ian, būwian, bōgian būde, gebū(e)n, gebūd dwell || inhabit, occupy (house) ; cultivate (land). ^būan$^būn$^būgan$^būgian$^būwian$^bōgian$

~end inhabitant. ^būend$

būc pitcher ; stomach. ^būc$

bucc buck, male deer ; beaver (of helmet). ^bucc$

bucca he-goat. ^bucca$

bufan, beufan (be·ufan) , () above, higher than ; above, away from : be Lygan, xx mīla ~ Lundenbyrig ; , above. þǣr ~ &c. above [ufan]. ^bufan$^beufan$

~cweden, ~nęmd above-mentioned. ^bufancweden$

būgan 7 bow down, stoop ; bend, swerve (sideways up and down) | turn, go ; flee fram | turn (the mind) : ~ tō hǣþenscipe become a heathen, ~ tō woruldþingum, ~ fram yfele avoid ; go over to, submit , rarely gebogen converted (to Christianity). ^būgan$

būgan = būan dwell. ^būgan$

būian = būan. ^būian$

bul, ~a ornament [ bulla]. ^bul$

~berende wearing an ornament Gl. ^bulberende$

bula (bul|a) bull (?) — ~an wylle Ct. ^bula$

bulentse a plant. ^bulentse$

bulluc bull-calf. ^bulluc$

bulot cuckoo-flower. ^bulot$

bunda = bōnda. ^bunda$

bunden bindan bind. ^bunden$

~heord † (?). ^bundenheord$

~stęfna with bound prow. ^bundenstęfna$

ge~nes obligation. ^gebundennes$

būne cup. ^būne$

būr chamber ; cottage, villa. ^būr$

~cniht chamberlain. ^būrcniht$

~cot bedroom. ^būrcot$

~rēaf tapestry. ^būrrēaf$

~geteldt pavilion. ^būrgeteldt$

~þegn, ~þēn chamberlain. ^būrþegn$

gebūr peasant, farmer. ^gebūr$

~gerihtu peasants' rights dues. ^gebūrgerihtu$

~scipe neighbourhood. ^gebūrscipe$

burg, bur(u)h, byrig, burga fortified place ; (fortified) town, city. ^burg$^burh$^buruh$^byrig$^burga$

~āgend city-possessor. ^burgāgend$

~bōt repairing fortress. ^burgbōt$

~bryce burglary; fine for burglary. ^burgbryce$

~ealdor mayor. ^burgealdor$

~fæsten fortress. ^burgfæsten$

~geard castle-yard. ^burggeard$

~geat city-gate. ^burggeat$

~geatsetl, ~geat-setl law-court held at city-gate. ^burggeatsetl$

~hliþ city-slope [ beorg-hliþ ?]. ^burghliþ$

~lagu civil law. ^burglagu$

~land native city. ^burgland$

~lēode citizens. ^burglēode$

~loca city. ^burgloca$

~mann, byrig- citizen. ^burgmann$

~gemōt meeting of townsmen. ^burggemōt$

~ręced city-dwelling. ^burgręced$

~rǣden, ~rǣdenn citizenship. ^burgrǣden$

~gerēfa chief magistrate of a town. ^burggerēfa$

~rūn, ~rūne sorceress. ^burgrūn$

~sæl house. ^burgsæl$

~sæ̂ta citizen. ^burgsæta$

~scipe municipality. ^burgscipe$

~scīr corporation, city. ^burgscīr$

~sęle house. ^burgsęle$

~sittend, ~sittende citizen. ^burgsittend$

~sittende city-dwelling — ~ mann. ^burgsittende$

~spræ̂c urbane speech. ^burgspræc$

~steall city. ^burgsteall$

~stęde city. ^burgstęde$

~tūn city. ^burgtūn$

~þelu castle-floor. ^burgþelu$

~þegn = būrþegn (?). ^burgþegn$

~geþincþ (?) town-council LL. ^burggeþincþ$

~ware, -an , -u citizens; -u city. ^burgware$

~warumann, ~waru-mann citizen. ^burgwarumann$

~wealda alderman. ^burgwealda$

~weall city-wall. ^burgweall$

~weard †, byrig- city-defender, citizen. ^burgweard$

~weg street. ^burgweg$

~wela city-wealth. ^burgwela$

~werod crowd of citizens. ^burgwerod$

~wīgend warrior. ^burgwīgend$

~wita town-councillor. ^burgwita$

burne (burn|e) , burn(n)a, brunna stream, brook. ^burne$^brunna$^burnna$

~sęle bath-house. ^burnsęle$

bute = būton. ^bute$

butere (buter|e) butter [ butyrum]. ^butere$

~flēoge, buttor-, butterfly. ^buterflēoge$

~stoppa butter-vessel. ^buterstoppa$

~geþweor butter. ^butergeþweor$

būton, būtan ; būte () I. outside. II. outside ; without ; free from : ~ hæftnīede ; against, without : ~ þæs cyninges lēafe, ~ lēodrihte ; except — ~ þām þe besides that III. unless ; except that; but; except. ^būton$^būtan$^būte$

butruc, bute-, butu- leather bottle. ^butruc$^buteruc$^buturuc$

butsecarl (butse-carl) sailor . ^butsecarl$

buttuc end; piece of land: on þā ~as Ct. ^buttuc$

butu, bēgen. ^butu$

by, . ^by$

bycgan buy æt ; get done, see after. ^bycgan$^gebohte$

bydel messenger, herald, forerunner ; beadle, police-officer [bēodan]. ^bydel$

byden vessel, tub, barrel ; a measure, bushel. ^byden$

~botm bottom of a vessel. ^bydenbotm$

~fæt bushel. ^bydenfæt$

byffan mutter. ^byffan$

byge traffic [bycgan]. ^byge$

byge curve ; corner ; cone (of helmet) [būgan]. ^byge$

gebygel obedient = gebēogol. ^gebygel$

byht bend [būgan]. ^byht$

byht dwelling [būan]. ^byht$

bylda builder [bold]. ^bylda$

bȳle, bȳl boil, carbuncle. ^bȳle$^bȳl$

byledbrēost (byled-brēost) † puff-breasted. ^byledbrēost$

bylg, bylig, bęlg, æ leather bag bottle ; bellows [belgan]. ^bylg$^bylig$

bylgan bellow. ^bylgan$

byndele, byndelle, i binding (a man) [bindan]. ^byndele$^byndelle$^bindele$

bȳne inhabited, cultivated [būan]. ^bȳne$

gebyrian (gebyr|ian) happen : him ~ede þæt hē wæs … ; be fitting, proper || happen : him nīed ~edehim ~ede þæt feorh earfoþlīce he recovered with difficulty ; befit : stōr ~eþ tō Godes þegnunge ; be assigned to (the devil) [beran]. ^gebyrian$

~edlic suitable. ^gebyredlic$

~edlīce conveniently. ^gebyredlīce$

byrd birth, [beran]. ^byrd$

~scipe child-bearing. ^byrdscipe$

gebyrd, ~o birth ; parentage ; good birth, high rank ; condition, nature — on ~ † according to fate in order (?). ^gebyrd$

~boda announcer of (Christ's) birth. ^gebyrdboda$

~dæg , ~tīd birthday. ^gebyrddæg$

~wiglere, ~wītega astrologer. ^gebyrdwiglere$

gebyrd burdened . ^gebyrd$

byrdan (byrd|an) fringe, embroider [borda]. ^byrdan$

~icge embroideress. ^byrdicge$